Pyleoclim and ChatGPT: an assistant for your paleoclimate coding needs.

Deborah Khider
Published in
21 min readApr 10, 2024


Have you ever dreamt of code writing itself so you can concentrate on your research? Well, we have good news. Thanks to recent advances in generative AI, this dream may be closer than you think!

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is no used ubiquitously for all kinds of writing tasks. It turns out that ChatGPT knows about paleoclimate data analysis and can help write your code! Let’s see how well this works with the following example.

To get started, have the following ready:

  • A scientific question and an idea of which analysis you may want to run. For this example, we will be using Antartic CO2 data stored at NOAA NCEI and use ChatGPT to guide us towards spectral analysis.
  • A ChatGPT account. I am using a paid account but the free version with ChatGPT3.5 should work as well.

Let’s start by asking ChatGPT about Pyleoclim

Getting started

Disclaimer: I am using ChatGPT4.

As ChatGPT will inform you, it will only know about the Pyleoclim version as of its last training. However, it is a good place to start before supplementing with the Pyleoclim documentation when needed.

Me: Have you heard about the Pyleoclim Toolbox?


Yes, I’ve heard about Pyleoclim. Pyleoclim is a Python package designed for the analysis and visualization of paleoclimate data. It provides tools for various tasks common in paleoclimate science, such as time series analysis, spectral analysis, plotting functions, and handling of paleoclimate archives like ice cores, sediments, and speleothems.

Key features of Pyleoclim include:

  • Spectral Analysis: Tools for performing spectral analysis, including methodologies like wavelet analysis and multitaper methods, which are particularly useful for identifying periodicities in paleoclimate records.
  • Time Series Analysis: Functions to deal with irregularly spaced time series, which are common in paleoclimate data, including interpolation and resampling techniques.
  • Plotting: Enhanced visualization tools tailored for paleoclimate data, making it easier to generate informative plots for analysis and publication.
  • Uncertainty Analysis: Capabilities to handle uncertainties in measurements and age models, allowing for more robust interpretations of the data.
  • Paleoclimate Standardization: Support for LiPD (Linked Paleo Data) files, facilitating the use of standardized data formats in paleoclimate research.

Pyleoclim is part of the broader push within the paleoclimate community towards open science and reproducible research. By providing a standardized, open-source toolkit for common analytical tasks, it helps researchers process and analyze paleoclimate records more efficiently and with greater transparency.

The library is actively developed and supported, and it’s designed to be user-friendly, even for those who may not have extensive programming experience. For more detailed information, including installation instructions, tutorials, and API documentation, visiting the Pyleoclim GitHub page or its official documentation is recommended.

Not bad for a language model!

Now let’s put it the task. We’ll ask ChatGPT to create a Series object, the basis for most analyses relevant to Pyleoclim.

Me: Can you show me how to create a Series object in Pyleoclim?


Creating a Series object in Pyleoclim typically involves working with paleoclimate time series data. The Pyleoclim library is designed to simplify the handling and analysis of such data. A Series object in Pyleoclim can represent a univariate time series, such as temperature measurements from a paleoclimate proxy record.

To create a Series object, you generally need two main components:

  • A list or array of time values (which could be years, dates, etc.)
  • A list or array of corresponding data values (e.g., temperature, δ18O)

Here’s a basic example of how to create a Series object in Pyleoclim using some dummy data. Please ensure you have Pyleoclim installed in your environment. If not, you can install it using pip (pip install pyleoclim).

import pyleoclim as pyleo

# Example data
time = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # e.g., years, centuries, or any other time unit
values = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1] # e.g., temperature anomalies, δ18O values, etc.

# Create a Series object
series = pyleo.Series(time=time, value=values)

# Display the Series object

# Plot the series (if you want to visualize it)

In this example:

  • time represents the time axis of the series, which could be in years, dates, or another appropriate time scale.
  • values represents the measurements or data values at each point in time.
  • The pyleo.Series constructor creates the Series object with the given time and value arrays.
  • series.plot() is called to visualize the time series data. Pyleoclim provides various plotting capabilities to explore your data visually.

Remember, this is a simplified example. When working with actual paleoclimate data, you might be dealing with more complex datasets, including those with uncertainties or irregular time intervals. Pyleoclim offers extensive functionality to handle such complexities effectively.

