Virtual Trainer Software automatizes Training process of all Virtualizer users

Cyberith Virtualizer VR Treadmills
2 min readFeb 14, 2020

Vicky — the Virtual Trainer — teaches how to use VR and the Virtualizer correctly. It teaches novice users directly inside the virtual environment without requiring any help of a real person.

The Virtual Trainer and it’s key features

The Software can be used by all Virtualizer operators, in order to smoothen the process of teaching novice users. It teaches the user in how to use VR and how to use the specific Virtualizer model he or she is standing on.

As an operator, you simply adjust the user inside the Virtualizer, assist with regards to the headset & the controllers and let Vicky do the rest.

Key features of the Virtual Trainer Software include:

  • Easy to understand instructions.
  • Posture Analysis: Checks if the user has the correct upright posture while being in the Virtualizer.
  • Smart Movement Analysis: Reviews the walking movements of the user and provides feedback accordingly.
  • Highly customizable via our Configuration Tool: Add or remove explanations and checks according to specific needs easily.
  • Detects all Virtualizer versions: Instructions optimized for any specific model.
  • If the Virtualizer ELITE 2 is detected, the training process is shortened as walking is much easier in that second generation VR locomotion device.
  • Includes Haptic Feedback of the Virtualizer and the controllers.
  • Ability to automatically launch the Virtual Trainer right before any game or application — without requiring any additional steps to be done by the operator.
Header image of the Video explaining the Virtual Trainer, a Tutorial Software for VR and the Virtualizer
Don’t forget to have a look at the video in top of this article



Cyberith Virtualizer VR Treadmills

Creators of the Virtualizer VR Treadmills for locomotion in virtual reality environments.