CyberKongz Weekly: October 30, 2021

CyberKongz Weekly
12 min readOct 30, 2021


Welkong back to the jungle!

The NFT market is still in the same uncertain state as a week ago as we’re still waiting for BTC to make its next move and ETH literally just hit an ATH just last night.

Even though we experienced a semi-euphoric recovery from the previous lull, a certain Shiba Inu has since taken over.

With talks of Shiba Inu flippening everyone’s favorite Doge and making multimillionaires overnight dominating the conversation, we Kongz did what we do best and continued to build.

In this eventful week, we had 2 exciting new partnership announcements, a groovy Twitter Spaces with the founder of a WSK Hive Mind inductee, and much more!

As always, there’s a lot to talk about, so let’s jump right in!


Happy Birthday Kongz

Before we get started, we had two Genesis Kongz birthdays this week. So if you haven’t done so already, please wish Ser Wallace and Ser Einst a happy birthday.

They both literally celebrated their birthday in style with Ser Wallace sporting those 🔥 looking custom Kongz merch and Ser Einst getting to snack on some tasty CyberKongz cookies.

Kongz Tank Reminder 🚨

I know I probably sound like a broken record by now, but that’s how massive an opportunity our Kongz Tank is.

As a reminder, the deadline to submit project ideas to our Kongz Tank is November 8, 12:00 pm UTC so there is just over a week left to submit!

If you have a project idea on how to integrate CyberKongz NFTs and/or $BANANA with your project now is your last chance to pitch your ideas to receive a grant and marketing support.

Our Council of Kongz will select 5 projects to support and each project will receive the following:

  • Grant: A grant of 10 ETH + 1,000 $BANANA.
  • Marketing: The team will provide marketing support within their reach.
  • Linear Unlock of Funds: Grant funds will be unlocked based on project development stages: 10% for a detailed idea, 40% with a working prototype, 50% with a working project.

The Kongz Tank is open to all, so if you or your friends are not part of our CyberKongz fam yet, don’t worry, you can still apply!

Please send all proposal ideas here:

Here is the information to include in your propsal:

  • Detailed rundown on your project/idea.
  • How you want to integrate CyberKongz NFTS and/or $BANANA.
  • Your art/dev skills and experience in the NFT/crypto space.
  • Contact details (email, discord username, twitter, website if any, etc..).
  • Deadline: Monday, November 8, 12:00am UTC

Important: Conditions of Project

The project needs to introduce utility for one of the assets from the CyberKongz universe and/or $BANANA.

Burn mechanics may be used for the Banana Token but can’t be applied to the CyberKongz or CyberKongz VX NFTs!

CyberKongz x Start Art Gallery Exhibition

!ooh !ooh !ooh

The CyberKongz are taking over the world! This week, we got the super exciting news that we’ll be collaborating with Start Art Gallery to host a CyberKongz exhibition from November 4th — 15th at their gallery location in Hong Kong.

Start Art Gallery is a physical crypto art gallery that is dedicated to bringing together the best NFT artworks and collectibles from around the world.

More importantly, they want to connect both artists and collectors and introduce people to the exciting space of NFTs. Previously, they have hosted exhibitions for CryptoPunks, BAYC, and Tom Sachs Rocket Factory.

The gallery is located in K11 MUSEA, an innovative cultural-retail destination on Victoria Dockside, which is a global art and design district built in 2018 that has been dubbed as the “Silicon Valley of Culture”.

The exhibition will not only include displays of our lovely CyberKongz but there will also be informational talks as well.

More information is coming at the beginning of November, so make sure to follow CyberKongz and Start Art Gallery on Twitter to get the latest updates.

If you’re thinking about going, now is a good time to start planning too🍌

Metalink x CyberKongz Partnership

Remember, ALL CyberKongz holders get access to the Metalink app so if you haven’t joined yet, make sure to do so by heading over to and connecting your wallet!

Please tell me if there is another community like ours that builds as much as we do in the Metaverse and IRL.

Another week has gone by and another very exciting partnership was announced for our Kongmunity with the Metalink x CyberKongz partnership.

Metalink is a web3 social platform that is exclusive to CryptoPunk, Cool Cats, CyberKongz, and BAYC owners at the moment. Although Kongz are friends with many projects, it’s definitely great brand recognition to be included in a blue-chip group such as this.

The best part about Metalink is that since it’s NFT focused, you’ll find many NFT specific features all within a sleek, minimal, and easy-to-use platform.