Let’s see how well this code works:

import pyleoclim as pyleo

# Example data
time = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # e.g., years, centuries, or any other time unit
values = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1] # e.g., temperature anomalies, δ18O values, etc.

# Create a Series object
series = pyleo.Series(time=time, value=values)

# Display the Series object

# Plot the series (if you want to visualize it)
Time axis values sorted in ascending order
Time [years CE]
1.0 0.1
2.0 0.2
3.0 0.3
4.0 0.2
5.0 0.1
Name: value, dtype: float64

/var/folders/xj/p7h9764x7cx0by8547l04rrr0000gn/T/ipykernel_3160/ UserWarning: auto_time_params is not specified. Currently default behavior sets this to True, which might modify your supplied time metadata. Please set to False if you want a different behavior.
series = pyleo.Series(time=time, value=values)
/var/folders/xj/p7h9764x7cx0by8547l04rrr0000gn/T/ipykernel_3160/ UserWarning: No time_unit parameter provided. Assuming years CE.
series = pyleo.Series(time=time, value=values)
/var/folders/xj/p7h9764x7cx0by8547l04rrr0000gn/T/ipykernel_3160/ UserWarning: No time_name parameter provided. Assuming "Time".
series = pyleo.Series(time=time, value=values)

(<Figure size 1000x400 with 1 Axes>,
<Axes: xlabel='Time [years CE]', ylabel='value'>)

The code works! Not exactly the best looking plot, but ChatGPT just provided an example dataset using simple lists. Let’s see if we can load an example from NOAA NCEI.

Loading paleoclimate data from the NOAA World Data Service for Paleoclimatology and an Applied Research Service for Paleoclimatology

Me: Can you load this data into Python:


I can’t directly access external URLs, including FTP links, from this environment. However, I can guide you on how to load this data into Python using the pandas library, which is very efficient for handling and analyzing tabular data.

The file you’re referring to seems to be a plain text file containing ice core CO2 data from Antarctica. Such files often include headers or comment lines (usually starting with #) before the actual data columns, which represent the time series and CO2 measurements.

Here’s an example code snippet that shows how you might load this data into Python using pandas. This example assumes that the data columns are separated by whitespace and that you want to skip the header lines:

import pandas as pd

# FTP URL for the dataset
url = ''

# Load the dataset into a pandas DataFrame
# Assuming the data starts after a header of a certain number of lines (e.g., skiprows=64)
# You might need to adjust the 'skiprows' parameter based on the actual file structure
df = pd.read_csv(url, sep='\t', comment='#', skiprows=64, engine='python',
names=['Year', 'CO2'], # Adjust column names based on the actual data format

# Display the first few rows of the DataFrame

Please note a few important points:

  • You need to replace sep='\t' with the actual separator used in the file (whitespace, comma, etc.). I assumed tab-separated values ('\t') based on the file extension but adjust this according to the actual format.
  • The comment='#' parameter tells pandas to ignore lines starting with # as comments.
  • Adjust the skiprows parameter to match the number of header lines before the actual data begins. This number can vary depending on the specific file's structure.
  • The names parameter is used to manually specify column names if the file does not include a header row. Adjust the column names based on the actual content of your file.

Since I can’t directly access external URLs, you might need to download the file manually or use the above code snippet, adjusting parameters as necessary based on the file’s structure and content.

In this case, it’s not a simple/copy paste but at least it gives you an idea on how to get started. Let’s copy the code and make the following adjustments:

  • sep: NOAA does use tabs to separate their text files
  • comment: NOAA does use # to indicate comments. And in this case, there is only one table. So we can leave it
  • skiplines: Actually not needed since the data is there.
  • names: Shouldn't be needed since the table has headers. But we need to figure out where the headers are and how to signal to pandas to use the line as headers.

Me: how to signal that the first row is in the header?

ChatGPT: If the first row of your dataset contains the header, i.e., the names of the columns, you can instruct pandas.read_csv() to use this row as the header by specifying the header parameter. By default, pandas.read_csv() assumes that the first row is the header (header=0). However, explicitly setting this parameter can be helpful for clarity or in situations where you need to adjust its default behavior.

