CyberKongz Weekly: December 6, 2021

CyberKongz Weekly
14 min readDec 6, 2021


Can you believe there are only a few weeks left in 2021?

It seems only yesterday that we were celebrating the launch of our CyberKongz VX collection in the middle of August.

Now, the weather is colder (at least where I am), there are 3D printed VX models in homes, a collaboration happening with Christie’s x OpenSea, a second Kongz Tank project launching successfully, and under 300 Baby Kongz are left to be born 🤯

So many things have happened in our jungle that it’s hard to keep track of. As always, it’s no different this week and there is a lot to cover this week, so let’s jump right in!


Governance V2 Voting

Important: Remember to vote! All CyberKongz holders have voting power and each vote counts. Please keep in mind we have one of the best projects in the entire space and your vote gives you the ability to steer where this project goes as a Kongmunity. Don’t skip on voting just because you think your 1 OOH doesn’t make a difference, it does 😊

In the latest CyberKongz OOH Comunity Governance, we voted on V2 of our CyberKongz Governance Proposal structure. This version of the community governance is important as we need it in place before we can continue with any new upgrades or features.

The vote took place from November 29 - December 2 and passed unanimously with a 99% Yes! vote.

The key changes that we voted on include the following:

  • For any major upgrade or additional major feature to be added to any part of the CyberKongz contracts and ecosystem, a proposal must reach a quorum of 51% of total !OOH.
  • In addition, a proposal is considered to be successful once 60% of !OOH are in favor.
  • We are researching ways in which to exclude the LP from the voting pool.
  • Activation of community proposals:
    We are starting with a threshold of 30 !OOH for community proposals. Community leaders will be elected to be voices of the community to put forward proposals for those who have less than 30 !OOH voting power.

Thanks again to all the Kongz we showed up, participated, and voted. For those who missed out on this vote, please remember to show up next time as each and every vote is important! 🚨

CyberKongz Charity Auction with Christie’s x OpenSea Off to a Kongish Good Start!

First of all, thanks again to everyone at Christie’s and OpenSea (especially @NonFungibleNoah) for giving us this amazing opportunity!

So far after 2 full days, our CyberKongz Charity Auction in collaboration with Christie’s x OpenSea is off to a Kongish good start!

Even though there is still one more day left, our two Genesis Kongz have 2 of the 3 highest bids in the entire auction. Currently, there is a 40 WETH offer for futuristic shades CyberKongz #46 and a 49.6 WETH offer on the Legendary Skeleton CyberKongz #201.

Of course, as we get closer to the end of the auction tomorrow, expect the bids to come in much faster and higher. So, strap your banana belt on fellow Kongz because tomorrow should be a wild ride! 🍌

BUT as we move into tomorrow, let’s also remember that it’s not about which collection sells for the most money. Of course, we want our Genesis Kongz to do well, but our primary goal is to raise money to further protect our Kongz brothers at sisters at Virunga National Park!

I think one of the coolest parts about this entire auction so far is how it brought our entire Kongz fam together as a community. In preparation for this special occasion, Kongz showed up from all throughout the jungle to put on their Sunday best in celebration of this momentous time in Kongz history.

It has definitely been an unforgettable couple of days of camaraderie and the auction hasn’t even ended yet. Just take a look at how good we all look when we decide to freshen up!

Thanks again to our super talented tailor Kongz @antbrowne_eth, @0rangutaint, and @0xniki for taking the time out of their busy days to custom fit all of us Kongz into beautiful suits.

There is no way we could have looked as clean as we did without the three of you!

Right-Click, Give! and Blankets of Hope

To quote Myoo, “Charity has always been an integral part of CyberKongz since day one, and always will be. NFTs have the power to change the world at large, so let's keep pushing”.

In addition to the charity auction with Christie’s x OpenSea, the CyberKongz will also be participating in the Right-Click, Give! charity fundraising event. The charity event will be one of the largest fundraising events in NFT history and will feature NFTs from some of the top projects and artists in the world.

