Cybernetic 8 — Volume 9

8 interesting things from a cybernetic world

Florian Resch
3 min readDec 27, 2018


What is this all about?

This newsletter is an irregular collection of the most interesting news from the tech and startup world I came across in the last couple of weeks, prepared and bite-sized for your reading pleasure.

It will mostly cover topics around #technology #startups #deeptech #neurotech #ai #robotics #decentalization #lifescience #healthtech #complexity #cybernetics #constructivism and #futurism, but also include some funny or otherwise noteworthy stuff from time to time.

Why cybernetic 8? Learn more about this worldview here, here or here.

Here we go → your Cybernetic 8

  • Let’s start with some funny stuff. The “tweeting toaster” turns 10. Check out the story how a self-made “toaster-to-twitter” connection helped spark the #IoT revolution. — LINK
  • Staying in the #IoT space, the technology is certainly going through some tough times right now. Find out in this article why it hasn’t lived up to the hype (so far…or, has it actually and nobody notices?) — LINK
  • At least, this article argues that a combination of #IoT and #Robotics will fuel the next cycle of Innovation in this area, constantly adding new eyes and ears to industrial and commercial robots, alike. — LINK
  • Fellow VC Benedict Evans from VC Firm Andreessen Horowitz always gives great presentations and talks about #tech and the #future. Check out his latest — “The end of the beginning” here — LINK
  • It just might not be the time to call “KITT, get me out of here” and your car comes around, but #autonomous cars are coming fast to disrupt #mobility. Check out this article in the Science Magazine how they can stop traffic jams. — LINK
  • Of course this is all scary stuff, self-driving cars, #AI and all that dangerous tech. ;) Read that article to find out how #tech can save us, as long as we make it that far in the future. — LINK
  • #Space is becoming interesting again for governmental as well as private explorers in a quest for new frontiers. #Mars is one of the main targets and CNN has some great pics and stories from the red planet. — LINK
  • A major driver for that is the miniaturization of #rockets — the recent launch of a New Zealand based rocket company Rocket Labs proves that and let’s us hope for more. The New York Times has the article — LINK

Anything else?

As you may know from previous editions of this publication, I am a supporter of the idea of basic income (though I think the concept needs some work and I believe it should not be “unconditional”)… However, the idea seems to gain more traction, and a german NGO will start a 3 year test period in the city of Berlin. — LINK



Florian Resch

VC Investor, Partner @IST cube / Investing early in deep tech and science based startups and spin-offs /