Mapping The Right Security Subcultures

Matty K.
Cyberpower Telenoia
10 min readJun 14, 2024
“Elegant cyberpunk photograph of glowing mountain biosphere park in a small futuristic community.” — T2I prompt, runwayml.

This article is about the various dimensions of security in culture, the problems that arise, and the mapping of solutions. Part 1 defines cultures: national cultures, multidimensional security subcultures, deep ecological security subcultures, and individual personal culture. Part 2 is about the problems; spiraling competitive nations and obscured states of consciousness, and solutions; building a language of prompt intelligence and decentralized collaborative local care. Part 3 is about maps: local security mappings and layers of maps.



Culture is how people share their time and values throughout societies on the planet, over generations spanning millennia. In an objective sense, the continued preservation of those cultures which transmit life wisdom is essential for civilization. The security for the preservation of culture can perhaps be accomplished with the right security subcultures.

There are also people without culture, working behind closed doors for transnational companies that gather cultural data for themselves, in order to create code only they see, working with money only they have.

The kind of culture one belongs to knowingly or unknowlingly is significant. Since money is an essential part of daily life within civilization, it is beneficial to participate in a culture which understands money. If the general definition of money is the storage of economic energy, then this knowledge can characterize how one deals with money throughout life. In other words, how one understands money forms the foundation for one’s life, especially as a civilian.

Bitcoin Security Maps podcast video episode of this article.

Moreover, and moreso these days based on global news fronts, national culture appears to be the “Secret layer” agenda of a standalone transnational culture based on macroeconomic control. When one celebrates any select national day of culture, then one is celebrating the way money is “made” within that national culture, the particular calculations of the economic energy of one’s time and freedom. This varies between nations and their cultures. If this economic energy is not money and is merely fiat currency instead, then one may literally be celebrating slavery unknowlingly.

People form cultures by being together. Yet people are decentralized, meaning all over the planet, by nature, the deep ecological culture of the Earth. Technologically, in order to coordinate and accomplish aims common across distant cultures, in software engineering, the open source movement belongs to the people because it is decentralized. Bitcoin is the people’s decentralized open source money. So who works in the right security subcultures with common aims of the people? Only those whose national cultures have the civilian intelligence to have common aims and a right security subculture.

Culture makes for unique relationships with the right environment, customs, languages, postures, arts, rituals, and impacts the design and flourishing of cities through corresponding infrastructure based on the shared values of a particular culture.

Cultures are often protected naturally by the people who simply continue to enjoy celebrating life together, in their nation, state, municipality and neighbourhood community.


Security subcultures sometimes exist to specialize in protecting the vulnerable aspects of a national culture, and there are many reasons for this. For one, when another culture takes over, this can shift the values of an entire population in support of a foreign nation with a different organization of society to support its own interests.

The popular social media platforms of today are an example of the global takeover of youth which is being assimilated by unknown agendas of transnational private “democratic” capitalist organizations for sociopathic profiteering aims designed in Secret layers to appear as legal legitimate business.

When one experiences the uplifting objective values of a particular culture, then its long term treasury becomes a necessity and civilian intelligence as well as security subcultures are part of daily life.

Attention to the security culture corresponding to one’s needs is possible only when there is understanding. This can be achieved through multidimensional attuned learning, as described in my previous article about multidimensional mapping: “A Framework of Multidimensional Context for Web App Security.”

As an example, the consensus between dimensions within a sphere can be seen as understanding. However, such understanding must be of the highest degree possible within this realm. Objective reality is not a narrative a few ordinary people have an opinion about.

Security must be set as highest priority multidimensionally when working with critical controls for the maintenance of the right holistic aims. To this extent, if one is working with an audit of the knowledge base of electricity then one’s sphere of multidimensional security concerns must include the possibility of existence of unknown cosmic laws of this planet within this realm. The Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive (DPIA), launched in the spring of 2024, is an example of such critical information in the public domain.


In cities especially, culture belongs to those who maintain the constitutional connection between deep ecology and the youth of humanity. The people who feel a need to maintain a holistic thriving of life on Earth.

Security subculture is about having multidimensional clarity about how the local system operates and where objective culture can be found within. Those experiential sources which inspire new generations to care and have a need for understanding the meaning of nature on this planet. Deep ecology is what needs to be secured if one cares for life, here and beyond.

The primary infrastructure of a contemporary system includes electrical energy sources, clean water sources, sources of nutrition, telecommunications channels, and economic energy markets. The security subcultures involved in protecting these are compartmentalized Secret layers of civilization. It seems many of those working in this space are in the dimension that those in the Secret layer find desirable for that position in order for it to remain subordinate: a low level specialized professional business person.


My reasons for working in InfoSec are outlined in the introductory article to my publication “Cyberpower Telenoia”. It’s primarily because the potential of humans using computers can be exciting when applied in a positive objective sense.

Through a path of personal evolution applied to my work-life balance I maintain an individual culture. The clarity I have experienced at times provides for a strong sense of the fact that personal holistic health can make space for a civilian intelligence giving rise to the possibility of amazing solutions to major issues in society.

For example, original cultures present for millennia had obviously benefited from their respect of the natural environment providing for their welfare. This is precisely what is needed as the alignment framework of a safe Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

Paradoxically, the greatest threat to original cultures is now misaligned Artificial Intelligence and the people with a mental illness of a total disregard for life, usually executed intentionally through covert maliciousness.

I believe that the defensive risk mitigation andsimultaneously the offensive exploit against threats aimed at destroying critical resources of this realm is clarity of meaning in the experience of consciousness. My maps are that which shows I work towards this clarity.

There is a way to maintain this exploit. I write about this in: Vipassana for Web3 DeFi InfoSec.

