New World Order ( Roadmap )

Cyber Apes New World
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2022

1st Phase ( Struggle for Life)

To die as a hero or live?

Transition to the New World Order.

Of the 3500 monkeys, only 2000 can survive in the New World Order.

Someone has to perish for others to survive.

Someone has to sacrifice themselves for the continuation of the ape race.

Will you sacrifice for the continuation of the generation? Or do you choose to live?

Remember, your stories will be told for generations. You too can be a hero.

1500 Heroic monkeys that will sacrifice themselves will remain a legend for generations.

And we are sure that one day they will appear in other bodies and mingle with us.

(Be a hero burning system)

2nd Phase (New World Order)

Last 2000 Cyber ​​Apes New World

One free CANW mint for all holders.

Do not forget that the order is being established, we should add new members among us in order for us to grow faster.

We still remember our heroes with respect.

In the new order, it’s time for DAO. All CANW holders have the right to vote on decisions to be made.

10% of the revenue from Mint will be transferred to the CANW Growth Fund, while the CANW income with a special background will be transferred to this wallet, which will be issued regularly, 1 each month.


Phase 1

-Mint will result in success.

- CANW token will be issued in the Bep-20 network and 20% of it will be added as liquidity.

-Become a hero burning system will be introduced.

Stage 2 and beyond

2000 CANW mint events to 2000 CANW holders.

The DAO system will be activated and private rooms will be activated in Discord.

Resources will be transferred to the DAO CANW growth fund and the first DAO decision will be taken.

Along with the New World event. Special gifts will be distributed.

“Our goals will grow continuously and we will support our project with updates that will make you happy.”



Cyber ​​Bapes New World (CBNW) — NFT project will be launched.

Details coming soon….

CANW holders whitelist right (At Special Price)

Metaverse Game

The Metaverse project will be developed.

DJ party and Airdrop event exclusive to holders with the first online event.

Comic Series.

Comic Series that we will jointly release with our artist.

Holders will be able to access online for free.

And more…

Our aim is to sustain our community and to protect and grow them from the first day they walked with us. We will stand before you in a way that keeps up with new ideas and the new world.

With Love,

Cyber Apes New World Team

For More Details, 👇🏻👇🏻

Discord: /cyberapesnw

Website: Coming Soon

Telegram: @CyberApesNewWorld

Twitter: @cyberapesnw




Cyber Apes New World

The Cyber Apes New World is a collection of 3,500 unique 1/1 NFTs in the Ethereum blockchain.