Harvest Integration For Copper CRM With Robust Slack Notification Using Zapier

We will go through how to automatically create a client, contact, and project in Harvest whenever an opportunity is marked as won in Copper.

There are two Zaps we must set up here:

  • IF CLIENT DOES NOT EXIST — When Opportunity Has Been Won > Create New Client, Contact, & Project In Harvest + Post To Slack
  • IF CLIENT EXISTS — When Opportunity Has Been Won > Create Project In Harvest (xUnassigned) + Post To Slack

End Result:

End Result (Slack Notification)

When Opportunity Has Been Won > Create New Client, Contact, & Project In Harvest + Post To Slack

Overall Steps Required:

Overall Steps Required
  1. Update Opportunity Status
Update Opportunity Status

2. Set Up Filter by Zapier to Only Continue If

Set Up Filter by Zapier to Only Continue If
  • In this filter we are setting it up to continue only if the Company Type Name text Does not exactly match “Current Customer”.
  • The first time you mark an opportunity as won (for a new client), they will not yet be a “Current Customer” therefore Zapier will tell it to move forward with this task by creating the client and contact inside of Harvest before creating the project.

3. Set Up Harvest Client

Set Up Harvest Client

4. Set Up Harvest Contact

Set Up Harvest Contact

5. Set Up Harvest Project

Set Up Harvest Project

6. Set Up Slack Channel Message (Optional)

Set Up Slack Channel Message (Optional)

Message Text:

Sales opportunity has been *won*!
>Opportunity *<https://app.prosperworks.com/companies/25236/app?p=db#/deal/{{8373346__id}}|{{8373346__name}}>*
>Company *<https://app.prosperworks.com/companies/25236/app?p=db#/organization/{{8373346__company__id}}|{{8373346__primary_contact__company__name}}>*
>Project budget *${{8373346__value}}*

Details added to *Harvest*
>New client created *<https://COMPANYNAME.harvestapp.com/clients/{{9709247__client_id}}/edit|{{9707206__name}}>*
>New contact created *<https://COMPANYNAME.harvestapp.com/clients/{{9709247__client_id}}/contacts/{{9709247__id}}/edit|{{9709247__first_name}} {{9709247__last_name}}>*
>New project created *<https://COMPANYNAME.harvestapp.com/projects/{{8373347__project_id}}|{{8373347__name}}>*

1. Rename project to remove company PO# (<https://COMPANYNAME.harvestapp.com/projects/{{8373347__project_id}}/edit|Harvest>)
2. Create project code & include *%* at end if taxable (<https://COMPANYNAME.harvestapp.com/projects/{{8373347__project_id}}/edit|Harvest>)
3. Create necessary tasks (<https://COMPANYNAME.harvestapp.com/projects/{{8373347__project_id}}/edit|Harvest>)
4. Create new project (<https://app.prosperworks.com/companies/25236/app?p=db#/projects/default|ProsperWorks>)

Bot Icon URL:



  • Be sure to replace the prosperworks url # (e.g. 25236) with your unique company # in your URL.
  • Be sure to also replace your harvest app subdomain with your respective company subdomain.
  • Be sure to replace all “{{######__client_id}}” with the flexible assets available from Harvest & Copper within Zapier.

7. Slack Output Message (END RESULT)

Slack Output Message (END RESULT)
  • The messages in blue are actually clickable links that bring you directly the respective page in either Copper or Harvest to complete the action you need to do.

When Opportunity Has Been Won > Create Project In Harvest (xUnassigned) + Post To Slack

Overall Steps Required:

Overall Steps Required
  1. Update Opportunity Status
Update Opportunity Status

2. Set Up Filter by Zapier to Only Continue If

Set Up Filter by Zapier to Only Continue If
  • In this filter we are setting it up to continue only if the Company Type Name text exactly matches “Current Customer”
  • Any future opportunities you mark as won for an existing client, they will already be labeled as a “Current Client” therefore they will already be set up in Harvest. Because of this, you want this zap to continue and not the prior one.

3. Set Up Harvest Project

Set Up Harvest Project
  • We must temporarily assign the client to “xUnassigned” because unfortunately there is no way for Zapier to know which client ID is associated with the selected Copper Client. This automatic integration is only possible in the previous Zap because it is right then creating the client in Harvest so you have the new client ID available.

4. Set Up Slack Channel Message (Optional)

Set Up Slack Channel Message (Optional)

Message Text:

Sales opportunity has been *won*!
>Opportunity *<https://app.prosperworks.com/companies/25236/app?p=db#/deal/{{8373346__id}}|{{8373346__name}}>*
>Company *<https://app.prosperworks.com/companies/25236/app?p=db#/organization/{{8373346__company__id}}|{{8373346__primary_contact__company__name}}>*
>Project budget *${{8373346__value}}*

Details added to *Harvest*
>New client created *<https://COMPANYNAME.harvestapp.com/clients/{{9709247__client_id}}/edit|{{9707206__name}}>*
>New contact created *<https://COMPANYNAME.harvestapp.com/clients/{{9709247__client_id}}/contacts/{{9709247__id}}/edit|{{9709247__first_name}} {{9709247__last_name}}>*
>New project created *<https://COMPANYNAME.harvestapp.com/projects/{{8373347__project_id}}|{{8373347__name}}>*

1. Move project from *xUnassigned* to *{{8372941__company__name}}* (<https://COMPANYNAME.harvestapp.com/projects/{{8372973__project_id}}/edit|Harvest>)
2. Rename project to remove company PO# (<https://COMPANYNAME.harvestapp.com/projects/{{8372973__project_id}}/edit|Harvest>)
3. Create project code & include *%* at end if taxable (<https://COMPANYNAME.harvestapp.com/projects/{{8372973__project_id}}/edit|Harvest>)
4. Create necessary tasks (<https://COMPANYNAME.harvestapp.com/projects/{{8372973__project_id}}/edit|Harvest>)
5. Create new project (<https://app.prosperworks.com/companies/25236/app?p=db#/projects/default|ProsperWorks>)

Bot Icon URL:



  • Be sure to replace the prosperworks url # (e.g. 25236) with your unique company # in your URL.
  • Be sure to also replace your harvest app subdomain with your respective company subdomain.
  • Be sure to replace all “{{######__client_id}}” with the flexible assets available from Harvest & Copper within Zapier.

5. Slack Output Message (Optional)

Slack Output Message (Optional)
  • The messages in blue are actually clickable links that bring you directly the respective page in either Copper or Harvest to complete the action you need to do.

If you have any questions, feel free to:

If you need assistance setting-up Copper or need help with other Copper Zapier integrations as well as general business automation/software recommendations, feel free to give us a call at (716) 876–1824 or contact us on our website.




Alex Bass
Analysis Paralysis by efficient.app (CyberBytes)

Founder & Head of Product at Efficient App - Business Process Automation & Efficiency Expert