Inside PC Health Check: Reversing Compatibility Checks — Part 2

Hrvoje Filaković
Published in
12 min readJul 19, 2024


Table of Contents

ㅤㅤProcessor Cores Check
ㅤㅤSecure Boot Check
ㅤㅤㅤㅤSide Mission: Patching the Application
ㅤㅤProcessor Family Check
ㅤㅤTPM Check

If you missed the first part of this blog, be sure to check it out here.

Processor Cores Check

Following all that, next on our list of checks is the check for how many logical processors we have. As the function is simple and not that long, let’s view the decompiled code in the Ghidra.

Figure 28: Decompiled processor core check function.

The first part starts by calling GetActiveProcessorCount() with ALL_PROCESSOR_GROUPS(0xFFFF) symbolic constant. If that parameter is passed it will return the number of active processors in the system.

If I run this in the debugger I should retrieve the amount in the EAX register, so let’s test that out.

Figure 29: Amount of processor cores returned to EAX register.

We can see that it returns the number 3, and that is correct, my VM can use 3 processor cores, which we can confirm in the task manager as well.

Figure 30: Number of processor cores found in task manager.

Then, there is a check for the one-time initialization once again and after that, there is a more important check. It checks whether the retrieved number of processors is less than 2, if true, the function fails the check. So looks like we need 2 or more cores to run the Windows 11.

Secure Boot Check

Looking through seems to be quite a big function, but no worries, it all makes sense if we keep going from top to bottom. We can already see that the first function being called is LoadLibraryExW().

Figure 31: Call to the LoadLibraryExW() with it’s arguments.

The loadLibraryExW() function will load the specified module into the address space of the calling process. We can see the following arguments are needed for the function from the documentation.

Figure 32: Required arguments for the LoadLibraryExW().

lpLibFileName requires a string that specifies the file name of the module to be loaded, we can see from the debugger that it is ntdll.dll library and is loaded in the RCX register. This is a very well-known library in Windows that exports native Windows API functions that are essential for the functioning of various processes and applications.

hFile is reserved and should be set to NULL, we can see that the EDX register sets the NULL by XOR-ing the register by itself.

Lastly, dwFlags specifies the action to be taken upon loading the module. In the debugger, we see the 0x800 (LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32) being loaded into the R8D register. This specifies that system32 will be searched for the DLL and its dependencies (%windows%\system32).

If the function succeeds, the return value will be a handle to the specified module. If we step over the function we can see the handle in the RAX register.

Figure 33: Module handle returned in RAX register.

Our handle to the ntdll.dll library is 00007FFB8F830000. If we follow this address in the memory dump pane, we can see that it starts with “MZ”. MZ is the header (magic bytes) that specifies that this is the start of a Windows executable file.

Figure 34: Memory dump of ntdll.dll library.

The next function that is being called is GetProcAddress().

Figure 35: GetProcAddress() with the required function arguments.

Let’s see what the documentation says about the arguments needed and more.

Figure 36: Required arguments for the GetProcAddress() from Microsoft’s documentation.

For hModule parameter a handle to the specified module needs to be provided. In our case, this is a handle to ntdll.dll found in RAX (returned by the previous function) and then copied to RCX.

lpProcName requires function name which in the debugger is NtQuerySystemInformation(). Its address is loaded in the RDX register.

The return value of the function is the memory address of the specified exported function from the loaded module. In our case, the function should return the address of NtQuerySystemInformation().

Figure 37: Direct call to the NtQuerySystemInformation().

Next up we have a call for 0x7FF6A5629DC8. This is essentially our NtQuerySystemInformation() function. How it works internally, is it makes a system call into Windows Kernel where multiple functions are called. Without going too in-depth, let’s go over the arguments passed so we know what we are supposed to look at and check returned values.

Figure 38: NtQuerySystemInformation() function arguments.

The first argument is SystemInformationClass of type SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS. This indicates which system information should be queried. This is where 0x91 is passed but on MSDN nothing is shown. Seems like we are up against one of those undocumented windows internal structures. While researching around, this website had all the necessary information. What 0x91 represents is SystemSecureBootInformation class.

The second argument is SystemInformation which is a pointer to a buffer that receives the requested information. So the requested information will be located at [rsp+48] and we should check it once the function call is done.

The third argument is pretty simple, it is SystemInformationLength. It is the size of the buffer pointed to by the second argument.

Lastly, the fourth argument is ReturnLength which is an optional pointer to the location where the function writes the actual size of the requested information. In our case, the location is found at [rsp+60].

