.. — / .. … / — — — .-. … . / -.-. — — -.. . / -.. .- -. —

Cyber Discovery
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2018

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Modern society is based on codes — powerful encryption protects and enables everything from banking to you connecting to this site. Throughout history, methods of hiding data from prying eyes and making it transferable over different mediums has had profound impacts on historical events.

Morse code is most commonly known for being used to pass encrypted messages over long distances in WW2.

For budding security experts, learning about the novel ways we used to protect and transfer data helps bring context to and start to understand the substantially more complex methods used today, but most importantly it’s just interesting!

Can you use our Morse code table to decode our secret message?

We’ve been sneaky and not given you the option to copy and paste! Send us a message on one of our social media channels if you can translate our message.

How does Morse code work?

The algorithm is surprisingly simple. Every character in the English language is substituted by a series of .. (dots) and __(dashes) or sometimes, just singular ‘dot’ or ‘dash’ and vice versa.

Every text string is converted into the series of dots and dashes. For this, every character is converted into its Morse code and appended in the encoded message.

Put your code cracking skills to the test!

Have you tried our very own Morse code challenge in CyberStart Game? Have a look at Briefing L7, C5 and see if you can decrypt the message and find the flag!

Find the name of the ship to find the flag

Are you an encryption king or queen? Did you figure out the answer to this CyberStart Game challenge? Unlock your hidden talent for cyber security with the Cyber Discovery programme here.



Cyber Discovery

CyberStart is a collection of tools that will introduce you to the cyber security industry and accelerate your entry into the profession! 💻