The best features for cryptocurrency exchanges and service providers

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3 min readFeb 24, 2020

CYBAVO VAULT is an enterprise digital asset custody and management platform already protecting the digital assets of a few dozens companies worldwide. It allows to create secure wallets and to define policies for each wallet, including transaction limits, multi-level transaction approval process or address whitelist. CYBAVO VAULT also offers a mass wallet management system specifically designed for cryptocurrency exchanges, to easily manage thousands of the users deposit and withdrawal addresses and to integrate those with the existing VAULT wallets.

CYBAVO Wallet SDK helps service providers to easily develop their own cryptocurrency wallets to offer to their end customers. A service provider can choose to create a wallet application or to integrate cryptocurrency wallet features — such as send / receive / query balance — into their existing applications.

Our engineering team keeps hard at work to regularly bring the latest updates and features CYBAVO products. In this post we review some of the greatest features in CYBAVO VAULT and CYBAVO Wallet SDK to allow your company to offer the best digital asset services to your customers.

Non-Fungible Tokens — NFT assets support

Directly manage NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens) assets such as CryptoKitties and CryptoHeroes in CYBAVO VAULT and CYBAVO Wallet SDK. Query NFT information or allow your customers to collect, receive and send NFT from their wallets.

Batch withdrawal for airdrops

This is the most powerful tool for airdrops. Execute 1000+ transactions in one click in CYBAVO VAULT without paying any other fee than the blockchain fee. Use batch withdrawal via file or API for settlements, or to transfer or airdrop your issued tokens to your customers.

Scheduled withdrawal for automated transactions

Automatize your wallets balance management by scheduling one-time or periodic hourly, daily or weekly withdrawals. CYBAVO VAULT also allows you to use balance level as reference, to automatically trigger transactions when a wallet reaches a certain balance. Leverage this feature to regularly transfer salaries to your employees, or to move funds from the Vault Wallet to a Frozen Wallet.

The vast majority of users are not familiar with blockchain, private keys, miners, transaction fees and all the jargon. They just want to use a service or an app, without having to take care of mining fees or to manage a separate wallet for paying the gas needed to execute that application. CYBAVO Wallet SDK enables meta transactions to define how the service provider wants to pay for the gas used by their customers so they don’t have to worry about the mining or transaction fees, they can use crypto as any fiat currency.

ETH smart contract deposit detection on SOFA (Coming soon)

Currently many exchanges do not accept ETH deposit which is coming from smart contract, as transaction occurring on smart contract is an internal transaction and it is not easy to parse. Now CYBAVO SOFA provides the feature “ETH smart contract deposit detection”, enabling a deposit callback whenever there is a deposit coming from any smart contract.

Get in touch with us now and try CYBAVO VAULT enterprise wallet and CYBAVO WALLET SDK for free.

Originally published at on February 24, 2020.



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