CyberKongz Weekly: October 21, 2021

CyberKongz Weekly
12 min readOct 21, 2021


As you can all feel, the NFT market has slowed down a little and we’re all holding our breath to see what ETH and BTC will do next.

With that said, it also serves as a good reminder to take a breather, get some sleep, hang out with family, do your laundry, and catch up on IRL things that you might have been neglecting.

I know at least for me it’s been a much-needed break given the craziness we’ve seen over the last couple of months.

As always, whether the market is up or down, it doesn’t really matter to us Kongz. We continue to build, create, and improve for our community.

Let’s see what happened this week in our Kongiverse!


Kongz Tank Reminder 🚨

I’m interrupting your weekly scheduled newsletter to bring you a very important reminder, so can I please have your attention for a moment 🙏

As a reminder, the deadline to submit project ideas to our Kongz Tank is November 8, 12:00 pm UTC which is coming up fast!

If you have a project idea on how to integrate CyberKongz NFTs and/or $BANANA with your project now is your last chance to pitch your ideas to receive a grant and marketing support.

Our Council of Kongz will select 5 projects to support and each project will receive the following:

  • Grant: A grant of 10 ETH + 1,000 $BANANA.
  • Marketing: The team will provide marketing support within their reach.
  • Linear Unlock of Funds: Grant funds will be unlocked based on project development stages: 10% for a detailed idea, 40% with a working prototype, 50% with a working project.

The Kongz Tank is open to all, so if you or your friends are not part of our CyberKongz fam yet, don’t worry, you can still apply!

Please send all proposal ideas here:

Here is the information to include in your propsal:

  • Detailed rundown on your project/idea.
  • How you want to integrate CyberKongz NFTS and/or $BANANA.
  • Your art/dev skills and experience in the NFT/crypto space.
  • Contact details (email, discord username, twitter, website if any, etc..).
  • Deadline: Monday, November 8, 12:00am UTC

Important: Conditions of Project

The project needs to introduce utility for one of the assets from the CyberKongz universe and/or $BANANA.

Burn mechanics may be used for the Banana Token but can’t be applied to the CyberKongz or CyberKongz VX NFTs!

Milestones to Celebrate 🎉

Before we talk about another eventful week in the Kongiverse let’s come together to celebrate a couple of historic milestones!

First up, huge news! Our CyberKongz Twitter account finally got verified and we hit the 50k follower milestone. Numbers are just numbers but I think we’ll hit 100k sooner than you think.

Secondly, if you have not done so already, please wish our Genesis Kong DJ BLOND:ISH a Happy Birthday. She celebrated her birthday in Kongz style this past week and her dope Kongz cake was looking might tasty 🍌

CyberKongz The Art of the Code Party

It’s party season for us Kongz and to kick it all off, on October 17 we had our first IRL party in Los Angeles with the CyberKongz The Art of the Code Party!

Thanks to El Chapo and CryptOG for putting together this epic event which was the first digital CyberKongz art exhibition.

The city of Los Angeles didn’t know what was coming as CyberKongz from all over the world descended on the city.

Our Kongz partied, checked out the awesome CyberKongz art, and most importantly got to meet up with each other and put a face to the handle name.

It was a night to remember filled with great vibez, the start of lifelong friendships, and even better conversations.

All of us who weren’t able to make it to the party are super jealous and hopefully, we’ll have the chance to meet up with you all at the next party!

As a reminder, here is what our upcoming party schedule looks like. Both events are limited so if you’re interested in attending make sure to go to our Verified Announcements Discord channel to sign up:

  • November 2nd: CyberKongz NFT.NYC Rooftop Party
  • November 5th: Anonymice x Hoots x CyberKongz (Baby or Genesis ONLY) in NYC.

Welcome to the Jungle!

The news continues to spread about what we’re building in our jungle and people from around the world continue to join our growing KONGmunity!

Of course, I would love to personally welcome each and every new Kong but I’m just a one Baby Kong so that would be very difficult 🙏

With that said, there are two new notable Kongz who joined our community that I would like to bring to our attention.

One of them was with our Kongmunity before, left, and then came back with a bang and the other person is brand new.

So without further ado, let’s please all come together and give a warm round of !oohs and bananas to Arnold Poernomo (big welcome back) and Mike Kafka who are both Genesis Kongz now!

Arnold Poernomo

If you don’t know who Arnold Poernomo is, he is a celebrity chef, restauranteur, and judge on Masterchef Indonesia. If that’s not impressive enough, he’s also very active on social media and has a popular YouTube channel where he shows you how to cook super delicious-looking food.

