What’s What: Chainlink VRF

Yooldo | Trouble Punk | Cyber Galz
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2022

The virtues of blockchain technology include enhanced transparency, credibility and immutability as the technology features also allow network data to be traceable and verifiable. A few weeks ago, MekaVerse was caught up in turmoil about the insider trading allegation ahead of the launch.

To sum up:

Source: https://twitter.com/NFTherder/status/1448750746967683075?s=20
  1. MekaVerse NFT images were stored in a centralized server, not IPFS.
  2. Developers could know which MekaVerse NFTs are the rarest ones before the launch.
  3. A single wallet holder scored the number of high-rarity-ranked Mekas from unrevealed purchases, assumingly by using leaked metadata information of MekaVerse NFTs.
  4. MakaVerse creator team was accused of winning the top-ranked Meka NFTs since the team knew which ones are the rarest.

All of these incidents were uncovered after the MekaVerse reveal, and NFT collectors were outraged about this wrongdoing.

Among several virtues of blockchain technology, Cyber Galz team puts fairness through transparency as a priority value throughout the entire business conduct. Learning an insight from the MekaVerse incident, the team decided to integrate Chainlink VRF with the Cyber Galz NFT minting protocol under the objectives to process provably random NFT distributions.

Chainlink VRF is a cryptographic function that generates publicly verifiable and unpredictable random values. This function is quite efficient when producing an unpredictable and tamper-proof result is highly required on smart contracts.

Cyber Galz dev team is writing a code that all distributed random values for minting are generated via Chainlink VRF, which means the team cannot manipulate and foresee which Galz NFTs are to be minted before NFT distribution is completed. This will ensure us to fulfil a high level of transparency in the market while Galz masters experience truly fair user experience. Aside from these technical aspects, Cyber Galz team will continue to foster trust with our communities and partners at every step of our way.


Yooldo is a gaming platform renowned for its innovative Anti abuse system, Jury DAO. Yooldo’s goal is to pursue inflation-free utility tokenomics as well as aiming to create and cultivate a dynamic gaming ecosystem where users can engage with the games in the platform continuously.

Boasting an impressive track record, the team has won more than 10 prestigious hackathons, including Coinbase, Aptos, BNB, Oasys, and Klaytn, as well as the Google Game Festival and Unity Game Awards. In 2023 Yooldo team successfully completed the investment round with a value of $13M, further solidifying its position in the industry. As a member of the Consensys Scale program, Yooldo benefits from the continuous support from Consensys. Notably Trouble Punk : Cyber Galz stands as Yooldo’s flagship game demonstrating its dedication to delivering an exceptional gaming experience.

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