Best Lead Generation Strategy: 2022

Yash Padole
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2022
Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

Nearly 80 of marketers’ primary ambition for content marketing is leading generation, and over half of marketers spend at least half of their budget on commanding generation tactics.

However, it’s critical that you plan ahead to make sure you are maximizing your break to see the results you are after, If you are among these marketers who are doubling down on lead generation.

Having an established content marketing strategy is necessary for any business that wants to ensure alignment between sales and marketing.

Of course, strategy documents take time to complete, but they give you a focus and commodity to relate back to as you progress through the time to ensure you make decisions with your strategy in mind.

6 Key Components of a Documented Lead Generation Strategy-

To help you produce, publish, and amplify your content to work toward your commanding generation ambitions, We have broken down the factors of our validated lead generation strategy.

Map out these six basics to get started on your own -

  1. Content Marketing Goals
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Our team would agree that I’m constantly saying that marketing is constructed to drive sales. Because of this, lead and profit generation are consistent main priorities for our internal marketing crew.

But those overarching aims aren’t specific enough for us to really work toward and achieve them, so we set ambitions around related recess areas where we can make and measure gradual progress.

2. Benchmarks and KPIs

Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

A strategy is only as good as your plan to interpret your performance. In history, marketing and PR fell into the ”vanity metrics” bucket, but that’s no longer the case. Marketing — especially content marketing — can have a measurable strike on companies’ bottom lines.

3. Ideal Client and MQL Profiles

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

While content marketing can be used for maximum B2B companies, we know from being in business for more than 3 years that our services tend to be more impressive in certain industries, so it’s important for us to document our ideal customer profile to ensure that the content we produce and the leads we are bringing in align with what our ideal customer looks like.

4. Marketing Tactics

More content marketing tactics are available than ever before, so it’s important to document which ones you plan to apply throughout the time.

This will keep your squad on track and allow you to properly allocate the tactics to ensure they get completed (or reprioritized if you discover that one tactic is delivering additional ROI or faster ROI than another).

5. Responsibilities Breakdown

Photo by Redd on Unsplash

We’re a small marketing team, so to ensure our finances and talents are being maximized, we include a breakdown of each person’s liabilities as part of our established strategy. We have found so much value in auditing our processes and responsibilities each year to make changes to ensure the right person is completing the right part of each action.

6. Budget Overview

To make the documented strategy completely comprehensive, I would also recommend including a high- level view of the marketing budget.

This is helpful to track throughout the cycle to see where money is going in relation to what was calculated, and it can help determine whether the budget needs to be reallocated based on where results are being seen.

Finally, as you are developing your lead generation strategy, remember that this document shouldn’t be something you make at the beginning of the year and never refer to again.

This strategy should guide every decision your marketing crew makes to ensure that you are a united front working toward common ambitions. Also, this should be a living document.However, change it! The strongest marketing companies are strategy-inclined and adapt as needed to achieve the best results, If you discover that an element of your strategy is definitely not working.

