CyberKongz Weekly: October 13, 2021

CyberKongz Weekly
11 min readOct 13, 2021


Hold up!

Before we get started with the weekly recap of all that’s happened in the Kongiverse, there are two important announcements we need to mark down in our CyberKongz history books:

  • Community Vote Passed: We successfully passed the vote to decrease the number of $BANANA needed to change the name of Genesis or Baby Kongz from 300 $BANANA to 10 $BANANA
  • New Members of the Core Team: frosti and BCC have joined the core team. frosti has played an important role in many things behind the scenes that we typically don’t see, and BCC is now officially our community manager!

Let’s come together to give a round of !oohs and bananas for passing our 3rd community vote and to welcome frosti and BCC into their new roles 🍌

As always, there’s a lot to talk about so let’s get into it.


A Moment of Silence for Ndakasi

Even though there is a lot of exciting news to cover as always, let’s all please take a moment of silence for our Great Ape sister Ndakasi, who peacefully passed away in the arms of her caretaker and lifelong friend, André Bauma, at the young age of 14.

Ndakaski lived a peaceful and happy life in Virunga’s Senkweke Center and was loved by everyone she interacted with.

You might have actually seen her before, posing for a selfie in this photo that went viral in 2019. She’s the one on the left with her belly stuck out and arms on her hips!

Ndakasi was found in April 2007 by Virunga Park Rangers in the arms of her dead mother who had just been killed by armed militia earlier that day. She was only 2 months old at the time. Because of the trauma that she suffered and the long rehabilitation process, it would not have been safe to return her to the wild.

Since that fateful day, André and the other park caretakers continued to care for her as their own child, and their friendship continued to strengthen.

If you want to see the heartwarming bond that forms between the Great Apes and caretakers like André, make sure to check out this short 5-minute profile by National Geographic. Our good friend Matabishi even makes an appearance, and it gives you a greater appreciation of the work Virunga National Park undertakes on a daily basis.

This is also a gentle reminder to take some time away from your screens and appreciate what you have in life, too.

Kongz Tank


The CyberKongz have just voted in the Kongz Tank initiative! For the Kongz Tank, we are looking for the best and brightest minds with ideas on how they would integrate their projects with CyberKongz NFTs and/or $BANANA!

Are you an entrepreneur or developer in the crypto space?

Have you always wanted to pitch your project to a room full of alpha Kongz to get funding and support for your project?

Well, now is your chance!!

From now until Monday, November 8, we are looking for applicants to submit their project idea and how they would integrate CyberKongz NFTs and/or $BANANA.

The Council of Kongz will select up to 5 project ideas a week after the deadline, or if they think your project idea is just that good, even during the proposal period.

Selected projects will receive the following:

  • Grant: A grant of 10 ETH + 1,000 $BANANA.
  • Marketing: The team will provide marketing support within their reach.
  • Linear Unlock of Funds: Grant funds will be unlocked based on project development stages: 10% for a detailed idea, 40% with a working prototype, 50% with a working project.

The Kongz Tank is open to all, so if you or your friends are not part of our CyberKongz fam yet, don’t worry, you can still apply!

Please send all proposal ideas here:

Here is the information to include in your propsal:

  • Detailed rundown on your project/idea.
  • How you want to integrate CyberKongz NFTS and/or $BANANA.
  • Your art/dev skills and experience in the NFT/crypto space.
  • Contact details (email, discord username, twitter, website if any, etc..).
  • Deadline: Monday, November 8.

Important: Conditions of Project

The project needs to introduce utility for one of the assets from the CyberKongz universe and/or $BANANA! The burn mechanics of the project can only be used for the Banana Token and can’t be applied to the CyberKong or CyberKongz VX NFTs.

CyberKongz x Rebel Seals Club

Guess what?

The CyberKongz are going to be in an animated series through a collaboration with Rebel Seals Club. This will mark the first collaborated animated series in the crypto space!