Here’s how you would modify the code to explicitly use the first row as the header:

import pandas as pd

# FTP URL for the dataset (example; replace with actual URL if needed)
url = ''

# Load the dataset into a pandas DataFrame, specifying that the first row is the header
df = pd.read_csv(url, sep='\t', header=0, comment='#', engine='python')

# Display the first few rows of the DataFrame to confirm the header is correctly identified

In this code:

  • sep='\t' assumes the data is tab-separated. Replace \t with the correct separator if different (e.g., , for comma-separated values).
  • header=0 tells pandas to use the first row as the header. This is the default behavior, but specifying it can make your code more readable.
  • comment='#' is used to ignore lines that start with #, which are often used for comments or metadata in data files.

Remember, when accessing files over FTP or HTTP, the server must allow direct file access for pandas.read_csv() to work. If the file is not accessible directly due to FTP server restrictions or network policies, you might need to download the file manually and then load it locally:

# For a locally downloaded file
file_path = 'path/to/your/downloaded/file.txt'
df = pd.read_csv(file_path, sep='\t', header=0, comment='#')

Adjust file_path to the location where you've saved the file.

Note that ChatGPT reuses the previous example and enriches it. This is a feature of the tool. It is meant to have a conversation with you and keep the context of your work into account. So you may want to have a separate chat for separate analyses.

Let’s try to add hearder=0 to our previous code and run it.

You’ll notice that the headers appear on the second line. That’s ok, just replace with header=1.

import pandas as pd

# FTP URL for the dataset
url = ''

# Load the dataset into a pandas DataFrame
# Assuming the data starts after a header of a certain number of lines (e.g., skiprows=64)
# You might need to adjust the 'skiprows' parameter based on the actual file structure
df = pd.read_csv(url, sep='\t', comment='#', header=1, engine='python')

# Display the first few rows of the DataFrame
age_gas_calBP co2_ppm co2_1s_ppm
0 -51.03 368.02 0.06
1 -48.00 361.78 0.37
2 -46.28 359.65 0.10
3 -44.41 357.11 0.16
4 -43.08 353.95 0.04

Looks like we’re good to go! Now let’s ask ChatGPT how to create a Series object in Pyleoclim from the first and second column in the DataFrame.

Me: How to load the first two columns of the dataframe (the first column being time) into a Pyleoclim Series?


To load the first two columns of a DataFrame into a Pyleoclim Series, assuming the first column represents time and the second column represents the data values (e.g., temperature, CO2 concentration, etc.), you can follow these steps. This process involves first loading your data into a pandas DataFrame (as shown in previous examples) and then creating a Pyleoclim Series object with the appropriate columns.

First, ensure you have Pyleoclim and Pandas installed in your environment. If not, you can install them using pip:

pip install pyleoclim pandas

Here is a step-by-step guide to load the data and then create a Pyleoclim Series:

import pandas as pd
import pyleoclim as pyleo

# Load the data into a pandas DataFrame
# Replace 'url_or_filepath' with the actual URL or path to your data file
url_or_filepath = 'your_data_file.txt'
df = pd.read_csv(url_or_filepath, sep='\t', header=0, comment='#')

# Assuming the first column is 'time' and the second column is your data value
# Adjust column names as necessary based on your actual data
time = df.iloc[:, 0] # Selects the first column
values = df.iloc[:, 1] # Selects the second column

# Create a Pyleoclim Series object
series = pyleo.Series(time=time, value=values)

# Now, you can work with the Pyleoclim Series object
# For example, to plot the series:

In this example:

  • Replace 'your_data_file.txt' with the actual file name or URL of your dataset.
  • The sep='\t', header=0, and comment='#' parameters are adjusted based on the file format. For instance, if your data is comma-separated, you'd use sep=','.
  • df.iloc[:, 0] selects all rows (:) from the first column (0) of the DataFrame, and df.iloc[:, 1] does the same for the second column. These slices are then used to create the time and values arrays for the Pyleoclim Series.
  • The pyleo.Series(time=time, value=values) line creates the Series object, which you can then analyze or visualize using Pyleoclim's methods, such as .plot().

Make sure the column names or indices used to select time and values match the structure of your dataset.