To take part, we will be auctioning off 1 Baby Kongz and 2 CyberKongz VX and they will be featured next to other notable collections including the littles, Cool Cats, World of Women, and VeeFriends.

The auction will take place from December 20 - 24 and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Blankets of Hope!

If you haven’t heard of Blankets of Hope before, they are a heartwarming organization that not only helps young students practice kindness and empathy but also connects us with those less fortunate than ourselves.

To do this, Blankets of Hope sends participating schools blankets. Once the blankets arrive, students take part in a 30-minute kindness workshop, write a handwritten note for each blanket, and then deliver them to local homeless shelters in their own community.

DCentral Miami

Wow, did the CyberKongz do DCentral Miami big or what?

Over the last week, CyberKongz descended on Miami to party it up, create memories IRL, and most importantly seize the opportunity to introduce our CyberKongz family to a broader audience from around the world.

There was no question our conference booth was the best and will be forever remembered as the place to be at DCentral Miami in 2021! We had an 8-foot tall Myoo Kong Statue, IRL banana parties, a visit from The Axiesisters, and the coolest KongMobile we’ve ever seen thanks to our own @BCC.

BCC’s insane KongMobile. All hand drawn too!
The Axiesisters!
Our DKong007 😊
CyberKongz Private House Party

No doubt the best part is we made a lasting impression on the people we interacted with and even welcomed new members to our Kongmunity right from the conference. I heard a certain @DKong007 even personally helped two visitors pick out their first CyberKongz VX right at our booth.

Now, that’s what the CyberKongz family is all about and that’s how you build brand recognition!

Let’s also not forget to also give a huge round of !oohs and bananas to @conor_frizzelle and his team who worked tirelessly to bring our 8-foot tall Myoo Kongz statue to life in time for the conference.

I know our booth would not have been the same without Myoo standing guard.

ZenApes Sell Out in Minutes!

!monke !monke !monke

On December 5, our second ever Kongz Tank selection ZenApes successfully launched their project and sold out during public mint in a couple of minutes! Then, without wasting any time, the ZenApes Monke Council sniped Genesis Kongz #520 for their community treasury on the same day.

It’s not easy to make it through Kongz Tank, not to mention launch a project, so let’s give our cute, virtuous, and monk-like cousins a huge round of !oohs and bananas for their success so far!

I also think that since they are a Kongz Tank project, it’s a good idea to learn a little more about them and what makes their project so special.

The ZenApes is created by a super friendly and talented Australia-based development team: GronkWizard (Hunter), M1nn1eR1dsy (Minnie), ThunderShrike (George), xxx_Roz_xxx (Rory), and ZenApe (Yilan).

They were inspired to create the ZenApes as a community-driven project and will be guiding the project towards their core values outlined in their Noble Apefold Path:

  • Wisdom: We believe the world is difficult to navigate and want to help our fellow apes make wise choices.
  • Virtue: With virtuous thought comes virtuous action. Each member of our community helps to bring value to others in our community.
  • Mindfulness: We teach apes to find awareness and equanimity in their lives.

100% of the revenues from their initial mint and ongoing secondary sales will be put in the community treasury and be used for metaverse land, community development, charitable causes, and much more.

Most importantly, they have created a peaceful and loving space where anyone can feel supported and welcomed by the community whether they own a ZenApe or not.

On the NFT side, not only are the ZenApes super cute, but they will also be integrating our $BANANA and CyberKongz NFTs as a key component in their ecosystem.

Here are just some of the ways that $BANANA will be used in the ZenApes Universe. I’m guessing there might be more utility announced in the future too:

  • Customization: Use $BANANA to purchase accessories for CyberKongz VX and ZenApes. Also for changing the name and bio of ZenApes.
  • CyberKongz VX P2E: Plan to add utility to CyberKongz VX via a play and earn mechanic in $BANANAS or another ZenApe native token linked to $BANANA.
  • VX Breeding: $BANANA will be required for breeding the ZenApe VX collection which includes loot boxes that contain items for ZenApes and CyberKongz VX. You will need two ZenApes NFTs for breeding and Baby Kongz will also play a part too.
  • Art Gallery Real Estate: $BANANA will be used to purchase art gallery display spots where ZenApe holders can show off their NFTs.

