OTW Level 4 and 5

Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2020

Level 4 to 5

The username and password from the previous post.

Log into bandit 4. Using the SSH command and the same port. On the website. OTW gives the hint “ls, cd, cat, file, du, find” which are commands that you may use to find the password. Not all commands will be used but should know how they work. The password for the next level is stored in the only human-readable file in the inhere directory.

ls: used to list files and directories
cd: change directory
cat: concatenate — view contents of a file in terminal
file: determine the type of a file
du: track the files and directories which are consuming space
find: used to find files and directories

Enter the ssh command with the Username: bandit4 and Password: pIwrPrtPN36QITSp3EQaw936yaFoFgAB.

After logging in. Use the command commands “ls” or “ls -alt” to see what files are there in the default directory. As you can see the folder “inhere” is located. Change the directory to that folder by “cd inhere/”. Again “ls” or “ls -alt” to see what files are within the folder. At first, I tried to “cat” any of the files, it did not work.

I tried to check what time the files are from the hint by using the “file” command. Found the text file which should be where the password is. I tried a different method of “cat” command by entering “cat ./-file 07” instead of the just “cat -file 07” as it did not work previously. From there it showed the password for Bandit 5 — koReBOKuIDDepwhWk7jZC0RTdopnAYKh.

Level 5 to 6

From the previous level. I stayed logged in. The hint from OTW is the password for the next level is stored in a file somewhere under the inhere directory and has all of the following properties: human-readable/ 1033 bytes in size/ not executable. The command hints are the same as the previous level but here is the description again. Note: not all commands will be needed.

ls: used to list files and directories
cd: change directory
cat: concatenate — view contents of a file in terminal
file: determine the type of a file
du: track the files and directories which are consuming space
find: used to find files and directories

The folder “inhere” was in the default folder. Change the directory to that folder by “cd inhere/”. Again “ls” or “ls -alt” to see what files or folders are within inhere.

Since there are so many folders. We need to use the find command. Use the find command with the hints given from the site of file size 1033 bytes. The command is “find . -size 1033c”. The “c” is for byte size. Which would give you the path/folder. Then use “cat” command to show the pw for bandit 6 DXjZPULLxYr17uwoI01bNLQbtFemEgo7.

Note: This is only informational only on how to complete otw. If anything is incorrect or unclear. Will be fixed upon notification.