Our fearless leader Myoo will be personally co-creating the narrative and the art behind the Kongz in the Rebel Seals universe.

In the first episode of Rebel Seals, our CyberKongz will be introduced as one of the main characters. In total, CyberKongz will have 3 main storyline characters, and they will be introduced throughout season one of the animated series.

What’s even cooler is that each of the 3 main character slots were raffled off to the CyberKongz community!

Congrats to silvrdragon52, Community Chief, and Bowsie who won the giveaway. They now have the opportunity to work with the Rebel Seals production team to co-create the narratives of their own characters in the animated series!


Although we don’t know how season one will play out, based on the lore of the Rebel Seals Metaverse, we do know it will be a fun tale of adventure, betrayal, and corruption in the Realm of Hodl.

In this realm, our CyberKongz come from the Kingdom of Apes and are known throughout the lands as the intellectuals, scientists, researchers, and diplomats between the 6 different races. In fact, it was our own Ape scholar Bombo who discovered the Great Agreement, which was the solution to end the Great Wars in the First Age.

Unfortunately for us Apes, during the Second Middle Age, King Tusk and his Council manipulated remnants of the Great Agreement, teamed up with the Bears from The Kingdom of Grizwood, and brought our Ape Kingdom down.

Hopefully, in Season One, the story is a happy one for our apes, but we’ll have to wait and see!

Galaxy Fight Club x CyberKongz Partnership

Our Council of Kongz continues to deliver and have announced an exciting and fun partnership with Galaxy Fight Club!

Are you having a bad day and that Bored Ape or Cool Cat has gotten on your last nerve?

Do you wish you could just shut them up once and for all so they would stop talking about how cool their yacht is or how much milk they have?

Well, first of all, please don’t. We’re all friends here in the NFT world.

Second and more importantly, there is a much better solution to settle things now; let me introduce you to Galaxy Fight Club!


Galaxy Fight Club is the first cross IP and cross-platform (PC + mobile) PVP game for the NFT Universe. That means players will be able to log-in with their different NFT collections and battle each other in the Galaxy Fight Club arena to win and earn rewards, even on the go.

What’s exciting for us Kongz is that through this partnership with Galaxy Fight Club, we’ll be able to use our Genesis Kong, Baby Kong, or CyberKongz VX to duke it out against other NFT collections in the Galaxy Fight Club universe.

So far, we’ve already been given a deadly banana weapon and a custom jungle-themed arena (which you can see in the video below) that will be available once the full game releases!

They are also working to see if it will be possible to build an arena in The Sandbox on land right next to us Kongz, which would be very cool too.

If gaming is your thing and you’re looking to dive into Galaxy Fight Club, I would definitely recommend taking a look at the Galaxy Fight Club White paper and the below video from our good friend CAGYJAN.

Here you’ll see the thought and care that has gone into their development.

Not only are they building a game, but they are creating an entire economy where you can train and level up your fighters, upgrade equipment, fight for rewards in tournaments and potentially even rent out your fighters in the future.

IMPORTANT: Need Galaxy Fight Club Fighter to Access Main Modes

One important distinction to make is that you’ll need a Galaxy Fight Club Fighter in your wallet in order to participate in the primary Team Tournament and Battle Royale modes, which have the biggest rewards.

The Galaxy Fight Club Fighter acts as a key to these modes. So, even if you have a CyberKong, you will not be able to participate in Team Tournament or Battle Royale without a Galaxy Fight Club Fighter.

First-Ever CyberKongz Breeding Party by Purrnelopes Country Club

On October 10, our creative friends over at Purrnelopes Country Club (PCC) threw the 1st ever Cyberkongz breeding party to welcome in a new Baby Kong.

Thanks to all of you Kongz who were able to join and a special round of !oohs goes out to Sebssss, Wallace, and Inverted who started the party with an introduction about the CyberKongz ecosystem and how we got to where we are today.

