What is Unique selling Preposition?

Yash Padole
Published in
4 min readJul 16, 2022
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


The unique selling proposition, or unique selling point (USP), is a marketing conception that refers to any aspect or aspect of a service or object that differentiates it from the challenger and highlights its unique benefits to consumers. USP or a unique selling position, is a statement that shortly outlines how your business, product, or service is different from that of your competition. It identifies what makes your business the better choice, and why your target customers should choose you over the competitor.

Importance of USP:-

An easily sufficient USP can be a productive tool to help you shape and concentrate your marketing aims to successfully set your brand and products apart from your competition. A USP that strives to convey unique benefits to consumers is frequently an integral part of a company’s branding strategy that helps it to stay unforgettable and form a positive impression in the consumer’s eyes. What differentiates your products from your competition, but if you don’t communicate that easily to your users through all the marketing collateral you produce, it won’t make a difference.

How to develop strong USP:-

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Remember that a USP isn’t a tagline, but a good tagline will effectively wrap up the full USP in one sentence to make it effect full and digestible.

The purpose of a USP is to answer one question “ Why should a possible customer buy from you?”. A successful unique selling proposition can be just a few words (like a tagline) or a full paragraph, the word count does n’t matter as long as you capture and easily articulate the promise to your customers that makes you different and unique.

Setting your USP starts with broad market research. The first step to establishing a strong connection with your customers is figuring out what motivates their buying opinions and what they look out about.

There are numerous different sales features, such as convenience, quality, benevolence, trustability, cleanliness, customer service, etc., that can impact your customers’ opinions and allure them to come back. Without that knowledge, understanding what matters to your target audience and focusing on it in your marketing materials will be unsolvable.

You must accept market research to find out why your current customers are choosing your brand over your competition. However, probe your competitions and look for areas that you could enhance and innovate.

If you’re just starting out and don’t have customers that could deliver you with such insight. Having a clear understanding of what makes your company special from the very start will help you grow briskly, as further customers will buy from you, and achieve a better brand recall.

USPs are frequently grouped into the following orders: price, quality, service, speed, selection, convenience, guarantee, customization, originality, and specialization gather one that will be at the bone of your promise and work from there.

Nowadays how to uncover your USP and use it to power up your sales:-

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash
  • Put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Too frequently, entrepreneurs fall in love with their product or service and forget that it’s the customer’s requirements, not their own, that they must satisfy. Step back from your day-to-day operations and precisely check what your customers really want. Suppose you have a pizza parlor. Sure, customers come into your pizza place for food. But is food all they want? What could make them come back again and again and ignore your competition? The answer might be quality, convenience, trustability, benevolence, cleanliness, courtesy or customer service.
  • Remember, price is never the only reason people buy. However, you have to find another sales character that addresses the customer’s requirements and also make your sales and promotional efforts around that feature, If your competition is beating you on pricing because they’re larger.
  • Uncover the real reasons customers buy your product rather than a competition’s. As your business grows, you will be suitable to ask your stylish source of information to your customers.

For illustration, the pizza entrepreneur could ask them why they like his pizza over others, plus ask them to rate the significance of the features he offers, like taste, size, constituents, atmosphere and service. You’ll be surprised how honest people are when you ask how you can upgrade your service.

