Netvrk Virtual Land Sale comes to Samurai

The Samurai platform is proud to announce its next offering: we are giving our community the chance to participate in the Netvrk Land Sale. Netvrk is a cutting-edge metaverse that is streets ahead of the competition in terms of technology, development and possibilities. On September 10th, users will have a very special opportunity to buy land parcels according to our Tier System. This is different to every IDO we have done — this is an NFT sale — and it is your ground-floor access to crypto’s highest growth market: Metaverse real estate.

High End Features

Here are a few of the headline features of Netvrk:

  • A team of VR experts have created the most immersive in-game experience, which is also accessible for 2D users for maximum growth.
  • Powered by Unreal Engine. AAA photo-realistic graphics and gameplay are now under your control. It really has to be seen to be believed.
  • Become a virtual property developer — a 21st Century Rockerfeller.
  • Create play-to-earn games, next generation e-commerce experiences and any metaverse asset you can imagine.
  • Rent your land to revenue-share with play-to earn game designers.
  • Or create your own experiences through the drag-and-drop interface. No code required.
  • Build a virtual superstore, where your real-life products can be virtually held and examined, before being bought in-game, with no need to leave the metaverse.
  • Host business conferences or create VR educational courses for a new paradigm of online learning.
  • Create social gatherings, adventure parks and festival events.

Many projects are full of ambition and empty of tech. In comparison, Netvrk has been in development since 2016. It has grown through a tech-first approach into a breath-taking product with capabilities that its competitors can only dream of. Many DeFi users have been caught napping as the stampede of NFTs blustered past and swept up much of the market’s capital along the way. With floor prices of the best projects now out of reach, it’s hard not to feel left behind. That is, unless you are with Samurai.

The limited supply of Netvrk land — up for grabs to the Samurai community — will face an exponentially growing user base seeking to carve out their own value. This is a virtual Wild West, and those willing to claim the frontiers will claim the spoils.

Why would anybody want virtual land? To understand why this is the future, consider this:

When the internet started, nobody knew why people wanted websites, nor why they would send emails. With NFTs such as punks and BAYC, people laughed at the possibility they would accrue value. Now every company in the world has a website and Punks and Apes are amongst the most valuable digital items.

The latter’s popularity comes from the human desires to be connected, to be seen, and to display our strengths, and those sentiments are not going away anytime soon. The Metaverse combines all these things. It gives us not just the chance to display who we are, but to be anything we want. To buy land in the Metaverse is to invest in this concept, and the quality of a piece of virtual land depends on its user experience. The Netvrk Metaverse outshines current competition in every aspect, and its land is likely to be the most sought-after real estate going.

Jump into the Metaverse:

Limitless Creation

The creation process is possible through Netvrk’s immersive design tools. For those who are concerned with buying land because they are not creators or coders — the suite of tools requires no 3D-design or coding knowledge. Stand on your land and use an interactive God-mode to click and drag the environment into the shape you desire. Drag and drop NFT assets into place — buildings, game items, lighting — and decorate features with 2D art.

The game creation is as simple as placing assets and selecting their behaviours from the extensive feature lists. For the more advanced creators and coders, they can earn by creating assets for the marketplace, or from coding complex games, game features and add-ons. Landowners can rent their land out to content creators, and take a share in the revenue generated. Virtual Landowners also benefit by receiving a share of Marketplace revenue, as well as participating in governance.

The Market

Netvrk cannot be pinned to a single market, which is part of its huge strength. It is a social enterprise, a gaming platform, and educational tool and a creative’s paradise. For a glimpse of the potential of Netvrk, here are the market values of some of the sectors Netvrk will take by storm:

The Virtual Events Market — $94.04 billion

The Gaming Market — $152.1 billion

The Education Technology Market — $ 404 billion

The Global Real Estate Market — $152.1 billion

These markets are all experiencing massive growth, and Netvrk’s contribution to them is in such a protected niche that incumbents will not be able to follow. Think of venturing into a virtual business conference, picking up prototypes from start-ups and being pitched ideas in real time. Or of a whole virtual highstreet, where shops ranged from avatar decoration to CAD displays for in-real-life architecture. Or of a training centre specialising in on-site repair of high-end science equipment. What fintech company is doing anything close to this? Certainly none with such mass appeal. The whole world can meet, greet and transact in one place.

The Competition

There are many projects looking to get into this sector but none can match the breadth of Netvrk’s offering. Firstly, the experience is across a multiverse — a collection of Metaverses, divided into their content categories such as education, social and gaming. The experience is completely immersive. In-app purchases happen without need to exit to another screen — they really can happen on the virtual shop floor. Users can also advertise, join parcels of land and create experiences with no knowledge of coding.

The Team

The Netvrk team are VR experts and crypto enthusiasts, headed by CEO Michael Katseli. Michael is the founder of Xmod (previously Intvisco), a VR simulation studio. Xmod creates complex simulation (both graphics and software) for a variety of industries such as high-tech companies, architects, and real estate agencies. The studio has been developing its own API, Netvrk, starting with a prototype of VR goggles self-developed by Michael five years ago. Previously, Michael led and co-founded software development startups in the field of mobile applications, 3D simulations, engineering, and augmented and virtual reality.

Partners and Investors

Netvrk’s growth and achievements have been augmented by a plethora of partnerships and quality investors. The partnerships are not deals on paper only — they’ve added real utility and features to the Netvrk product, such as the partnership with Oraichain providing several AI Oracle solutions for authenticity certification and origin verification in Netvrk’s blockchain-based ecosystem, or AnRKey, a “play to earn” DeFi NFT gaming company that makes it easy for billions of gamers around the world to monetize their game play.

The Details

The Netvrk Metaverse is laid out below. The land is divided into parcels, where the larger parcels are rarer, and the largest of all the parcels — the Epic Parcel — is set to be one of the most desirable of digital assets.

There are 15,000 land parcels in Netvrk, and users of the Samurai platform have access to each of the sizes. The Netvrk Multiverse is a set of regions centred around a central district, which is the hub of the ecosystem. The land bought is planned to be distributed soon, with launch of the platform set for later this year.

There are 5 types of land parcels offered, ranging in size from Epic, Giant, Large, Medium, to Standard. CFi stake holders in the ranges of 100–250–500–1000–3000, as well as the corresponding LP tiers, may purchase parcels according to their corresponding staking tiers directly on Cfi and claim their parcels directly on the Netvrk site upon mint.

Land parcels will go live on September 10th. Parcel allocations available are: 300 Standard, 200 Medium, 50 Large, 5 Giant, and 5 Epic.


About Netvrk

Netvrk is a Metaverse and platform, with powerful creation tools and infrastructure to easily create, share, experience, and monetize creations. With a focus on gaming, education, and virtual workplaces, built around ownership of virtual land and assets.

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About Samurai:

Samurai by CyberFi is a full suite Decentralized Cross-Chain Crowdfunding Launchpad & Stakepad built for the evolution of Defi.

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