We danced, we vibed to the tunes by DJ @EclecticMethod, went crazy for all the Banana airdrops, and gave their Genesis Kongz #632 and #669 some privacy so they could get down to business 👀

The big question on everyone’s mind is what the cute baby kong would look like AND more importantly, would they roll a legendary CyberKongz VX.

Well…..after some much anticipated waiting, please welcome Baby Kong #3950 and CyberKongz VX #13723 to our growing family. !ooh

Luckily for all of us hoping to get our own greedy hands on a legendary CyberKongz VX, they didn’t end up rolling a legendary, so we still have a chance.

If you’re new to the world of Purrnelopes Country Club (PCC), they are definitely a project to check out.

Without any hype, they have quietly built out one of the largest community wallets with their Kitty Bank. At one point, the Kitty Bank had reached a floor value of over 1,000 ETH and inside the wallet, you’ll find holdings such as 2 Genesis Kongz, a huge collection of Fvck Crystals, a couple of Squiggles, a Punk, and much more.

In addition, they have continued to reward holders through fun airdrops and gifts. Most importantly, they have a very well-thought-out road plan led by an OG in the space in @Carlini8N.

Even though it’s cliche to say, you can tell that PCC is all about giving back to the community.

WSK In Review

Welcome back again to WSK in Review! Where degen Kongz roam the streets, a tool called Genie is used to sweep the floors, and where the bloody market dips are bought on the daily.

As Baron Rothschild, a member of the Rothschild Banking empire once said, “Buy when there’s blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own.”

That ser Rothschild is a great summary of what was going on in the world of WSK during the last week.

Even though the market slowed down, and we experienced a longer and deeper correction than many more papery handers were comfortable with, that didn’t stop the members of WSK.

During the week, they were busy sniping up discounts from blue-chip projects, looking for that next big alpha play to make, and positioning themselves for a hopeful market recovery.

More importantly, a market correction like this is always a harsh reminder to DYOR, use only money you can afford to lose and invest based on your own risk tolerance level. It also shined a light on the value of our WSK Hive Mind list, which is a collection of our favorite long-term projects which keep us cozy in market conditions like these.

Here is how are WSK degen Kongz have done so far in the month of October:



Notes for Winners and Losers:

  • As things move super quickly in this space, I updated the floor prices to reflect as of noon PST 10/13.
  • I included some projects from the end of September like CryptoHoots as they built momentum in October.
  • The average cost price doesn’t include gas.
  • The accumulation date is when WSK started to buy heavily.
  • It’s just me working on this list, so if you see any projects I missed or have questions, just let me know!

Update: Baby Kongz and the Hunt for the Legendary VX Kongz

It’s been 3 weeks now since we last checked in on our hunt for the 3 remaining Legendary VX Kongz, so I think it’s a good time to see how our cute Baby Kongz have been doing!

For those of you who are newer, what’s exciting about each new Baby Kong being born is that there are still 3 Legendary VX Kongz to be rolled from a Baby Kong.

This means with each passing day, we are getting closer and closer to finding our next Legendary VX Kongz.

In the last 3 weeks, our Genesis Kongz have been getting down to business! 344 new Baby Kongz have been born over the last 21 days, which is an average of almost 16 Baby Kongz being born per day.

At this rate, all the babies should be born by the middle of December to early next year and will make for some fun upcoming months if we still don’t find those Legendary VX Kongz.

Here is how our cute Baby Kongz are doing as of 10/12:

  • Baby Kongz Born: 2,791
  • Baby Kongz Left to Be Born: 1,036
  • Incubator Baby Kongz: 173
  • Legendary VX Kongz Left: 3

See You Next Week

That’s it for this week and I hope you enjoyed this update on the Kongiverse!

Whether you’re newer to our Kongz family or have been around for a while, I hope you can see now just how many community initiatives our Council of Kongz continue to push out.

In just a few days, we had 2 major collaboration announcements, a brand new Kongz Tank initiative to spur innovation and an epic party with a cat-filled country club.

The best part is that there are probably many developments happening behind the scenes that we have yet to see too.


