CyberKongz Weekly: November 8, 2021

CyberKongz Weekly
14 min readNov 8, 2021


Welcome back to the jungle!

Halloween is in our rearview mirror, Thanksgiving is right around the corner (at least for those in the US)and there are only 2 months left in this year.

Wow, does time fly when you’re having fun in the Kongiverse especially when we have so much going on every week. !ooh

And I must say, this past week has been just as crazy as ever, even with the NFT market in a bit of a lull.

Kongz met up IRL and partied it up at NFT NYC, CyberKongz took over Asia and are being displayed in an art gallery in Hong Kong, we got a sneak peak of a sexy 3D printed CyberKongz VX, held another CyberKongz VX art contest and so much more!

Plus, with it being a new month, it’s time again for one of our favorite story sections again; the WSK Best Trades of the Month.

It’s worth saying again, but this newsletter is written for all of you Kongz, so if you have any topics you want to be added or any suggestions, just let me know!

It’s a long one again, so let’s get into it!


A Quick Smol Leek 🤏

Before we dive into everything that’s happened, just need to remind you all again in case you missed it. CyberKongz VX 3D printed models are coming soon and they look 🔥🔥🔥

We don’t have more information than that, but I for one can’t wait to 3D print my CyberKongz VX.

Kongz Tank Reminder 🚨

Beep Boop!

Huge news, the deadline for our Kongz Tank submissions has been extended for an additional 2 weeks to give the Council of Kongz more time to review all the wonderful and innovative submissions we’ve received so far.

The new deadline to submit project ideas to our Kongz Tank is November 22, 12:00 am UTC.

So, if you’ve been pushing off your idea or didn’t think you had enough time to put together a project proposal, now is your second chance! Don’t miss out!

Please send all proposal ideas here:

As a reminder, we’re looking for project ideas on how you will integrate CyberKongz NFTs and/or $BANANA with your project and this is what the Council of Kongz would like to see in the proposal:

  • Detailed rundown on your project/idea.
  • How you want to integrate CyberKongz NFTS and/or $BANANA.
  • Your art/dev skills and experience in the NFT/crypto space.
  • Contact details (email, discord username, Twitter, website if any, etc..)

Project submissions to the Kongz Tank are open to all, so if you or your friends are not part of our CyberKongz fam yet, you can all still apply!

If you’ve already submitted your proposal, don’t worry either. The Council of Kongz will be announcing proposals already selected, so keep a lookout for updates.

The selected projects will receive the following:

  • Grant: A grant of 10 ETH + 1,000 $BANANA.
  • Marketing: The team will provide marketing support within their reach.
  • Linear Unlock of Funds: Grant funds will be unlocked based on project development stages: 10% for a detailed idea, 40% with a working prototype, 50% with a working project.

Important: Conditions of Project

The project needs to introduce utility for one of the assets from the CyberKongz universe and/or $BANANA.

Burn mechanics may be used for the Banana Token but can’t be applied to the CyberKongz or CyberKongz VX NFTs!

CyberKongz at NFT NYC

It was an epic NFT NYC for us CyberKongz!

CyberKongz from all over the world !oohed their way to NYC to meet each other IRL, party it up through the night, share a lifetime of memories together, and learn more about other communities and innovations in the space.

The week was filled with awesome Kongish vibes, 3 different CyberKongz parties, a surprise Kongz style afterparty with an open bar for everyone, and much more.

A big thank you goes out to the entire Council of Kongz team for all the effort and energy you put into the CyberKongz Rooftop Party + After Party. Without your leadership, we would not be where we are today, and would not have been able to celebrate our accomplishments in NYC over the last week.

With that said, since I wasn’t able to attend this year let’s turn it over to our good friend and Baby Kong @StevensHill21 who was kind enough to write about his first-hand experience at our CyberKongz Rooftop Party!

I think it’s great that he was able to capture what it was like at the party from his perspective especially since many of us Kongz were not able to make it this year.

If you’re a fan of DystoPunks or Rumble Kong League, make sure to check out his Medium too (Gold Mamba (@StevensHill21) ) as he writes in-depth articles about both!