It’s nice to remind us of instructions but let’s use the code relevant to the problem:

# Assuming the first column is 'time' and the second column is your data value
# Adjust column names as necessary based on your actual data
time = df.iloc[:, 0] # Selects the first column
values = df.iloc[:, 1] # Selects the second column

# Create a Pyleoclim Series object
series = pyleo.Series(time=time, value=values)

# Now, you can work with the Pyleoclim Series object
# For example, to plot the series:
Time axis values sorted in ascending order

/var/folders/xj/p7h9764x7cx0by8547l04rrr0000gn/T/ipykernel_67187/ UserWarning: auto_time_params is not specified. Currently default behavior sets this to True, which might modify your supplied time metadata. Please set to False if you want a different behavior.
series = pyleo.Series(time=time, value=values)
/var/folders/xj/p7h9764x7cx0by8547l04rrr0000gn/T/ipykernel_67187/ UserWarning: No time_unit parameter provided. Assuming years CE.
series = pyleo.Series(time=time, value=values)
/var/folders/xj/p7h9764x7cx0by8547l04rrr0000gn/T/ipykernel_67187/ UserWarning: No time_name parameter provided. Assuming "Time".
series = pyleo.Series(time=time, value=values)

(<Figure size 1000x400 with 1 Axes>,
<AxesSubplot: xlabel='Time [years CE]', ylabel='value'>)

Well, almost there. The defaults for the axis name is not appropriate for this time series. Let’s ask ChatGPT one more time!

Me: Can you correct the code above so the name of time is the header for the first column and the value name is the header for the second column?


To adjust the code so that it uses the headers from the DataFrame for the time and value columns when creating a Pyleoclim Series object, you can access the column names directly from the DataFrame. This approach automatically adapts to the specific column names in your dataset without hardcoding them. Here’s how to modify the previous example:

import pandas as pd
import pyleoclim as pyleo

# Load the data into a pandas DataFrame
# Replace 'url_or_filepath' with the actual URL or path to your data file
url_or_filepath = 'your_data_file.txt'
df = pd.read_csv(url_or_filepath, sep='\t', header=0, comment='#')

# Use the DataFrame's column names to dynamically get time and values
time_column_name = df.columns[0] # Name of the first column for time
value_column_name = df.columns[1] # Name of the second column for values

time = df[time_column_name] # Selects the time column using its header
values = df[value_column_name] # Selects the values column using its header

# Create a Pyleoclim Series object using column headers as names for time and value
series = pyleo.Series(time=time, value=values, time_name=time_column_name, value_name=value_column_name)

# Now, you can work with the Pyleoclim Series object
# For example, to plot the series:

In this revised code:

  • df.columns[0] and df.columns[1] dynamically extract the column names of the first and second columns, respectively. This way, the code automatically uses the correct headers for the time and value columns.
  • The time_name and value_name parameters in pyleo.Series() are used to specify the names of the time and value columns when creating the Series object. Note that as of my last update, pyleoclim.Series might not directly accept time_name and value_name parameters for labeling. If pyleoclim does not support these parameters, you would simply create the series with time and value: series = pyleo.Series(time=time, value=values). The purpose here is to illustrate how you might wish to keep track of column names, but actual implementation may vary based on the version of Pyleoclim you are using. Always refer to the current Pyleoclim documentation for accurate parameter options.

Make sure to replace 'your_data_file.txt' with the actual path or URL to your dataset. This approach ensures that your code is more flexible and can work with different datasets without modification to the column names in the code.

Let’s make the adjustment:

time_column_name = df.columns[0]  # Name of the first column for time
value_column_name = df.columns[1] # Name of the second column for values

time = df[time_column_name] # Selects the time column using its header
values = df[value_column_name] # Selects the values column using its header

# Create a Pyleoclim Series object using column headers as names for time and value
series = pyleo.Series(time=time, value=values, time_name=time_column_name, value_name=value_column_name)

# Now, you can work with the Pyleoclim Series object
# For example, to plot the series:
Time axis values sorted in ascending order

/var/folders/xj/p7h9764x7cx0by8547l04rrr0000gn/T/ipykernel_67187/ UserWarning: auto_time_params is not specified. Currently default behavior sets this to True, which might modify your supplied time metadata. Please set to False if you want a different behavior.
series = pyleo.Series(time=time, value=values, time_name=time_column_name, value_name=value_column_name)
/var/folders/xj/p7h9764x7cx0by8547l04rrr0000gn/T/ipykernel_67187/ UserWarning: No time_unit parameter provided. Assuming years CE.
series = pyleo.Series(time=time, value=values, time_name=time_column_name, value_name=value_column_name)

