CyberFi V2 Update


Hi, Geralt here!

Over the last few months, we had a lot of focus on the IDO platform, rest assured that does not take away from the main idea of CyberFi which is an Asset Management Platform focused on Automation.

It’s been a while since the last update, but the team was fully focused on working on and continuously developing V2. Probably some people don’t remember but back in December last year we created the first automated LP order book system with Limit orders on entering and exiting LP positions. It was a great innovation but didn’t scale properly.

Since then we pivoted to a much larger vision — an automation asset management platform that will be the ultimate DeFi tool, for trading, yield generating, and participating in other DeFi projects. We had to start from scratch, onboard a much larger team, and learn along the way.

V2 Status

Currently, V2 is a beta version of a working semi-decentralized asset management platform. Lets go over the main parts of the platform.


That is how we are calling wallets in our internal system, using these wallets allows us to manage your accounts with automation, thus giving users much more capabilities.

Currently, users can create new wallets in the top-right menu. And fund them by having access directly to the Address of that particular Cyber Wallet. This is done for active and easy wallet management. We also have built a naming service for our Cyber Wallets, in the image below you will see that the name of my wallet is Batman.

There are going to be 2 ways for users to keep their funds safe.

1) Ability to export private key at which point that particular Cyber Wallet kills itself on the platform and all the user receives the private key.

2) Clear out the wallet by withdrawing the funds from it.

We are currently working with one of the largest audit firms to create more security and optimize the platform.


It’s pretty standard. We will add more features to it in the future, but mostly working on the design right now and more accurate asset price tracking.

It takes as much time to do a great front-end as it would take to do a whole DeFi MVP project, for me this is painful, but it had to be done. It’s a constant battle around UX/UI and proper element composition.


Currently, we are supporting standard trading on Uniswap V2 and market orders.

Most of the work right now is focused on:

  1. Creating our own parsing system for TX detection and analysis.
  2. Profit and Loss UI and tracking of each token performance
  3. Different types of Orders- mainly limit orders, buy stop & stop loss additionally
  4. Different types of Liquidity providers + Routing, to include Sushiswap and Uni v3
  5. Include top trending tokens from Coingecko and DexTools
  6. Design adjustments


I am a big fan of working hard and developing as much as possible in the shortest time, so for me the hardest realisation was to take our time and build a serious platform with a wide range of functionality. The thing is the more versatility the users have the more difficult the project becomes, basically the more parameters the more potential that something will go wrong.

I know everyone wants everything as soon as, I want it fast as well. But we have to invest in the future, especially after market movements on this where the only thing we can properly bet on is creating a product that will be used by thousands if not hundreds of thousands in the future.

Overall everything is doing good, if we manage to launch this in a good state then it will become the core pillar of our project and allow us to survive for years to come. We will also have a massive marketing event tied to the launch of V2.


  • Private Beta for $CFi Stakers starting on the 16th of June.
  • Weekly Development Updates for the Team, will synchronize with our AMA schedule on Thursdays in the TG Chat.
  • Trading Interface and Limit Orders finished by end of June
  • Additional Liquidity providers added by end of July
  • Cross-chain application by end of August
  • Public Launch later in Q3, we will keep it in private until it is properly done.

Catch me on our now weekly AMAs in the Official Telegram chat

P.S. We updated our main website and updated Samurai as well.