They also have plans to become community-owned and operated, so even though it’s a young product at~8 weeks old, you can already see the time, effort, and care that @jakeudell and his team have put into the platform with feedback gathered from the community.

To make things even more exciting with the partnership announcement, our Council of Kongz teamed up with Metalink to giveaway an unclaimed incubator (Baby Kong + VX Kong) worth ~ 8 ETH to a random CyberKongz holder who created a Metalink account.

Even though we all wish we would have won, let’s come together and congratulate the winner @8yo with Amex! We’re all very excited to see what Baby Kong and CyberKongz VX you roll 👀

Now, let’s take a look at the features in Metalink that are already available with much more planned in their pipeline.

View Verified NFT Collection of Chat Participants

In the chat channel, you’re able to verify the NFT collection of each chat participant very easily by just hovering over their name.

We’ve all heard Discord horror stories about people getting scammed so it’s nice to be able to verify in real-time the person your chatting with is really who they say they are.

Portfolio Tracker with Real-Time Floor Values

In the “My Collection” channel, you’ll find a portfolio tracker with real-time floor values of the NFT collection in the wallet you used to sign in.

Although there are other portfolio trackers available, it’s nice to have it all available within the same platform. Plus, at least for me, I’ve found the floor value estimates in Metalink to be more accurate.

Metalink is also already working on more advanced portfolio analysis tools so it’ll be fun to see what they add for us too.

Alpha Feed of Buying and Selling by Metalink Members

In the “Feed” channel, you’re able to view a real-time feed of the NFTs that are being bought and sold by members of Metalink. This of course isn’t meant to be used as financial advice but can be insightful information as you analyze the market.

Features in the Pipeline

The best part is that since Metalink is a community-driven platform, they are constantly reaching out for feedback to make it a better experience for all of us. To give you an idea of what’s to come, here are some of the new features they are already working on:

  • Custom Emojis and Gifs: Adding our favorite custom emojis and gifs such as :MattewSmoke:, and the Pepes.
  • Mobile App: The mobile app is already in the works and should be coming in the next couple of months.
  • Trading in Platform: A trading feature that will allow us to trade with Metalink members directly in the app.
  • Other Improvements: Many other improvements are being developed such as multiple wallets connect, replies, the ability to track certain wallets in the alpha feed, and improved portfolio analysis tools.

It’s awesome that we finally have a web3 native social platform that can give Discord and the other apps we use some friendly competition and it’s why you should keep an eye on what Metalink is building 👀

With how fast this space moves and new people being introduced every day, having a platform in Metalink which not only takes our feedback seriously but also includes all the tools we need in one place is refreshing and much needed.

Twitter Spaces: Kongz and Peaceful Groupies are Best Frens ❤️

On October 24, 2021, our Kongz fam had a psychedelic, trippy, and long overdue Twitter Spaces with Yon, the creator of Peaceful Groupies.

Needless to say, for anyone who didn’t own a Groupie, this was one heck of a FOMO-inducing event. By the end, there was no question why we had voted to include Peaceful Groupies in our exclusive Hive Mind list.

In the ~1 hour-long chat we got to dive deep into Yon’s creative mind and learned about why he wanted to create an art-focused, 100% digitally native project that included gifs and easter eggs when he launched his Peaceful Groupies collection to the world.

We also heard his passion, learned about the exciting new Metaverse and tokenomic plans for the Groupies, and we even received a cool POAP that Yon kindly created for everyone who attended.

More importantly, we got an insightful understanding of just how valuable a casual partnership with us Kongz can be.

Here are just a few highlights of what Peaceful Groupies are planning to do with some advice from our big brain Kong Uncle Pennybags :

  • ☮️ $PEACE Token Distribution: an innovative token for the PEACEVOID World that will not only be distributed to holders as usual but will also utilize a time-weighted yield which will reward holders who have been with Groupies the longest.
  • Creative Token Utility: ☮️ $PEACE tokens will be used to buy from the secondary collection which will help bring the 2D Groupies to life in the 3D Sandbox Metaverse. In addition, the token will be used to buy rare artwork and collectibles.
  • Groupies Governed DAO: In the future, royalties earned from secondary sales and a portion of future sales will be added to a community vault and governed by all Groupies 🌈.

Thanks again to BCC and EddyisKongz for hosting the spaces, Yon for making the time to join us, and the rest of our Kongz fam who got up on stage to make for a groovy good time.

2 More Legendary VX Kongz Found!!

Attention all Kongz!

2 Legendary VX Kongz were found this week!

Yes, you read that right, 2 Legendary VX Kongz, which means there’s only 1 left to be found out of the 840 Baby Kongz to be born.