(<Figure size 1000x400 with 1 Axes>,
<AxesSubplot: xlabel='age_gas_calBP [years CE]', ylabel='co2_ppm'>)

Pyleoclim is still making a default unit assumption but we are making progress. Sometimes, it may be easier to ask for the available parameters and use the example to adjust the code. Let’s ask ChatGPT to tell us what are the parameters associated with the Series object and proceed from here.

Me: What are the parameters for a Pyleoclim Series?


As of my last update, Pyleoclim’s Series class is designed to handle univariate time series data, commonly used in paleoclimate research. The parameters you can use to initialize a Series object in Pyleoclim may include the following:

  • time: A list, numpy array, or pandas Series representing the time axis of the series. Time can be in various formats, such as years, dates, or even floating-point numbers representing time in a specific unit.
  • value: A list, numpy array, or pandas Series representing the data values of the series. These could be measurements like temperature, δ18O values, etc.
  • time_unit: A string indicating the unit of the time axis (e.g., ‘ka’, ‘BP’, ‘AD’, etc.). This is optional but can be important for plotting and analysis.
  • label: A string that serves as a label or title for the series. It could be the name of the proxy measurement or any descriptive label you choose.
  • value_unit: A string indicating the unit of the data values. Like time_unit, this is optional but useful for clarity in plots and analysis.
  • time_name: A string representing the name of the time variable. (Note: Depending on the version of Pyleoclim you’re using, this parameter might not be available.)
  • value_name: A string representing the name of the value variable. (Similarly, this may not be available in all versions.)

Here’s a basic template for creating a Series object with some of these parameters:

import pyleoclim as pyleo

series = pyleo.Series(time=[...], # Your time data here
value=[...], # Your value data here
time_unit='AD', # Example time unit
label='My Proxy Data', # Example label
value_unit='°C', # Example value unit

It’s important to note that Pyleoclim is actively developed, and its API (Application Programming Interface) might evolve. Parameters for initializing a Series object or other functionalities could change. Therefore, it's always a good idea to consult the latest Pyleoclim documentation for the most current and accurate information on available parameters and how to use them effectively.

Ok, let’s use this to refine the plot a little bit:

time_column_name = df.columns[0]  # Name of the first column for time
value_column_name = df.columns[1] # Name of the second column for values

time = df[time_column_name] # Selects the time column using its header
values = df[value_column_name] # Selects the values column using its header

# Create a Pyleoclim Series object using column headers as names for time and value
series = pyleo.Series(time=time, value=values, time_name='Age', value_name='CO2', time_unit='Years BP',value_unit='ppm')

# Now, you can work with the Pyleoclim Series object
# For example, to plot the series:
Time axis values sorted in ascending order

/var/folders/xj/p7h9764x7cx0by8547l04rrr0000gn/T/ipykernel_67187/ UserWarning: auto_time_params is not specified. Currently default behavior sets this to True, which might modify your supplied time metadata. Please set to False if you want a different behavior.
series = pyleo.Series(time=time, value=values, time_name='Age', value_name='CO2', time_unit='Years BP',value_unit='ppm')

(<Figure size 1000x400 with 1 Axes>,
<AxesSubplot: xlabel='Age [Years BP]', ylabel='CO2 [ppm]'>)

Looking much better!

Running a spectral analysis on the data

Let’s ask ChatGPT on help with running spectral analysis on this data.

Me: How can I run spectral analysis on series using Pyleoclim? ChaGPT: Running spectral analysis on a time series using Pyleoclim involves using methods designed for identifying periodic signals within the series. One common method for spectral analysis in Pyleoclim is the Lomb-Scargle periodogram, which is particularly useful for unevenly spaced time series, a common characteristic of paleoclimate data.

Here’s how you can perform a spectral analysis on a Series object in Pyleoclim:

  1. Create a Series object: First, ensure you have a Series object containing your time series data.
  2. Use the spectral method: Call the spectral method on your Series object to perform the spectral analysis. You can specify various parameters to customize the analysis, such as the method ('lomb-scargle', 'welch', etc.), the frequency limits, and the significance testing options.

