Cross-Chain Cross-Asset LP Yield Automation.

Hi! Geralt here. Lots of crosses in the title but let me explain.

A visual representation of the only way to fight gas fees. Might be used for IBC.


In the last few weeks we’ve made a strategic decision to structure the liquidity incentivization program and merge this as a feature on V2 version of the platform. This LP Incentive program will launch as an additional feature closer to the end of Q1.

In the short term we have focused on Samurai and getting this ready for market. Samurai development is close to being completed, and we are securing some partnerships to align with this launch.

Our next update will focus on Samurai, but we decided to give you guys a better look into what our Automation focus on LPs has been and what we are moving towards.

Cross-everything and the Future of Automation

In the next 2 months we will heavily focus on Yield Automation. One of the largest Asset types in the DeFi ecosystem are LP tokens.

Currently the LP Yield Systems have been limited to a set number of APY sources, one the biggest problems with these systems have been the inability to cross-swap between many asset types for better returns.

The current Automation Infrastructure Layer we are building for CyberFi V2 will focus on enabling a large number of features previously not available to users and protocols.

We are excited to announce that we will be working on creating the first of its kind Asset Management system for LP assets.

First Feature. Cross-LP Yield.

If you have a ETH/USDT UNISWAP LP you are currently stuck with only the options where to deposit that particular LP.

But if we look at the whole ecosystem we will see that there is variable yield across many similar assets.

9 Identical LP Assets

In the table above we see 9 assets, technically identical, but in the current nature of DeFI they are limited to only their place. And each is supported by a different liquidity mining program.

Through cross-LP Yield Automation users will be able to deposit one of the 9 assets above and at any given day receive the best current APY across all of them.

This works through continuous monitoring asset aggregation and removing and adding liquidity on to different networks through our Automation Layer.

Second Feature. Cross-Chain Yield.

One of the most important pieces of the CyberFI platform will be cross-chain functionality. With that enabled we will take LP Automation to the next level with Cross-chain Yield Automation. Where users depositing an ETH/USD LP from one blockchain will not only be able to get the best returns across all identical assets but also from other blockchains as well.

2021 will be the year of Ethereum competition and we are focused on fully capitalising on this for our users.

We believe that these features will work as a massive evolution of Automation, pushing the manual nature of DeFI to the sidelines.

That’s all for now.

To be frank in essence we are working on like 4 different products all at the same time. Lots of great things to come. Thank you all for supporting CyberFi.

About CyberFi — an Intelligent DeFi Automation Platform

CyberFi’s mission is to bring the DeFi 2.0 experience and add a new infrastructure layer through Automation. Users of our platform will experience zero-stress, automated DeFi trading, farming and yield generation, smaller fees, and tools for Impermanent Loss mitigation.



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