The first Leggy was rolled on the morning of Saturday, October 23.

On this morning when ser Einst rolled out of bed, something in the air felt different and he didn’t just wake up as he normally does. Instead, on this fateful morning, his Legendary VX Kongz intuition began to tingle.

Trusting his intuition, he knew at that very moment he had to go make a Baby Kong!

And Boom!

Ser Einst caught lighting in a bottle for the second time and minted the Legendary VX Kong Shinobi.

The second Legendary VX was rolled late at night on Friday, October 29 by ser @Nate_Rivers.

After a full day of leading a master course on meme coin degeneracy and trading some dog-related tokens himself, Nate finally had some time to breed and roll a Baby Kongz late at night!

And good thing he did.

At 5:42 am UTC, Nate created CyberKong #4164. Just six minutes after, he rolled his Baby Kong and minted the Legendary Punk VX!

I think it’s only fitting that Nate rolled a Leggy.

He’s given so much to our Kongmunity with his weekly Twitter Spaces and is always happy to help teach us his trading knowledge, so it’s nice to see that a Legendary VX Kong went to him.

Please everyone let’s take a moment to give a warm round of !oohs and bananas to welcome our newest Legendary VX Kongs Shinobi and Punk to our growing family.

And please ser Einst, can you please stop rolling VX Kongz and save the last legendary for the rest of us?

Baby Kongz Update

Even though the Legendary VX Kongz Shinobi and Punk were found this week, there is still 1 remaining so the rest of us still have a chance.

For those of you who are newer, what’s exciting about new Baby Kongs being born is that each Baby Kong gives you the chance to roll a Legendary VX Kongz.

As of 10/30, there are still 840 Baby Kongz to be born. Even though the odds of rolling a legendary kongz are low, it’s still worth a gamble considering legendaries have been known to sell for over 100 ETH.

In the last 2 weeks, 161 new Baby Kongz have been born, which is an average of almost 12 Baby Kongz being born per day. This is a slight decrease from the ~16 Baby Kongz born per day in the previous 2 week period from October 2 to October 15.

At the current rate of ~12 babies per day, the remaining Baby Kongz should be born by early next year.

Here is how our cute Baby Kongz are doing as of 10/30:

  • Baby Kongz Born: 2,990
  • Baby Kongz Left to Be Born: 840
  • Incubator Baby Kongz: 170
  • Legendary VX Kongz Left: 1

WSK In Review

Now it’s time to journey back into the golden halls of WSK again!

Where degen Kongz never sleep, diamond hands are forged, and where arguments are settled in an honorable manner; on the pixelated battlefield of a game called Nifty Degen.

Over the last couple of weeks, it’s been a strange rollercoaster ride for both our emotions and our portfolios as we wait patiently for BTC’s next move and hold our breath as ETH broke ATH and looks like it’s on the verge of going to the moon.

We experienced a market slow down for about a week and a half, followed by a nice recovery (especially for us Kongz), and now we’re back twiddling our thumbs again as dog coins and s#itcoins swallow up most of the attention.

As you know by now though, whether the market is bearish or booming, our degen Kongz in WSK are always looking for a trade.

By no means is what we experienced last week or are currently experiencing a true bear market. However, what the recent market slowdown has allowed many WSK members to do is to BTFD on the projects they had true conviction in.

So, because of how the market has been, I’m going to split this week’s WSK numbers into the best “BTFD Trades of the Week”, and the “Best Short Term Trades of the Week”. I’ve also included some of the worst trades made during the week for fun too :KEK:

Before we get to the numbers, it’s always a good reminder to please DYOR and only invest money you’re willing to lose, especially in market conditions such as these. Additionally, if you’re sitting on a life-changing amount of unrealized gains, it never hurts to take some profit.

BTFD Trades of the Week

Best Short Term Trades of the Week

Worst Short Term Trades of the Week


  • Avg. cost now includes gas
  • Best short term trades only included trades with variance >100%
  • Lowest Price During Dip sourced from OpenSea activity page.

See You Next Week

That’s it for this week and I hope you enjoyed this update on the Kongiverse!

Even though we all wish the NFT market could be “up only”, that’s not reality and it’s not how a healthy market develops.

If you’ve been feeling a little stressed by the current market conditions, use this slower period as a time to take a break, disconnect, be in nature, and catch up on IRL things you’ve been missing out on.

Everything comes and goes in cycles and before you know it, the market will be back.

In the meantime, just have some patience and peace of mind that our Kongmunity continues to grow and becomes stronger by the day.