Here is a basic example of performing a spectral analysis using the Lomb-Scargle method:

import pyleoclim as pyleo

# Assuming 'series' is your Series object
# Perform spectral analysis
spec_result = series.spectral(method='lomb-scargle',
psd=True, # Set to True to return the power spectral density
sig=True, # Set to True to perform significance testing

Plot the spectral analysis result


In this example:
- `method='lomb-scargle'` specifies the Lomb-Scargle periodogram as the method for spectral analysis.
- `psd=True` indicates that the power spectral density is computed.
- `sig=True` enables significance testing against a red noise background model to identify significant peaks in the spectrum.

**Important Notes:**
- **Data Preparation:** Ensure your time series data (the `Series` object) is properly prepared before running spectral analysis. This includes handling missing data, detrending if necessary, and understanding the characteristics of your data.
- **Method Selection:** While Lomb-Scargle is widely used for unevenly spaced data, Pyleoclim supports other methods as well. Choose the method that best fits the characteristics of your data and your research questions.
- **Significance Testing:** The significance testing (`sig=True`) is crucial for interpreting the spectral peaks. Significant peaks suggest periodic signals in the data that stand out against the background noise.

For the most up-to-date information on using Pyleoclim for spectral analysis, including available methods, parameters, and interpretation of results, refer to the [Pyleoclim documentation]( The library's documentation provides comprehensive guides, examples, and API details that are essential for effective use of its spectral analysis capabilities.

ChatGPT gives us some sage advice:

Make sure that your data is properly prepared before analysis! Spectral analysis is extremely sensitive to the input data and you may need to perform some detrending, standardizing and regridding on an evenly-spaced time axis. Remember that ChatGPT is here to help you with the coding but ultimately you need to create the worflow (i.e., the computational steps) that is most relevant to your data!!!

In our case, detrending is not needed so let’s try the code provided:

# Assuming 'series' is your Series object
# Perform spectral analysis
spec_result = series.spectral(method='lomb-scargle',
psd=True, # Set to True to return the power spectral density
sig=True, # Set to True to perform significance testing

# Plot the spectral analysis result

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)

Cell In[16], line 3
1 # Assuming 'series' is your Series object
2 # Perform spectral analysis
----> 3 spec_result = series.spectral(method='lomb-scargle',
4 psd=True, # Set to True to return the power spectral density
5 sig=True, # Set to True to perform significance testing
6 )
8 # Plot the spectral analysis result
9 spec_result.plot()

TypeError: Series.spectral() got an unexpected keyword argument 'psd'

Uh-oh! This didn’t work as planned, did it? Turns out that psd is not an argument of spectral. Well, let's remove it (and let's remove sig as well as I have it from good authority that is it not an argument either). Also the method is spelled a slightly different way (underscore instead of hyphen):

# Assuming 'series' is your Series object
# Perform spectral analysis
spec_result = series.spectral(method='lomb_scargle')

# Plot the spectral analysis result
(<Figure size 1000x400 with 1 Axes>,
<AxesSubplot: xlabel='Period [years]', ylabel='PSD'>)

Wonderful! We got the plot. But we still have two problems:

  1. ChatGPT got quite a few things wrong! Again, it provides some help but you are responsible for checking and understanding how to use the code. What it does well is synthetize the documentation for you (see link in previous chat) and takes make to remind you to consult it.

If you search for Series.spectral in the documentation, you will get the following:

Perform spectral analysis on the timeseries

method (str;) — {‘wwz’, ‘mtm’, ‘lomb_scargle’, ‘welch’, ‘periodogram’, ‘cwt’}
freq_method (str) — {‘log’,’scale’, ‘nfft’, ‘lomb_scargle’, ‘welch’}
freq_kwargs (dict) — Arguments for frequency vector
settings (dict) — Arguments for the specific spectral method
label (str) — Label for the PSD object
scalogram (pyleoclim.core.series.Series.Scalogram) — The return of the wavelet analysis; effective only when the method is ‘wwz’ or ‘cwt’
verbose (bool) — If True, will print warning messages if there is any
psd — A PSD object
Return type:

Along with examples on how to use the code. It also tells you that the object being returned by the function is PSD.

