CyberMilesNFT Newsletter — CyberWorld Empowers the Designer Company to Launch Unique Toy NFTs

lin z
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2021

CyberWorld is excited to have been working with the designer company ‘ADAMASH LAB’ to launch their first NFTs. ADAMASH LAB is an art-sharing platform for fashion artists and art lovers, built by designer ASH and his team. The concept of ADAMASH LAB was founded as a spiritual cave for “grow-ups” to let free of their nature and imagination. ADAMASH LAB will gradually launch the artworks of ADAMASH’s series in the future, as well as artworks jointly released by prominent designers and brands.

CyberWorld has always maintained a close relationship with ADAMASH LAB. When CyberWorld postponed its launch of the NFT marketplace V2.0 by the end of September, ADAMASH LAB has been patiently waiting just like the other CyberWorld supporters.

The first toy series ‘ELEMENTS’

Actually, ADAMASH LAB has already discussed with CyberWorld in launching their first NFTs. The idea is to make their first batch of toy products in ADAMASH series into NFTs. The first batch of toy products called ‘ELEMENTS’ was freshly launched on September 21 and sold out. There is great news that the first batch of ELEMENTS has sold out.


ELEMENTS aim to explore the multidimensional life, the eternity of time and the edge of the universe, and subtle and profound trend of culture. The first 20 buyers to complete the purchase of ELEMENT toy will receive a hand-signed AMAMASH print painting by designer ASH. The purchase of any ELEMENT toy figurine will also have the chance to receive the limited ADAMASH NFT ART works.

ELEMENTS series were inspired by the elements of earth, water, fire, and wind, which form the basis of the ADAMASH World, but also represent several qualities the brand values;

EARTH — Perseverance, and support

WATER — Flexibility and cohesion

FIRE — Warmth and light

WIND — Wisdom and flexibility

ADAMASH LAB hopes users find joy and peace through ELEMENTS, conveying the idea that love and sharing are the things that hold everything together.

CyberWorld empowers ADAMASH LAB

ADAMASH was born in the early spring of 2021. Since March, ADAMASH has grown from zero to hero. There is no way to full describe the growth of a budding new art provider. Fortunately, ADAMASH began to realize its goals step by step. As said by the designer ASH, ADAMASH is not just some simple lines and modelings, but a “rough stone” that can carry distant romance and create infinite possibilities and dreams.

ADAMASH has committed followers and fans and buyers who purchase of ELEMENT will also have the chance to receive the limited ADAMASH NFT ART works. CyberWorld now is working on minting ELEMENTS NFTs. Once the ELEMENTS NFTs are published, CyberWorld will help ADAMASH giving these NFTs away to their customers.


ADAMASH believes that CyberWorld is the perfect marketplace for its first attempt at NFT. The cooperation is achieved on the ground of complementary advantages from both sides. Our goals and philosophy are aligned. It is our firm belief that embarking on this new journey of NFT, the opportunities will be tremendous, and the dream paves the way for reality. The timing is perfect. CyberWorld empowers ADAMASH to realize its ambition in design toys.

In the end, congrats to ADAMASH LAB who has sold out all the ELEMENTS toys.

Welcome to CyberWorld and ADAMASH’s world.

