CyberFi Staking Launch — $CFi and $CFi/ETH LP

First Staking CyberEra Event.

40 Days — 35 000 $CFi in Rewards.

We are exited to share that we are running ahead of schedule to provide the best features and products for $CFi holders. With the recent Beta Event launched we are now ready to share our Staking Platform.

Users are now able to stake $CFi and $CFi/ETH LPs at

Rewards and Conditions


1. $CFi Pool — 10 000 $CFi in rewards

2. $CFi/ETH LP Pool — 25 000 $CFi in rewards


  1. Users can participate with any amount of $CFi and $CFi/ETH LPs
  2. Staked assets are locked through out the whole CyberEra event (in this case=40 days
  3. Staking Rewards will be locked for the first 20 days of the event and for the next 20 days will be fully unlocked and available for withdrawal.

Buy and Add Liquidity.

🦄 Buy $CFi on Uniswap

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The Staking process is self-explanatory, but if you have questions visit our TG chat for help.


The conditions of the First CyberEra Event are created to benefit holders of $CFi. CyberFi is a company with lots of potential and a grand vision and we do not want to set ourselves up for a high competition between the existing farming plays. On the contrary it is meant to congratulate the users aligned with our vision and the demand on Staking $CFi alone and Uniswap $CFi/ETH LP Tokens.

This is the First CyberEra Event — after 40 days the second one will come, we will access the effectiveness of this first campaign — to make decisions on the next one.

Hint: The Staking Platform is going to have multiple features. This is just the first iteration.

About CyberFi

CyberFi is an Intelligent DeFi Automation Platform.

CyberFi’s mission is to create a user-friendly DeFi experience and add a new layer of features available for Automation. Users of our platform will experience zero-stress, automated DeFi trading and farming, smaller fees and tools for Impermanent Loss mitigation.

CyberFi Links

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CyberFi TG Official Chat Group:

CyberFi TG Announcements Channel:

CyberFi Discord:

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