Take it away fellow Kong !ooh

CyberKongz NFT.NYC Rooftop Party Through the Eyes of @StevensHill21

Section is written by @StevensHill21

I was so excited to attend my first NFT community meet-up with the CyberKongz that I felt like a high schooler waiting for that first day of college to drop.

I say this because there was a distinct sense all throughout NFT NYC that we were all part of this inflection point together… a moment in time that can never be repeated.

It was no surprise that the Kongz had picked a great venue in south Manhattan near the financial district. The staff at the hotel asked if we were there for the CyberKongz to which I proudly replied, “!ooh hell yes!”.

They had me check my name off the RSVP list which was printed out on a nearby clipboard and then I was shown into the private elevator.

It already felt like a VIP experience.

When the elevator doors opened we immediately saw a Kong in a full-fledged ape suit and we were welcomed with CyberKongz gifts: t-shirts, stickers, and phone poppers.

I could already hear the beats coming from the bar area. The setup was perfect, our own open bar with 2 different rooftop patios for views, fresh air, or a smoke.

After weeks of high gas costs it sure was nice to have a free drink, !ooh

One of the best things about the vibe of the party was the fact that everyone had CyberKongz in common so there was a shared understanding that we all found value in being part of the community.

I talked to multiple people who had only recently gotten a VX or a baby and were interested in getting more.

It was also great to meet OGs like @eddyiskongz. After watching his new YouTube videos and following his tweets, I can say that Eddy was just as cool as you’d expect in person.

As the night went on the DJ ramped up the intensity of the beats and the crowd’s energy was moving in lockstep. I bounced from the rooftop patio, to bar, to booths, and back again; giving cheers to Kongz along the way. It was truly an experience I’ll never forget.

I’m excited that the CyberKongz community can keep growing in new ways as we hold more meetups around the globe.

Imagine making a Kongz connection IRL that translates to new metaverse experiences together (and vice versa). It’s clear that we’re all still very early in web3 and WGMI because CyberKongz lead the way. !ooh

CyberKongz Super Chief Gallery and Anonymice x Hoots x Cyberkongz Party

Let’s not forget about our other Kongz parties either. A humongous and Kongish shoutout goes out to DKong007 for hosting a CyberKongz Art Exhibition in collaboration with Superchief Art Gallery and Evuls and Andy Milonakis for organizing the Anonymice x Hoots x Cyberkongz party.

Both of your events looked amazing and thanks for playing a huge role in making CyberKongz NFT NYC week an enormous success!

At the Superchief Art Gallery, the beautiful artwork from our legendary Kongz artist Myoo was on full display.

The best part was that since the gallery was open to the general public, it was not only a perfect place for us Kongz to hang out IRL but also for us to introduce CyberKongz to the world!

Then to cap off a memorable week, the epic Anonymice x Hoots x CyberKongz party was thrown on the rooftop of Dream Hotel. It was a fanciful celebration filled with drinks, Hors D’Oeuvres, breathtaking views of Manhattan, and was a great way to catch up with our Anonymice and CryptoHoot frens.

In case you missed out or would like to relive the fun memories here are some more highlights from their parties.

Superchief Gallery NFT Hosted by DKong007

Anonymice x Hoots x Cyberkongz Party Hosted By Evuls and Andy Milonakis

CyberKongz x STart Art Gallery HK Update

Let’s remember, we CyberKongz are a sophisticated globetrotting species and were not only hanging out in exhibitions and rooftop parties during NFT NYC this week.

CyberKongz are also being displayed right now at the STart Art Gallery in Hong Kong from November 4–15.

The gallery is looking really awesome so far and if you do get the chance to go, you might have the possibility of getting a 3D printed CyberKongz #810, better known as the Myoo Kong. There will also be the possibility of purchasing some of the CyberKongz on display.

As a reminder for those of you in Asia, the STart Art Gallery is located in K11 MUSEA on Victoria Dockside and is open from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm.

I’m trying my best not to fomo buy a plane ticket to Hong Kong right now 😊

It’s Spooky Season for Our CyberKongz VX

Halloween Themed 3D Viewer


Like everything else the CyberKongz team does, they go big and are always surprising us with fun new updates. To celebrate the end of October and to mark the spooky holiday of Halloween our humungous brained Kong @SebsDead_ created a Halloween-themed 3D viewer in OpenSea for all of our CyberKongz VX.

