Bluetooth — Bluejacking, Bluesnarfing, & Bluebugging?

Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2021

What is Bluetooth?
Almost everything has a BlueTooth connection these days but what is BlueTooth? Bluetooth is a wireless technology for short-range wireless communication between devices. It enables a connection between devices such as earphones, smartwatches, audio devices, gaming devices, cars, and many more. People use it often as it has many benefits.
-wireless & convenient when compared to cables
-low power

Why is this topic relevant to information security?

Even short-range devices such as BlueTooth is vulnerable to attacks. Where attackers can exploit users’ BlueTooth connections without their knowledge.

One of the attacks through BlueTooth is bluesnarfing. Bluesnarfing is unauthorized access of info through a BlueTooth connection. Could be between phones, laptops, or any devices with BlueTooth. Attackers can download files, pictures, and contact info.

How to prevent it?
- Don’t pair or accept with unknown devices.
- Switch to non-discovery mode.

Is the opposite of bluesnarfing. Bluejacking is where you may receive unwanted files and messages where snarfing is taking files from you.

How to prevent it?
- Don’t pair or accept with unknown devices.
- Switch to non-discovery mode.
- Ignore the messages.

This attack is considered the most dangerous. It allows the threat actor to gain access and control your Bluetooth-enabled devices. It allows the attacker to gain access to all your files, messages, photos, contacts, etc. Basic prevent is similar to above.

Disclaimer: Not an expert. If anything is unclear or incorrect. Will fix upon notice.