This is what the SYSTEM_SECUREBOOT_INFORMATION structure looks like:

Figure 39: system_secureboot_information structure.

It is two bool’s, so it makes sense that in assembly it would be [rdi+2] = 2, because it is 2 bytes on both x86 and x64 architectures.

If I step over the function we can see that SystemInformation at [rsp+48] contains byte 00.

Figure 40: Two null bytes retrieved from the function call.

After the NtQuerySystemInformation is called, there is a check if the result is 0. If RAX is 0 then the whole block that contains handling if the function failed is jumped over. In our case function was called normally and we proceeded.

Next, two checks are being performed, one at [rsp+48] and the second one at [rsp+49]. These locations are two bytes from the structure we identified and are SecureBootEnabled and SecureBootCapable.

Figure 41: Secure boot result comparison checks.

So based on the comparisons from our structure, if one of those fails we end up loading error following error messages:

  • “UEFI check failed, need machine capable of SecureBoot”
  • “UEFI check returned unknown eligibility”

As my VM doesn’t have Secure Boot enabled we failed both comparisons and that is why we got the “This PC must support Secure Boot” message upon checking the requirements at the start.

Figure 42: Secure Boot disabled on my virtual machine.

Side Mission: Patching the Application

And what would happen if I were to patch this application and set both SecureBootEnabled and SecureBootCapable as true? Let’s try it.

Now I am at the instructions before the comparisons are made.

Figure 43: Normal execution flow without patching the application.

I will change them both to be 1, meaning that SecureBootEnabled and SecureBootCapable are true. The change is visible at address 0x0000003FE7BE93C8 in the Dump pane of the debugger.

Figure 44: Values from structured modified to be true.

If I make the program run normally, we pass the check and the message is completely different than before.

Figure 45: Secure Boot check passed due to the patched application.

Now only TPM 2.0 is missing 😄. Pretty cool, but this doesn’t make us capable of actually installing Windows 11 of course.

Processor Family Check

One more huge function, but shouldn’t be a problem. First, it will call a memset() function just like before and set the allocated space to 0.

Figure 46: Another memset() call for allocating space.

Following that, we have a call to RegGetValueW() function which retrieves the type and data for the specified registry value.

Figure 47: Call to RegGetValueW() with all of it’s arguments.

So, the first argument is hkey where the handle to an open registry key is placed or a constant value. Here 0xFFFFFFFF80000002 value is being passed which after searching around equates to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE a predefined key (

The next argument is lpSubKey which takes the path of the registry key. In our case, this is the string "Hardware\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0”.

The third argument is lpValue which takes the name of the registry value. In our case, this corresponds to "Platform Specific Field 1”.

The fourth argument is dwFlags which restricts the data type of value to be queried. In our case, this is the [r12+10] value. r12 is 0 and if 10 is added we have 10 again. Looking through documentation 10 equates to RRF_RT_REG_DWORD, this restricted type to REG_DWORD.

5th argument is pdwType which is a pointer to a variable that receives the value’s data. In our case, this is found at [rsp+20].

6th and 7th arguments are both pointers, one points to a buffer that receives the value’s data at [rsp+28] and other on to a variable that specifies the size of the buffer pointed to by the pvData parameter, in bytes found at [rsp+30].

Figure 48: Check after the function is called.

The return value is compared to 0. In my case, the return value is 0 (ERROR_SUCCESS). Then based on the comparison it checks if the result is not signed, if it is signed value then we continue to the next function.

To get a general idea of what was queried from the registry, the following image describes the path and value that was queried.

Figure 49: Queried registry value.

What this Platform Specific Field 1 , it is a registry value to see the processor microarchitecture and which microcode revision is in use.

Since the query was successful we skipped the error message block and continued to our next function call which is GetNativeSystemInfo().

Figure 50: Call to the GetNativeSystemInfo().

This function retrieves information about the current system to an application running under WOW64. WOW64 is just a subsystem in Windows capable of running 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows systems.

Figure 51: Required function arguments from the Microsoft’s documentation.

We can see that as an argument it takes a single parameter called lpSystemInfo. This is a pointer to a SYSTEM_INFO structure that receives the information. Additionally, this function does not seem to have return values.

So, once this function finishes we should receive the gathered information in [rbp-60] the location.

Figure 52: Information retrieved in the previously allocated space.

Luckily MSDN has all of this documented and we can easily gather the information.

Figure 53: Fully documented SYSTEM_INFO structure.

