Second Batch — CyberFi Mega Month

Hello! Geralt here. Before we start I’d like to thank our community for the support. We literally have 1/3 of all circulating tokens in Staking — if that’s not a show of great Trust and Confidence in CyberFi — then I don’t know what is.

I. Automating Asset Management — CyberFi V2 Platform

Since early December we have started drafting and developing a new version of the platform. Primed for scalability, growth and success. V2 will deliver the Vision of the Future of DeFi that I envisioned starting CyberFi.

Through a new innovative approach to Hybrid Non-Custodial Infrastructure and our Automation Layer we will be able to create a New-Gen DeFi 2.0 Asset Management Platform.

What do we mean by this?

  1. An experience that is akin to centralized exchanges.
  2. See and actually manage all of your assets in one place. Advanced analytics.
  3. Trade in one place, no need to check through multiple platforms — get your Uniswap trading done through one interface. 2 click trading experience — no need to worry about missing trades anymore. Limit orders and other automation techniques for experienced users.
  4. LP management in a way that has never been done before — complete strategy automation based on triggers, time parameters and vaults.
  5. Automatic Yield Management.

Imagine ZapperFi+Uniswap+DEXTools+Limit Orders+Automation(LPs) all in one place and take away the need to constantly click through Metamask. That will be an early version of CyberFi V2.

If you’ve been in DeFi for some time now you would notice that no platforms have yet operated with the Time Parameter and automated interactions based on time. This is a huge opportunity and CyberFi will be the first to release the full potential of this feature.

Through the Automation Layer Cyberfi will seek to bring an actual good UX to the ecosystem. There are too many technical barriers in the manual DeFi space, and to be honest, I never liked how it was initially built, so we have developed a proper infrastructure that will be delivered soon. With V2 we will have the ultimate platform for mainstream adoption.

In DeFi we like to say that building takes time, and it does. Here at CyberFi we are constantly aware that we will be facing competition from companies that have been working in the space since 2018 and have much more funding. But what we have on our side is a great community, an amazing team of developers (literally 2 teams working on multiple solutions in parallel now) and the ability to be bold and experiment. I believe we can really change the space and believe me we are working 24/7 to deliver this.

Some of the Features to come that we will shed more light on as we come closer to the release.

Advanced Automation, GAS Subsidy, Cross-chain Liquidity, APY on Idle Assets and much more…

The release of V2 is planned for the 25th of February.

Here is a preview of our dashboard with some hints on it.

II. Secret Project — Code Name SAMURAI_

Inspired by Cyberpunk’s Samurai logo we named our secret project Samurai as well.

Through our Staking platform and the Tech we developed on the Automation layer we came to the realisation that we can create a great new product taking the best features from existing platforms and our own development.

This is a collaboration between us an a number of funds. We plan to release more information on this in the upcoming weeks.

We will finish development closer to the 10th of February, but there is a number of purely business related factors that will tell if Samurai is ready to be release or not. So stay tuned — I’m very excited about this project as well. It will allow CyberFi to capture a large audience and give us a boost in terms of adoption when we release V2. An amazing addition to the ecosystem.

III. What’s to come

This is not the end of the news coming in from CyberFi, we said it’s a mega month for a reason. I’m not going to name any other dates, but I’ll tell you this we have successfully jumped over a very hectic period in development and biz operations and are now putting very good partnerships in place. Also don’t forget the 26th — launch of the Beta.


$CFi Utility will come with Beta. Massive utility for $CFi will come with V2.

Next CyberEra for Staking will involve additional utility as well.

Moving into Asia. We have a japanese chat now , Korea is next.

About CyberFi

CyberFi is an Intelligent DeFi Automation Platform.

CyberFi’s mission is to create a user-friendly DeFi experience and add a new layer of features available for Automation. Users of our platform will experience zero-stress, automated DeFi trading and farming, smaller fees and tools for Impermanent Loss mitigation.

CyberFi Links

CyberFi Website:

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CyberFi TG Official Chat Group:

CyberFi TG Announcements Channel:

CyberFi Discord:

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