Just take a look at how scary this Nightmare Before Christmas esque landscape looked with our Legendary VX Kongz 👻 🎃

Coco’s Lucifer #666 Legendary VX
Eddyiskongz Sith #1000 Legendary VX
Nate River’s Punk Legendary VX

CyberKongz VX Spooky Art Contest

The Halloween-themed 3D viewer wasn’t the only exciting update either as another CyberKongz VX Art Contest was announced; this time spooooky themed!

As always, to choose the winners of this art contest, the Council of Kongz are going to throw another epic Discord party with music, dancing, and plenty of Bananas so make sure to keep an eye on the announcements to see when it is!


Thanks again to all of our talented artist Kongz for taking the time to submit their images and videos for the contest.

It was a lot of fun to go through all the submissions and see how creative everyone is. Just to give you a taste of our Kongish talents, here are a few more of the ghoulish entries that were sent in:

Kongz Game by DomZ

CyberKongz Halloween Thriller by JearBear

The Kongloween by Kai

Headless VX by Risito

As a reminder, even though the submission period for the art contest has ended, you can always download the assets for your CyberKongz VX to create art whenever you want. Plus, you never know when the next art contest is going to be held, so it might not be a bad idea to sharpen up those VX rendering skills.

If you need help on where to start, these are two great articles written by our mad Kong scientists to reference:

CyberKongz by the Numbers

Yes, yes. We all know that if looking at floor prices, the entire market has fallen a bit if you compare to the beginning of October and that includes our CyberKongz.

I understand if you’re a little bummed with any price drop of your CyberKongz assets, but what you have to remember is we’re Kongz and we Kongz don’t care about floor prices

On a more serious note, though, if you’re ever concerned, I think it’s always good to step back and look at the numbers from a wider perspective with a longer time frame. In reality, it was only a few months ago when Genesis Kongz were at 40 ETH, Baby Kongz were barely above 2 ETH, and CyberKongz VX were under 1 ETH.

Just take a look at this Kongbot response from the end of August for reference.

More importantly, when you do spend some time looking at the incredible Dune Analytics dashboard that our wizard @banterlytics created, you’ll see significant signs of strength in our Kongmunity.

Even in this “bear market” there have been multiple 100 ETH sales on Genesis Kongz, 8 - 10 ETH sales on rare CyberKongz VX, and our Baby Kongz have been holding strong between the ~5 - 6 ETH range.

Here are some of the important stories you can glean from the data with a friendly warning for a certain subset of our Baby Kongz holders population:

  1. Unique Holders: Our CyberKongz distribution continues to break all-time highs. There are now 3,641 CyberKongz VX owners, close to 40% unique ownership of Genesis Kongz, and over 50% unique ownership of Baby Kongz.

2. Distribution Growth: Our CyberKongz distribution continues to grow at a healthy, organic, and steady rate. The table below is a month-over-month growth rate comparison of unique holders since June 1, 2021. As a note, CyberKongz VX launched on August 15, so growth data for VX is only available since then.

3. 2D Kongz Without VX: There are a surprising number of Baby Kongz holders without a CyberKongz VX. When comparing the data, there are ~708 or 42% of Baby Kongz holders without a CyberKongz VX. Of course, this could also mean a Genesis Kongz holder without a VX, but the latter is more likely. Don’t say we didn’t warn you (but Coco did warn us), that you will probably regret not getting a CyberKongz VX.

4. Community Growth in Numbers: Our social media presence continues to grow and our Discord community is as active as its ever been. Since the beginning of October, our Twitter followers have increased by ~64% to 61k followers. On the Discord side of our community, we are now seeing over 10k weekly visitors and now have over 28k members.

WSK 10 Best Trades of October 🍌

A crazy puzzle to access a mysterious Citadel called Neo Tokyo, upgradable Etherorcs that live on-chain, colorful Doodleicious artwork, and a Godzilla-like creature called a Kaiju King.

