YFLink[LinkSwap] x CyberFi Partnership. Bringing Automation to LinkSwap, Staking Rewards and CyberPunk 2077 Giveaway

LinkSwap x CyberFi Partnership

With the release of LINKSWAP — the next generation Automated Market Maker focused on the LINK community, we believe it is time we join forces to add the much needed automation layer to LINKSWAP.

Marines and Cyber Punks united to bring the future of DeFi.

CyberFi is a layer 2 DeFi solution for Automation. With this partnership we embark on Automating Trading and Complex Events for LINKSWAP.

Our first implementation is going to allow users to automatically Add and Remove Liquidity based on Price Triggers.

Creating a strategy and having a risk management layer around LP Tokens is incredibly valuable as the ecosystem continues to grow. It also allows users to leverage possible staking and liquidity mining opportunities.

Through managing entry and exit into LP Tokens we allow users to battle impermanent loss. Users are often faced with quick market movements that make controlling their LP positions difficult. Automating management of LP tokens based on the movements of the underlying tokens will allow users to pre-set Adding and Removing Liquidity to get in on dips and exit on large divergence from their initial entry.

Our second implementation will be Liquidity Mining Automation. LINKSWAP already has a number of LP Staking pools. Automating the exit strategy from these Liquidity Mining pools will protect users from unexpected impermanent loss and additional losses on the decline in price in the farmed token.

This is a major risk management tool for advanced users. Users will be able to set a price trigger that when activated will automatically unstake their LP tokens, remove liquidity and sell the token that is being farmed.

Our partnership with YFLINK will bring more power to the CyberFi ecosystem and great value for LINKSWAP. Our Beta Event will be coming out shortly — stay tuned. The future of DeFi is Automation — join CyberFi to take part in DeFi 2.0

CFi/Link Pool on LINKSWAP, Staking Rewards and CyberPunk 2077 Giveaway

We will be launching a CFi/Link Pool on LinkSwap. We will also be seeding the pool with roughly 20 000$ worth of CFi and Link.

To reward the $CFi and $Link community we will be giving our 10 000 $CFi over the next 30 days.

How to Trade $CFi/$Link.

Go to Linkswap using this link and trade. Alternatively go here https://linkswap.app/#/swap select LINK and to find $CFi select LINKSWAP Launch List where you can find $CFi (or type CFi in the search bar).

Or you can use Uniswap as usual — https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x63b4f3e3fa4e438698CE330e365E831F7cCD1eF4

To add Liquidity and Participate in Staking visit https://rewards.linkswap.app/ find $CFi and stake.

Uniting CyberPunks (CyberFi) and Marines (YFLINK) calls for a celebration — with that in mind we are announcing a major giveaway of 50 copies of CyberPunk 2077, the most anticipated game of 2020. Over the next 7 days we will be giving our 50 copies of CyberPunk 2077 to stakers of CFi/Link on LINKSWAP.

First 3 days we will be giving away 10 copies of CyberPunk every 24 hours. Next 4 days we will giveaway 5 copies every 24 hours.

We will randomly snapshot holdings staked in the CFi/Link Pool on https://rewards.linkswap.app. You’ll need to stake for at least 18 hours to be eligible for the participation in the CyberPunk 2077 Giveaway.

The Lottery will happen manually. All staked holdings will be counted proportionate to the overall size of the pools. Each address will be accounted for with a unique user number with an X amount of Lottery Tickets. We will raffle those roughly every 24 hours and will announce the winners in our group chat https://t.me/cyberfi_tech

CyberFi is a new-gen Intelligent DeFi Automation Platform.

CyberFi Website: https://cyberfi.tech/

CyberFi Twitter: https://twitter.com/cyberfi_tech

CyberFi TG Official Chat Group: https://t.me/cyberfi_tech

CyberFi TG Announcements Channel: https://t.me/cyberfi

CyberFi Discord: https://discord.gg/qch7QQJhJG

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