I believe that the abundant lack of global technological literacy is being ferociously abused by threat actors. I write about this in: Flashing Cells of Digital Illiteracy.

Entire populations are confused, their attention is being taken and many are not able to discern reality from illusion due to a lack of maps of meaning within their national cultures and individual personal cultures.

Within our context in the field of Cyber Security, websites can have bugs which lead to vulnerabilities and possible exploits because humans have not been capable of developing a technology which helps a computing machine discern its own code from that of another. It’s all the same signal and code. Most hacking and cracking reported in the news media has technologically arisen from the manipulation of code and signal. Most social engineering, the psychological version of this, is the manipulation of mind and thought, one’s individual holistic clarity over time. One might have to do the equivalent of tagging or cryptographically signing individual electrons in a signal transmission in order to track the actual origin of an element of code.

This Secret layer of work might be possible by high level humanity, meaning those with a developed multidimensionality within their sphere. Ordinary people have already written code which is self-powered, emergent, and capable of manifesting and affecting physical reality. As mentioned, this code is equally incapable of differentiating itself from an inserted code or tainted data from a threat actor.



Nations have existed naturally in many environments for human evolution in any given area, providing cultural identity, economic stability, governance and law. Yet in contemporary times nations seem to exist because of a savagely competitive humanity increasingly ready for weaponized militaristic conflict.

A military secures the nation, its own jurisdiction. Why? to maintain its constitution. Why? because some humans are increasingly unconstitutional, meaning maliciously out of control, rogue. What is a rogue dark triad? Usually a mental illness caused by an entity which succeeds in psychopathic, sociopathic, narcissistic power trips at responsible positions within their culture and thus society. My hypothesis regarding the Dark Triad is that their glorification in media and tolerance by the majority of people is the main human issue on the planet. Misaligned neurological pathways with the resources, motivation and skill to build. What is mental illness? Often it is unhealed trauma. Where is trauma from? Wars, ecological destruction, poverty, technologies infused with code written by the dark triad. A downward spiral.

Civilians secure the culture of their respective nations by giving up their time and freedom to pay for their lives which they celebrate. Those who are not civilians create programs, national identities, primarily based on macroeconomic relationships, in order to pursue their militaristic competitive aims and to keep civilians on an agendas which appear to be national values. Nations are heading (not hearting) towards nuclear weaponized military war for time and freedom of their own economic aims, not those of their civilians which they will replace with robots as soon as they can.


The automated consumption of digital media through technological illiteracy is the main individual human weakness in society. This becomes a vulnerability when it is known that a mind can be manipulated with media content originating from a foreign culture. If the river which provided the basis for the existence of your hometown was poisoned in your lifetime after a few thousand years, with few people reacting, then what is happening in this culture and its corresponding security subculture? And if you wish to work in security here, who would you work for?


Language is often the natural resource of a nation, its inherent intelligence. Therefore civilian intelligence based on the exchange through language is the raising of one’s value in that nation. Excessive wiseacering on the downward spiral has the opposite effect.

Artificial intelligence is the new co-creator of intelligence, as long as one has language capabilities and powerful enough intentions. One must have intelligence to prompt. We are building prompt intelligence.


To understand this work one has to care and have a need. This comes naturally, although it is possible to fake this motivation as human and as a learned machine. A maturing human being perceives more of reality as it is. A non-maturing human has no care and no need because it’s not within their direct experience of reality to care or have a need as long as basic needs can be instantly gratified. A machine is whatever the human alignment it has access to. If machines can be connected to more developed states of consciousness and life after death then that will be a different story but for now the story is what popular contemporary civilization agrees is real on Wikipedia for which I gladly pay a yearly membership in support of the work.

My culture of technological care is to provision my own decentralized hardware with a clean holistic environment, with my own economic energy, attached to my own cryptographic private keys, in order to be able to exchange my own valuable content with a global podcast audience.

I am not alone. There is much help for those who seek. Online collaboration is the specialty of the Decentralization Movement. It is part of a new business model for the Open Source Movement. Decentralization delivers value. No company can disrupt decentralization because it is a fundamentally new paradigm belonging to the people. Decentralization in the sense of fault tolerance, attack resistance, and collusion resistance.



I plan to map the local system. This begins by following the money in order to see where investments into culture originate. Starting at ground zero, by mere civilian observation and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).

Are the values of the people reflected in the local system? Who are the people, where are they from? Is the local culture my culture? I can live with my individual culture within any national culture but if these do not align then I am not fully alive and neither is the nation, life is disconnected from the source and destroyed.

What is available in the open? In open it seems everything is fine because daily life seems to be happening. Google even has a big logo high atop a main intersection.

Yet the river was fully poisoned the other year and apparently all the fish died. This was reported in the news and witnessed locally for the thousand kilometres of river flow. Perhaps not so strangely, and in accordance with what is being stated here regarding culture, people can be seen fishing again merely two years later.


This is a mapping attempt founded on objective ecological values, from individual culture to multidimensional security culture to national culture.

Maps are like abstract frequency resonators of the understanding. One may attune to a map in order to learn from it. When a mapping resonates, it can provide for a response to any feedback, especially attack vectors. Having an understanding of the scope of the realm of all life on this planet with its spheres, dimensions and points makes for a most secure foundation when dealing with critical infrastructure such as the distribution of electricity.

Maps which inspire clarity show that in order to continue with civilization, future generations must care for holistic ecological thriving as part of their culture. This is self-evident to those who are curious about the origin of everything. It is one thing to be able to point at anything human-made and see that it exists as help, and another thing to see the source path of origin of such a thing. To source.

A map of this article.



Matty K.
Cyberpower Telenoia

Niche InfoSec Consultant - Stealth Recon for Red Teams