October was another crazy month for us brothers and sisters in WSK. !ooh

The month started off with fireworks as we came together as a WSK Kongmunity to solve the complicated Neo Tokyo puzzles and gain access to the Citadel. Although not every deserving Kong was able to get in, we formed friendships, worked together, and found out who the true big brains are in the jungle.

Not long after, we were horrified as a horde of Etherorcs stormed past on a mission to pillage the best loot and then watched with curiosity as giant Kaiju Kingz popped out of even larger eggs 🤔

Although we’re all probably licking our wounds a little as we stare at the sea of red that is the market right now, let’s just take a deep breath, zoom out a little, and remember where we were just a few short weeks ago.

In reality, there were plenty of opportunities that popped off in the month of October and it’s time again to celebrate our wins!

So Kongz, please brush yourselves off, put on those white suits, oil up your Promethean augmentations, peel open those banana hats, and follow me down the red carpet as we go over the Top 10 Best Trades of October!

Just a couple of notes about this list:

  • I included 1 project minted at the end of September as it caught on in October.
  • For Neo Tokyo, I didn’t include the value of Byte in the calculation. Additionally, I didn’t include Neo Tokyo Part 3 Item Caches as these came out in November.
  • The mint price / average accumulation price now includes gas.
  • It’s just me working on this list, so if you see any projects I missed, just let me know!
  • For all WSK analysts who are included and want their Twitter linked, also let me know too :)

1. Neo Tokyo

  • Mint Date: 10/4
  • Avg. Price: 0.12 (if able to mint); ~5 ETH if purchased on secondary on mint day
  • Avg. Sale Price on 10/31: 19.75 ETH (includes Neo Tokyo Identities and Neo Tokyo Part 2 Vault Cards)
  • % Growth: 16,451% (if mint); 294% (if bought on secondary)
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: WSK team effort

2. Etherorcs

  • Mint Date: 10/11
  • Avg. Price: 0.02 for whitelisted
  • Avg. Sale Price on 10/31: 1.05
  • % Growth: 6,894% for whitelisted
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: saltyfetus

3. Kaiju Kingz

  • Mint Date: 10/13
  • Avg. Price: 0.09 for whitelisted
  • Avg. Sale Price on 10/31: 3.75
  • % Growth: 4,180% for whitelisted
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: WSK whitelist

4. Z-Huge

  • Mint Date: 10/24
  • Avg. Price: 0.11
  • Avg. Sale Price on 10/31: 1.82
  • % Growth: 1,553%
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: tymoney

5. Wonky Stonks

  • Mint Date: 10/19
  • Avg. Price: 0.02
  • Avg. Sale Price on 10/31: 0.27
  • % Growth: 1,352%
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: CW

6. Dropspace Mint Ticket

  • Mint Date: 9/30
  • Avg. Price: 0.22
  • Avg. Sale Price on 10/31: 2.90
  • % Growth: 1,194%
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: Supa, grantland.eth

7. Filaments — Generative Pixel Art

  • Mint Date: 10/27
  • Avg. Price: 0.03
  • Avg. Sale Price on 10/31: 0.36
  • % Growth: 1,182%
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: VashX

8. Doodles

  • Mint Date: 10/17
  • Avg. Price: 0.13 (whitelist)
  • Avg. Sale Price on 10/31: 1.31
  • % Growth: 882% if whitelisted
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: Wess

9. Mutant Cats

  • Mint Date: 10/05
  • Avg. Price: 0.12
  • Avg. Sale Price on 10/31: 0.89
  • % Growth: 631%
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: WetN00dle, Donkey_Kong

10. Bitz

  • Mint Date: 10/12
  • Avg. Price: 0.07
  • Avg. Sale Price on 10/31: 0.49
  • % Growth: 581%
  • WSK Analyst Who Made the Call: Punkie’s own project

See You Next Week!

That’s it for this week and I hope you enjoyed this update on the Kongiverse!

Although it was another slow week for the NFT market, we Kongz continued to build and build and build!

We partied IRL at NFT NYC, held another CyberKongz VX art contest, hung out in a high-end art gallery in Hong Kong, and so much more.

Every week our community grows stronger and stronger and it’s nice to see that the world is on notice.