Here he is whipping up a tasty AND healthy banana snack on his YouTube Channel. Although his videos are in Indonesian, many of the videos have generated captions enabled which makes it easy to follow along.

When he’s not cooking up a world-class dish, you can often find him roaming the trading floors of WSK where he’s always looking to make a degen trade or two.

Mike Kafka

Even though you might not have known Mike Kafka before, I bet all of you Kongz who live in the US or have a passion for American Football have heard of the quarterback he coaches, Patrick Mahomes!

Patrick Mahomes is arguably one of the best, most electric, and dynamic quarterbacks in the National Football League.

With Mike as his QB coach, Mahomes went on to lead the team to a Super Bowl win over the San Francisco 49ers in 2020, while leading the league in pass yards per game.

Mike has been the quarterback’s coach/passing game coordinator of the Kansas City Chiefs for the last 4 years and is entering into his 5th season with the team.

Here he is on a conference call discussing improvements Mahomes made during the 2020 season.

Before becoming a coach, he was drafted in the 2010 NFL draft by the Philadelphia Eagles and played for 6 seasons.

Ser Mike, welcome again to the Kongz family and we’re very happy to have you here!

Maybe one day you can introduce ser Mahomes to our Kongz family too? 🍌

Twitter Spaces with Nate: Deep Dives Into Current State of Crypto Market

As always, our OG Legendary Scuba Kong Nate Rivers came through with another timely Twitter Spaces.

In this Twitter Spaces, Nate invited @wilxlee, @MTLFORBRKFST, and TwinkleToes up on stage to share their thoughts on the current market slow down, how they are planning, and what they’re doing with their portfolio to set themselves up for Q4 of this year and Q1 2022.

From a high-level perspective, there were two choices discussed to prepare for a potentially extended slow down in the NFT market:

  1. For those that are comfortable trading, sell a portion of your NFT portfolio and shift it into altcoins.
  2. For those of us unskilled traders or more comfortable trading NFTs, potentially liquidate projects you don’t believe in and HODL those blue chips.

Given the current state of the market, it was nice to hear their thoughts and how they are planning especially for those of us that are newer to the space.

Here are some other highlights from the Twitter Spaces too:

  • Look at your NFT portfolio. What are the projects that you wouldn’t mind holding for 2–3 months without caring about how they perform in the short term? Keep those and try to liquidate the other projects. It’s also ok to sell at a loss depending on your situation too.
  • Step back and look at the market from a wider perspective. Looking at the end of this year and into early 2022, two very possible market catalysts could be The SandBox and Coinbase NFT launch so plan accordingly.
  • Looking at the current market sentiment, the next 4 weeks in the NFT space might not be very fun. With that said, we’re still super early when you compare NFTs to crypto or fiat systems. If you can make it through “bear markets” you can take advantage and position yourself for when the market recovers.

CyberKongz Merch Reminder

Wen! Wen! Wen!

I know many of you are super excited about the prospect of being able to rep an official CyberKongz hoodie, sweatpants, hat, or any other type of merch and I am too.

Although we still don’t know when our first full merch line will drop, I do want to give a friendly reminder that there are two different CyberKongz merch items available to purchase right now actually.

Uniqly X CyberKongz ‘Myoo’ Shirt

I understand many of you are newer to our Kongz family so you were not here when this happened

To celebrate the launch of our CyberKongz VX in August our team collaborated with Uniqly to drop 250 limited edition NFT Myoo Shirts. Each of the Myoo Shirts is backed by an NFT and in order to claim your shirt IRL you have to burn your NFT.

Because of these deflationary mechanics, there aren’t too many listed for sale, but if you’re interested you can still find them on OpenSea.

I must say, the unboxing experience and shirt look 🔥

CryptoLander Dr. Bling Kong NFT Snapback

In July of this year, our OG Kong CryptoLander launched his first NFTsnapback collection with his CyberKongz #327 Dr. Bling Kong and airdropped 210 snapback NFTs to CyberKongz members for Free!

Just last week, the claim period for receiving the snapbacks IRL started and people have been loving them 👌

Similar to the Uniqly Myoo Shirt, in order to claim your Dr. Bling Kong snapback, you have to burn the NFT that’s attached.

Again, because of the deflationary mechanic, there aren’t that many available on the secondary market, but if you’re interested you can still find them on OpenSea.

