Stop Drowning in Data: Tame Your Azure Logs with KQL

Vedran Brodar
Published in
6 min readJul 8, 2024
Kusto Query Language (KQL) logo — Image courtesy of Microsoft Learn

You’ve probably found yourself in a situation where you have lots of logs coming into your Log Analytics Workspace for Sentinel or Azure Data Explorer and wondered to yourself — “OK I got a lot of stuff coming in but now what? How can I find what I’m searching for in this forest of data?”.

I know for sure that I did once I started working with Sentinel, but once I’ve learned how I can get the necessary data that I need with KQL queries I have really started to enjoy the process.

KQL in a nutshell

KQL is a powerful tool to explore your data and logs, discover different anomalies, and patterns, create visualizations, etc. Language itself is quite easy to read and understand (which was really a sigh of relief on my part) and by using it you can do different queries related to the metrics, telemetry logs, and parsing amongst many other things.

Query schema itself uses entities that are organized in a similar fashion to SQL: databases, tables, and columns.

KQL in different service

By default, KQL is used by many other Microsoft services:

  • Log queries in Azure Monitor
  • Logs inside Microsoft Sentinel Log Analytics workspace
  • Azure Resource Graph with his version of the query language
  • Proactive threat-hunting with advanced hunting in the XDR Defender portal
Sample of KQL queries in Microsoft Defender XDR portal — image courtesy of Microsoft

Query statements

There are 3 kinds of user query statements:

  • Tabular expression statement — is what people usually have in mind when they talk about queries — it is generally composed of tabular data sources such as tables, tabular data operators (such as filters and projections), and optional rendering options.
| where State == "FLORIDA"
| count

The following query counts the number of records in the StormEvents table that have a value of "FLORIDA" in the State column. Composition is represented by pipe character (|), giving the statement a regular form that visually represents the flow of tabular data from left to right.

  • Let statement — is being used to set a variable name equal to an expression or a function. They are handy for:
  1. Breaking up complex expressions into multiple parts which are represented by variable
  2. Defining different constraints outside of the query body for better readability
  3. Defining a variable once and reusing it multiple times
let n= 10; //number
let place = "ILLINOIS"; //string
let cutoff = ago(365d); //datetime
| where EndTime < cutoff and place == State
| take n

This above query filters the StormEvents table to include only those records where:

The EndTime is earlier than the cutoff date (events that ended more than a year ago). The State column matches the string “ILLINOIS”.

It then uses the take operator to return only the first n records from the filtered results, which in this case is 10 records.

Visualization of results based on KQL query on Azure Data Explorer Playground
  • Set statement — A set statement is used to set a request property for the duration of the query. Request properties control how a query executes and returns results. They can be boolean flags, which are false by default, or have an integer value. A query may contain zero, one, or more set statements. Set statements affect only the tabular expression statements that trail them in the program order. Any two statements must be separated by a semicolon.

All of the above-mentioned query statements are separated by a ; (semicolon), and only affect the query at hand.

Azure Data Explored Playground

For testing out these queries Microsoft was also kind enough to provide us a playground on which you log in with your Azure account. This way you can play around with KQL queries using sample provided tables.

In these next few examples I will be using StormEvents table from Samples to showcase different operators that can be used to filter the data, but before that here is a visualization of how filtering down data works in KQL:

KQL visualization how you filter down data to the necessary information you actually need — Image courtesy of Microsoft Tech Community

So here is the sample of the KQL query workflow:

| where StartTime between (datetime(2007-01-01) ..datetime(2007-01-12))
| where EventType == "Flood" or EventType has "Thunderstorm"
| summarize Count = count() by State
| render barchart
  1. On the first line, I have selected StormEvents table
  2. All the new lines start with “|” as I mentioned above I filtered out the logs between the 1st of January and 12th of January, 2007 with between operator
  3. In line 3 I filter it out even more to see just where EventType is either “Flood” or has “Thunderstorm” in the string.
  4. On line 4 with the operator summarize I count the number of all the records by each state
  5. Finally, I use render barchart to visualize data as a graph for each State
Result visualization of the number of Floods and Thunderstorms per State

If for example, I wanted different results to just show me StartTime, State, EventType, and EventNarrative to get more information about what happened I would write something like this:

| where StartTime between (datetime(2007-01-01) ..datetime(2007-01-12))
| where EventType == "Flood" or EventType has "Thunderstorm"
| project StartTime, State, EventType, EventNarrative

As a result, I can see 153 records:

Query more focused on EventNarrative

KQL best practices and docs

This was just a short introduction to the basic capabilities of KQL, below I will provide the list of all the useful docs and best practices.

All of those links were quite useful when I started, but as you can see as long you know what your requirements are, and what you are aiming to find you can narrow it down to that specific log.

In future articles, I will come back to the subject of KQL because it is quite an extensive topic on its own, so stay around for new ones.


As always thank you for reading the article, I hope it was useful and comprehensive. If you’ve liked the article, give me a few claps, share it around, and leave me your feedback. It would mean a lot. On the same note, check out the articles written by Martina on the EDR/MDR/XDR topics and Hrvoje with his articles related to Penetration testing, ethical hacking, and reverse engineering.

For all the questions and all the feedback on the subject, you can find me on LinkedIn and read the rest of our articles on Cyberdnevnik:





Vedran Brodar

Cloud Security Technical Lead, member of Croatian Institute for Cybersecurity, editor for, speaker on CSC and KulenDayz conferences