Cybernetic 8 — Volume 1

8 interesting things from a cybernetic world

Florian Resch
2 min readAug 1, 2018


What is this all about?

This is an irregular collection of the most interesting news from the tech and startup world I came across in the last weeks, prepared and bite-sized for your reading pleasure.

It will mostly cover topics around #technology #startups #deeptech #neurotech #ai #robotics #decentalization #lifescience #healthtech #complexity #cybernetics #constructivism and #futurism, but also include some funny or otherwise noteworthy stuff from time to time.

Why cybernetic 8? Learn more about this worldview here, here or here.

Here we go — the Cybernetic 8 for May

  • How alogithms change taste, choice and personality, and slowly eliminate the coincidential discoveries of your daily life — LINK
  • In the chip world, after CPUs and GPUs, specific machine learning chips are the next step — here are the most active companies in that space — LINK
  • The way how our manufacturing looks like is about to change tremendously — CBInsights has a great report on that — LINK
  • If you like your manufacturing even more futuristic, Singularity University and Deloitte prepared a report on exponential technologies for manufacturing — LINK
  • AI and AGI are in everyone’s mouth and brain nowadays. Matt Turck from First Mark Capital analyzed how far away we are from AGI — LINK
  • Downsides of AI seem to concern more and more people. The MIT Technology Review has an article on that (LINK) and how the US deals with it (LINK).
  • For DeepTech startups, “traditional” VC money might be a difficult thing to take — the Harvard Business Review has an interesting take here — LINK
  • How we feed the world is an increasingly disucssed topic, check out the current trends in food and agriculture that Techstars sees — LINK

Anything else?

Universal Basic Income is a highly discussed topic in the tech world, with opinions ranging from devil’s advocates to evangelists. Here is a lenghty but readworthy article highlighting the advantages of UBI — LINK.

Also, while at it, check out what UBI proponent and VC Albert Wenger thinks on the topic, there are several posts on his blog that are worth your time — LINK

Closing remarks

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Florian Resch

VC Investor, Partner @IST cube / Investing early in deep tech and science based startups and spin-offs /