Let’s further check what disassembly says:

Figure 54: Instructions after the call to the GetNativeSystemInfo().

So, 2 Bytes (WORD) are moved from our structure into the EAX register. Then it is tested if it is 0. Since in my case it is not, we continue. If we check what the first WORD is in the documentation, we can see that it is wProcessorArchitecture which is then compared to 9 (PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64).

Since my process is AMD it will take the jump. Next up is one of the coolest instructions I have ever come across that I was not aware of before. It is the CPUID instruction.

Figure 55: Call to an interesting CPUID instruction.

This instruction is used to determine processor type and if some other features are implemented.

Once the instruction is executed, one of the important stuff it does is return the CPU’s manufacturer ID string which is a twelve-character ASCII string stored in EBX, EDX, and ECX (in that exact order).

If I step over the function we can see the following values are set in those registers.

  • EBX — 0x68747541
  • EDX — 0x69746E65
  • ECX — 0x444D4163

Since all of that is in little-endian format we need to convert them back, for example, let’s take the value from EBX which is 0x68747541. If you reverse it back you get 0x41757468. If we were to do it to all of them and connect them we end up with 41757468656E746963414D44. Now change that to ASCII and we get “AuthenticAMD” string.

Figure 56: String comparison for the AMD CPU.

We can see that there is a call to strncmp() function that will compare our retrieved 12-character ASCII with the string “AuthenticAMD”. And we will pass the comparison as I do have an AMD CPU.

You can also see below it, there is a comparison for Intel CPUs as well.

Figure 57: Comparison of the Intel CPUs.

Once that is done and checked the following comparison is made:

Figure 58: Comparisons of the values from the SYSTEM_INFO structure.

As you can see register r14d is compared to 17. r14d essentially loads the value from [rbp-34]. After some time figuring it out, seems like this is the wProcessorLevel member from the SYSTEM_INFO structure.

This member contains an architecture-dependent processor level. In my case r14d register has 0x19 (25 decimal) and it is compared to 0x17 (23 decimal). From some research and asking around these two values represent 64-bit and 32-bit respectively.

From that information, we can conclude that it then checks if processor “level” is less than 0x17 which would mean processors that are 32-bit and older types don’t pass, while processors over 0x17 which are 64-bit or more modern types do pass the check.

With that, we have our check for processor family and type covered. We saw a lot of interesting techniques and methods and what is being compared to get the final result.

TPM Check

And our final boss of all the checks is the check to see if our computer supports TPM 2.0. Let’s dive in.

The first function being called is Tbsi_GetDeviceInfo() which obtains the version of the TPM on the computer.

Figure 59: Call to the Tbsi_GetDeviceInfo() with it’s arguments.

From the documentation, we can see the following function arguments

Figure 60: Required function arguments from the Microsoft’s documentation.

1st argument is Size of the memory location, for us, this is 0x10 (16 Dec). 2nd argument is Info which is a pointer to a TPM_DEVICE_INFO structure that has info regarding TPM which is at [rsp+28].

If the function succeeds, the return value is 0x0 (TBS_SUCCESS). Let’s see what is returned for me. When I step over the function, my EAX register is set to 0x8028400F (TBS_E_TPM_NOT_FOUND). With such an error, I fail other comparisons because my VM doesn’t have TPM enabled at all.

In the case where the return value of 0x0 (TBS_SUCCESS) is returned, the second 4 bytes from the TPM_DEVICE_INFO structure would be checked. This is tpmVersion a member who holds the TPM version from [rsp+2C].

Figure 61: TPM version retrieved from the TPM version.

Later on, this is compared to a value of 2 and then jumps if the value is above or equal. So basically check for TPM 2.0 or above.

Figure 62: TPM version check.

Cool, so this check was super simple, calls a function that fills all the necessary TPM information into a structure and then makes a simple check if TPM 2.0 is enabled. Now, try and patch the application for yourself and see if you can pass the check :).


Wasn’t that a wild rollercoaster?

If you imagined, this was a massive dump of information. As I like to reverse engineer stuff, this was one of the applications that I was interested in. Hopefully, you managed to learn something new, or at least get some experience and see how some methods of reversing are done. We have seen some interesting stuff such as the usage of undocumented Windows APIs and internal structures, cool instructions like CPUID, how some Win32 API functions are used by Microsoft, and more.

As you can see reverse engineering can be a daunting task and can be super confusing at times but trust me, the more you do it the more you are going to be used to it and seeing hex numbers, recognizing little-endian format, etc. It’s a very fun process if you like seeing how things work without having the source code.