CyberKongz VX Viewer Upgrade + CyberKongz VX 3D Models

Our mad Kong scientists did it again and have upgraded our CyberKongz VX viewer with a complete system overhaul! If you haven’t yet, take a look at your CyberKongz VX in the viewer to see if you can notice the subtle changes in the viewing experience.

The biggest updates made were to improve how glowing textures are handled (such as for our Tron VX) and the lighting has also been improved using a custom solution. Thanks to our Kongz scientist @frosti for working tirelessly to push these improvements through.

Here is a comparison photo of the before and after straight from our Kongz laboratory. Even though the change is subtle, it has a big overall impact on how the CyberKongz VX looks and makes them feel even more realistic IMO.

More updates are planned for this month and into January too so keep your eyes out for more VX viewer announcements.

CyberKongz VX 3D Models Have Landed in New Homes!

Speaking of our CyberKongz VX, the 3D printed models have started to arrive and they look so good!

Don’t forget either that our generous @Coco__Bear is offering a reward of 10 $BANANA to the first 100 people (maybe even 200 people) to take a photo of their 3D printed VX and post it in the #verfied-lounge Discord channel!

Image from StConfucius
Image from Xen0ph0n.eth
Image from zwild2000

Baby Kongz and the Hunt for the Last Legendary CyberKongz VX

We’re getting super close to all our Baby Kongz being born and looking at the numbers, it looks like it will most likely happen before the end of the year!

Wow 🤯

It’s going to be a bittersweet day for many of us as it means the end of an era, but it’s also exciting to think about the future once they’ve all been born.

What’s even more exciting is there is still 1 remaining Legendary CyberKongz VX to be found. The last time a legendary was found was at the end of October when 2 Legendary VX were found in the same week, so we’re due to find the last one very soon!

For those of you who are newer to the community or still researching about CyberKongz, what you should know is that each new Baby Kong that is born also has a free CyberKongz VX roll to claim. With this roll, there is a chance to hit an elusive and extremely valuable Legendary CyberKongz VX.

As of the early morning of 12/6, there are only 266 Baby Kongz left to be born. In the last 2 weeks, 230 new Baby Kongz were welcomed into the jungle, which is an average of ~16 Baby Kongz born per day.

At the current rate of ~16 babies per day, the remaining Baby Kongz should be born in just over 2 weeks!!

Here is how our cute Baby Kongz are doing as of 12/6:

  • Baby Kongz Born: 3,499
  • Baby Kongz Left to Be Born: 266
  • Incubator Baby Kongz: 235
  • Legendary VX Kongz Left: 1

Smol Highlights From Our Kongmunity

Every week so many things happen in our lovely Kongmunity that it's hard to fit it all in one weekly update. So, this new section has been created as a fun way to include the stories I wasn’t fully able to cover.

Again, this newsletter is made for all of you! So if you have a Kongmunity highlight from the week that you think would fit this section, just let me know and I’ll see what I can do 😊

Over this last week, we had another Kong birthday, Kongz art on display in Malaysia, welcomed to our VX fam one of our favorite animator Kongz, and even saw a smol KONGstruction update from the SandStorm CyberKongz Social Hub!

WSK: Best Trades of November

The Christie’s x Opensea auction is not the only thing we’re celebrating in this issue of Kongz Weekly.

It’s also that time again for us to come together and crown the best trades, calls, and profits made by our WSK degen Kongz during the last month.

With ETH pumping to ATHs at the beginning of November, it started off worryingly slow. New projects didn’t mint out, floors dropped lower, and we wondered if this was it.

But then, just as our prayers for ETH to chill out were answered, a risk-based on-chain game with hungry wolves and cute sheep caught everyone’s attention.

With the Wolf Game, we went mad for $WOOL. Farming as much as we could, keeping our $WOOL producing sheeps safe, and sending our hungry alpha Wolves to steal as much from the scared sheep as possible.

