#GenesisValidator [3]: Wancloud adds to the ecosystem by adding a node on CyberMiles’ blockchain

Vincent T.
Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2018

Similar to SSSnodes, Wancloud is a growing hub of nodes, already having deployed Validators on projects such as Bitshares, Hyperchain, Qtum, Quorum, and Stellar.

Wancloud’s mission, however, doesn’t stop there. In addition to nodes, Wancloud is looking to help developers, enterprises and individuals to explore blockchain technology by providing an umbrella of services.

With a “dapp” store, a collection of tools for developers (Wancloud IDE), and even tailor-made services for different industries that are getting into blockchain, Wancloud has proven a true commitment to helping democratize this technology.

By becoming a Genesis Validator/Supernode on CyberMiles’ blockchain, Wancloud will expand e-commerce services further for both current and potential partners.

Slogan: Wancloud Enterprise Contributor of Blockchain Innovation

Location: Hong Kong, China
Website: wancloud.cloud
Announced compensation rate: 50%*
Announced self-staked CMT: two millions*

*subject to adjustment

Meet the Team

Tom Tao
General Manager of Wancloud & Founder of DBA. Before joining Wancloud, Tom had 18 years of practical experience in business and service management at leading global IT companies.

Leo Li
Chief Architect and Product Director. Leo is a blockchain technology geek. Prior to Wancloud, Leo worked as Product Director at a Fintech company, gaining experience in cloud computing and blockchain while acquiring several technology patents.

Tony Jiang
System Architect. With more than 13 years of IT software development experience, Tony has in-depth knowledge in system design and maintenance. Previously, he worked for the software department at HP.

Larry Peng
Product Manager. Before joining Wancloud, Larry had years of experience in product management at a leading global enterprise software company. With an area of expertise in supply chain, Larry is devoting his efforts to applying blockchain technology to the supply chain.

Wendy Zhu
Wancloud UE Group Leader. Wendy previously worked in China CJ and China Telecom for years. Her primary experience is in product design, dedicated to improving user experience.

Ruitian Li
Advanced Quality Engineer. Ruitian has deep experience in software testing, having worked previously in quality control at China’s leading Healthcare Cloud Platform.