Let’s ask ChatGPT about PSD objects in Pyleoclim:

Me:What’s a PSD object in Pyleoclim?

ChatGPT: In Pyleoclim, a PSD (Power Spectral Density) object is a specific type of object that represents the results of spectral analysis. The PSD object contains the power spectral density of a time series, which quantifies the power present in various frequency components of the series. This is particularly useful for identifying dominant cycles or periodicities in climate records and other geoscientific datasets.

The PSD object is typically created as the output of a spectral analysis method applied to a Series object in Pyleoclim. For example, when you perform spectral analysis using the .spectral() method on a Series object, the method can return a PSD object containing the spectral analysis results, including the frequencies analyzed and their corresponding power values.

Here are some key attributes and methods commonly associated with a PSD object in Pyleoclim:

  • Attributes:
  • frequency: An array of frequencies at which the power spectral density was computed.
  • power: An array of power values corresponding to each frequency.
  • signif: An array of significance levels for the power values, useful for identifying statistically significant peaks.
  • Methods:
  • plot(): Plots the power spectral density against frequency, often with significant levels indicated, to visualize the spectral content of the time series.
  • slice(): Allows slicing of the PSD object to focus on a specific frequency range for further analysis or visualization.

Here’s a simplified example of how you might work with a PSD object after performing spectral analysis:

import pyleoclim as pyleo

# Assuming 'series' is your Pyleoclim Series object
# Perform spectral analysis, expecting a PSD object as the result
psd_result = series.spectral(method='lomb-scargle', psd=True, sig=True)

# Plot the PSD with significance levels

# You can access the frequency and power attributes directly for further analysis
frequencies = psd_result.frequency
powers = psd_result.power

This workflow demonstrates how to generate and utilize a PSD object within Pyleoclim for the purpose of understanding the frequency characteristics of a time series. The PSD object, with its rich set of attributes and methods, is a powerful tool for paleoclimatology and related fields, enabling detailed analysis of periodicities and cycles in geoscientific datasets.

For the most accurate and detailed information on PSD objects, including their latest attributes and methods, please refer to the [Pyleoclim documentation]( The documentation is an essential resource for leveraging the full capabilities of Pyleoclim in your research.
  1. You also need to assess the singificance of the peaks, which you do using the signif_test function.


Here we used ChatGPT to help with our coding needs with Pyleoclim.

  1. How did it work?

Not too bad. At least, it gave some ready to use code to download the data and load it into a Series object. However, it did not properly set up the spectral analysis, most likely because of the paucity of training material on the subject (we almost always start by loading a Series object but we don't often run spectral analysis). Remember that LLMs are only as good as what they have been able to learn at the time of training. And if it doesn't actually know the answer, it will still try to make it up. This is often referred to as "hallucination".

  1. So if it doesn’t give me appropriate code, is it really useful?

Remember that it is here to help you and not replace you. First, you should always make sure that the code returned by ChatGPT works appropriately. It’s not enough for it to run error-free. The answer should also make sense to you. Second, it was linking you directly to the documentation, which is the ultimate source for everything Pyleoclim. Use it! Third, even if not completely correct, it may at least point you in the right direction. For instance, you know to search for a function called spectral. Fourth, ChatGPT (and other LLMs) work well when having a conversation with you. So try to give it the correct answer and see if it improves its subsequent answers. Fifth, LLMs are extremely sensitive to the prompts they are given. Small changes in the way you ask the questions (even adding a space) can yield different answers (see this paper). It also seems to respond well to 'Thank you' so don't forget to give it a pep talk once in a while!

  1. Is there anything we can do to improve this?

There are a couple of things:

  • Give it more examples in training. We don’t know when these models are going to be retrained but the more notebooks you share using Pyleoclim, the better the generation will be in the future. So share your workflows on GitHub! However, retraining is out of our control!
  • Use a framework like retrieval augmented generation (RAG) to help give context faster as it becomes available. So keep sharing these notebooks and we may be able to create a framework down the line.

If you are interested in running this notebook, it is available on GitHub.



Deborah Khider

Research Scientist at the USC Information Sciences Institute - Data Science, AI, and paleoclimatology