Just like the Loot craze in September, with the Wolf Game’s success, we saw a huge explosion in crap Wolf Game derivatives trying to catch the hype. The positive is that this on-chain game hype also lifted up quality, older, on-chain projects such as Anonymice, Ether Orcs, and Furballs.

Hindsight is of course 20/20.

What’s interesting when looking back on the month is that although the on-chain games took the spotlight, they were not the majority of the winners.

3 out top 10 trades were generative art projects and the 3rd best trade belonged to a little-known Smol Brain on Layer 2 Arbitrum.

I wonder if the month of November was telling us to pay attention where attention is not being given? 🤔

Just a couple of notes about this list:

  • For Wolf Game, I separated Wolfs from the Sheep as they had very different odds of being minted and were traded differently.
  • Letters by Vinnie Hager was released on October 29, but traction gained in November.
  • It’s just me working on this list, so if you see any projects I missed, just let me know!
  • For all WSK analysts who are included and want their Twitter linked, also let me know too :)

1. Wolf Game (Wolf)

  • Mint Date: 11/18
  • Avg. Mint Price: 0.11 ETH
  • Avg. Sale Price on 11/30: 3.8 ETH
  • % Growth: 3,362%
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: whitelighght

2. Exponentials

  • Mint Date: 11/27
  • Avg. Mint Price: 0.01 ETH
  • Avg. Sale Price on 11/30: 0.44 ETH
  • % Growth: 2,952%
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: 303acid

3. Smol Brain (L2 Arbitrum)

  • Mint Date: 11/19 (mint included 2 Smol Brains and Smol Land)
  • Avg. Mint Price: 0.04 ETH (majority was gas to bridge to Arbitrum)
  • Avg. Sale Price on 11/30: 0.88 ETH (combination of 2 Smol Brains + Smol Land)
  • % Growth: 2,388%
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: stephan_59

4. Letters by Vinnie Hager

  • Mint Date: 10/29
  • Avg. Mint Price: 0.14 ETH
  • Avg. Sale Price on 11/30: 1.80 ETH
  • % Growth: 1,138%
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: rarestpepe

5. Wavelength by Kaleb Johnston

  • Mint Date: 11/27
  • Avg. Mint Price: 0.15 ETH
  • Avg. Sale Price on 11/30: 1.54 ETH
  • % Growth: 949%
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: 8yo with Amex

6. Chain Runners

  • Mint Date: 11/09
  • Avg. Mint Price: 0.09 ETH
  • Avg. Sale Price on 11/30: 0.88 ETH
  • % Growth: 912%
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: Dots

7. Wolf Game (Sheep)

  • Mint Date: 11/09
  • Avg. Mint Price: 0.11 ETH
  • Avg. Sale Price on 11/30: 1.03 ETH
  • % Growth: 838%
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: whitelighght

8. Angry Ape Army

  • Mint Date: 11/19
  • Avg. Mint Price: 0.09 ETH
  • Avg. Sale Price on 11/30: 0.72 ETH
  • % Growth: 671%
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: @BASTIBOII_eth and kester

9. Feudalz

  • Mint Date: 11/21
  • Avg. Mint Price: 0.03 ETH
  • Avg. Sale Price on 11/30: 0.25 ETH
  • % Growth: 658%
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: Satelliza

10. Furballs

  • Mint Date: 11/05
  • Avg. Mint Price: 0.06 ETH
  • Avg. Sale Price on 11/30: 0.44 ETH
  • % Growth: 650%
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: WSK Whitelist

See You Next Week!

That’s it for this week and what an eventful week it was!

We got to party it up IRL in Miami, got all suited up for a charity auction with Christie’s x OpenSea, the second Kongz Tank project ZenApes sold out within minutes, and so much more.

Yes, it may seem like the market is in a lull right now but this is the perfect time to build and the building is what we Kongz continue to do day in and day out.

Trust the process and I’ll talk to you again next week!