Before buying the NFT, just remember to double-check if the physical hat has already been claimed by following the steps in this guide CryptoLander wrote.

WSK in Review — An Inside Look

Since the market has slowed down and the trading floors of WSK have chilled out a little bit, I think now is the perfect time to take a breather from the usual and switch it up.

So today, let’s take a journey into the hallowed trading rooms of WSK for an inside look

On this tour of WSK, I’m going to dive deep into two of the newest perks for WSK members and more importantly I want to give solid examples of how our Council of Kongz is continually adding value for our community.

As many people still ask about Baby Kongz utility, I also hope this shows how valuable they are. What’s crazier to think is that the big Baby Kongz announcement hasn’t even happened yet 🤔

Let’s get started!

New WSK Features Continue to Be Added

We all know WSK is one of the best places in the NFT space to be for alpha, and it is.

With that said, I think one important aspect that is often overlooked about WSK is that it’s part of the entire CyberKongz ecosystem and not just an alpha channel on its own island

Because of this, the WSK channel, like all aspects of the CyberKongz universe is continually being improved on by the Council of Kongz and the team.

Since I joined in August, WSK has already turned from just a single alpha channel into a suite of channels and tools to help you make better decisions.

I’ve already gone over them in a previous CyberKongz Weekly issue, but just in case you missed it, here is what WSK Analysts have access to right now:

Note: some channels are open to all Kongz holders which I have noted below too.

  • Drop Calendar: a drop calendar that includes a curated list of the upcoming drops for WSK members to reference.
  • Hive Mind (open to all CyberKongz): a channel where the WSK community comes together to curate a list of the most influential projects in the NFT space.
  • DeFi Kongz: a channel dedicated to all things DeFi including yield farming, liquidity mining, borrowing/lending, and anything in between.
  • Other Chains: a place to discuss all things NFT and DeFi on non-Ethereum chains.
  • P2E (open to all CyberKongz): a home base to discuss all things P2E including P2E NFTs and coins

With that said, we’ve just added two newer perks for WSK Analysts.

Although these perks are not used on a daily basis, when the time is right and they are used, they are arguably more valuable than the alpha chat in the short term.

1. Exclusive Whitelists to Projects

I’m starting to see the WSK fam as a start-up incubator of sorts.

Many creators of some of the most successful projects actually got their start in WSK or have a strong connection with us Kongz.

Not only that, but since us Kongz are known as big brains in this space; always innovating and always building, we attract the smartest people to our community.

Because of these connections we have nurtured over time, many projects open up whitelist opportunities specifically for our WSK members.

Obviously, it’s impossible to add every WSK member to the whitelist, but the team has devised fair ways to distribute the limited spots.

I’m not going to tell you about specific projects, but just to give you an idea of how lucky we are, we were given whitelist opportunities to two very hyped projects in the last couple of weeks.

For the lucky winners of the whitelist, this meant being able to mint the project without worrying about the gas wars that happened.

2. Private Channels for Time-Sensitive Collaborative Events

If you’ve been in this space during the last month, then you know there has been a shift to gamify and make you earn a spot to mint the project.

This makes sense as it increases the value of each minting spot and helps to eliminate gas wars.

Two of the more hyped projects to do this recently were Neo Tokyo and Kaiju Kingz, which both required you to solve puzzles to get whitelisted.

Even though the process for Neo Tokyo was much more complicated and spanned multiple days, what they both had in common was that it was easier to solve the puzzles by coming together as a Kongz team.

Here is what you can expect when one of these events happen and why our private collaborative channels can be so valuable:

  • Collective Intelligence: With the power of our Kongz collective intelligence, complex puzzles are solved quickly which gives each member a better chance of completing the challenge.
  • Kongz is Family: With events like these, information is gold. Even though each participant could in theory keep valuable information to themselves, we share information freely as we’re always looking out for each other.
  • Flexible: WSK members are free to join and leave as they please. Of course, the more you participate, the more value you’ll derive from the group.
  • Fun: Obviously, the whitelist spots are extremely limited. Even though only a couple of Kongz can make it through, it’s always a fun time hanging out to solve a puzzle or two!

See You Next Week

That’s it for this week and I hope you enjoyed this update on the Kongiverse!

Although this week was slower in terms of the overall NFT market, it didn’t mean it was slow for us Kongz.

We partied IRL, welcomed in new Kongz from around the world, came together to solve a puzzle for a lucrative project mint, and so much more.

Most importantly, it’s weeks such as these that show just how strong our community is and what makes our big Kongz family so special.


