CyberFi: Enabling a New Flood of Liquidity into DeFi. Token Sale Information.


Decentralized exchanges like Uniswap are taking crypto by storm. So much so, that Uniswap regularly does more volume than arguably the leading centralized exchange in the world, Coinbase. The market is massive, but the tools for decentralized exchanges still have a long ways to go.

Liquidity is the most crucial aspect that either makes-or-breaks the value of an exchange. Having access to liquidity, is the foundational in being able to support high-volume trades. The problem with “AMM” style decentralized exchanges like uUniswap though is a problem called “impermanent loss” that occurs when the price of the asset you have in the liquidity pool rises or falls drastically.

This is a HUGE barrier for many people to provide liquidity, as they don’t want to lose tons of money being subjected to impermanent loss. Currently, the only way to “stay protected” is to ALWAYS be watching the charts, and making sure to manually withdraw. With crypto running 24/7, and 10%+ moves regularly happening in a span of minutes, this isn’t feasible.

What we need is an automated way to sell the Liquidity Pool tokens to protect from impermanent loss, when certain price points are hit. Even better, if after that price point is hit, an automated buy/sell of assets can occur as well to protect even further.

Being able to automate this process would open the door to billions of dollars of potential liquidity that was once on the sidelines, now feeling comfortable to join the AMM liquidity game. Additionally this technology will provide a much safer way to participate in liquidity mining as users will be able to automate their exit strategy.

That’s exactly what CyberFi does with it’s Intelligent DeFi Automation Platform. Alpha is ready and we will launch our “Alpha First Users” program in a few days.

The Token Sale for CyberFi will be split into Two rounds:

Round 1 — Alpha Round

Nov 5, 11PM UTC:

$0.5 per token : $175,000 total raised

Round 2 — Cyber Round

Nov 11, 11PM UTC:

$0.6 per token : $270,000 total raised

Launch — Uniswap Listing on Nov 13, 2PM UTC.

To whitelist ahead of time for Alpha and Cyber Rounds, email

For full raise info, visit our Deep Dive Article, our website and join our Telegram.

