Cyber Arena

The Story

Cyber Arena
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2022


Early 22nd Century

Death rays, radioactive sandstorms, poisonous air, ever-changing harsh climate conditions, unfertile soil… Mars? Venus?

Take a better guess— 22nd-century planet Earth.

It’s 2154. Radiation, famine, and water scarcity made the planet’s surface almost uninhabitable. Modern societies prosper deep underground within self-sustainable Undercities. They may sound like a viable solution for the entire human race, but there’s a small problem — those cities are reserved only for the chosen (read: wealthy) ones and criminal clans.


Those destined to dwell above were doomed. Grounders, as they were commonly known, represented the majority — a lucky few, Scavengers, adapted. Radiation within their bodies caused mutations. Maybe they weren’t pleasing to the eyes, but at least they were useful. Their physique was enhanced — strength, endurance, stamina, eyesight, and other abilities were also improved.

But many other Grounders were not as fortunate. Radiation within their bloodstream caused them to suffer from numerous life-threatening genetic mutations and fatal diseases. It made them weak, hopeless, and easy targets for the well-adapted scavengers. The only help was available deep underground, and that wasn’t an easy journey to take on.

No Man’s Land

Just below the surface lied no man’s land — an area that was a deadly warzone. Clans were battling for territorial control, recruiting scavengers and fierce super soldiers using synthetic body alterations called Symb-Tech. Those modifiers provided devastating abilities and were nearly impossible to acquire.

The Syndicate

A shadowy organization renowned for its militaristic prowess, the Syndicate, is the only armed force standing between the surface (No Man’s Land) and Undercities, including the thriving capital Megacity, ruled by the Corporations.

Despite constant murderous onslaughts between the clans and bloody revolts from within, the ruling militaristic organization of the Undercities (the Syndicate) is powerful enough to put an end to any clans who dare to become too ambitious to pose a threat to it and its goals.

The Megacity’s Corporations

Societal disorder presented a unique opportunity for the world’s biggest corporations, who seized control over the collapsed economy and became unstoppable entities of immense power.

The Megacity’s corporations secretly introduced weaponized Symb-Tech and infiltrated their undercover agents to the underground clans, making them stronger but easier to manipulate. They were spreading disinformation between clans so they could keep slaughtering each other, allowing them to control the poverty-stricken population.

The Cyber Arena

As conflicts between clans spiral out of control, tensions rise within the Syndicate itself, creating rifts in leadership and causing devastating power struggles. To stabilize its control over the Undercities, the Syndicate leadership made the Cyber Arena, a globally televised display of physical violence, bringing in the deadliest mercenaries, swift assassins, and fierce martial artists to compete in brutal single combat deathmatch — a form of twisted entertainment for the wealthy.

No one is safe, as combatants are chosen among the Grounders, worldwide clans, and even from the Syndicate by their unknown tyrannical leader. For those called to enter the Cyber Arena, there were only two choices: refuse and experience unimaginable torture until they finally submit or die during the process or accept and oppose the most violent humans in existence for a chance of winning the crowd’s devotion, incredible amounts of currency, and premium Symb-Tech.

To be continued

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Cyber Arena

First EVER Real-Time P2E Multiplayer Fight Game For Mobile Devices based on Blockchain Technology and inspired by legendary Mortal Kombat and Tekken games alike