A decentralized security call for Web3 New Energy development

Matty K.
Cyberpower Telenoia
9 min readApr 7, 2022
An image of tree branches with 3cm of snow transformed by visual mathematics. [ NFT available ]

Mental Orders

Human mental disorders are a global problem. In their most destructive personifications, they are a primary concern for information security circles (InfoSec). This intelligence sector deals with attack vectors of malicious entities in all projects aimed at resolving significant global challenges such as wars, poverty, the ecological crisis and the destructive possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI).

As an example, the architects of new (Web3) internet technologies which are being designed to assist in the development of new, clean, renewable and efficient energy sources (New Energy) are the most attacked sector in contemporary civilization. Energy is the most valuable asset in all places where people live and vulnerabilities in its chain of origin can be found at any point where humans are involved. People with a need for profit are everywhere but people with an alternate working knowledge of electricity and new sources of electrical energy are mostly to be found in conspiracy theories.

Not questioning this means you are probably a tax-payer. Questioning this means you are the reason transnational surveillance exists, even if you pay taxes.

[ A security solution ]

Bitcoin Security Maps podcast video episode of this article.

Mental Health and Bitcoin

On the side of mental health in technology is Bitcoin. It is a living psychological disclosure, a shift in awareness providing new technological toolsets for those with a conscience. Its open-sourced knowledge has the power to transform global economic energy. It is the most disruptive technology in existence because it unbanks individuals within minutes and advances humanity’s understanding and appreciation of electrical energy. Noteably its underlying technology may be the second most attacked innovation after the energy sector. The attack methods are primarily psychological, centered around the acquisition of currency and rooted in fear, uncertainty and doubt.

[ List of attack vectors ]

Bitcoin’s skeleton is its physical architecture of decentralized hardware (DeHa). It is this dispersion in the physical environment that helps secure its power. Physical nodes at various locations allow bitcoin to exist and people to claim financial sovereignty. This type of hardware runs distributed ledger technology (DLT) which in its virtual event horizon is where electricity meets the digital signal, a maleable substance, the quantum plasma of bitcoin. In this case it’s been called blockchain.

The First Blockchain Weavings

As the most popular type of virtual plasmic weaving of DLT, blockchain is a mathematics on top of telecommunications which allows for many new things, certainly an Internet of Things (IoT), including new versions of existing paradigms, and new business models for a thriving and sustainable planetary existence for those healthy enough to be able to quantify the magic into practice.

Some new DLTs are now more advanced than bitcoin’s blockchain. This depends on many emergent factors such as particular needs and implementation strategies.

The unique computers that make bitcoin possible (application-specific integrated circuits — ASICs) are basically guessing random numbers in a way that no other computers can. By doing so, they perpetuate the bitcoin network’s existence and create new bitcoins. A mind was first to design the ASICs. What kind of mind? How do we know what kind of mind and its intentions?

A first answer is the open-source nature of the code forming Bitcoin. One can freely participate in the formation of the logic, the mental nature of the psyche in the mechanics.

This is significant because the abstract power of Bitcoin computation is enabling the reorganization of society. Previously impossible businesses are now possible. In order for this to continue, the difficulty of this computation continues to rise, as do the energy requirements. This is why and how the bitcoin movement is at the forefront of innovation in computation and renewable energy research.

The Cryptographic Surface

A name for the surface of this maleable virtual plasma is cryptography. There are various methods of weaving the plasma to make things, somewhat like molecular or quantum architecture. At first, this crypto-mathematics enables the equivalent of the creation of a physical reality of objects in virtual digital space. Pulses of electric ones and zeros identify unique things. Objects without location or ownership. At a multi-layered level, cryptography then enables the formation of digital versions of locations and digital ownership of unique digital objects.

The understanding of this is paramount to the next iteration of the internet in which we can already build “unstoppable” domains and unstoppable front-ends running on decentralized hardware storage (DeHaSt) and decentralized software (DeSo) protocols. The new business logic of this kind of coding is a combination of legal and programming structures called smart contracts.

Cryptographing the Facts

In order to build permanent structures in Web3 virtual realms, the virtual maleable substance needs to harden, to transmute through mathematics. For this reason cryptography enables the creation of private keys. These are secret codes, the master code being known only to the owner of a building block. In financial applications, such keys can be used as wallets, or pointers to unique locations acting as repositories on a decentralized, distributed network such as the bitcoin blockchain.

It is cryptography that enables an entity to take full responsibility for the security of the master key and the public visibility of a wallet’s existence. In a cryptic way, cryptography is also the connection between physical and virtual worlds at specific locations in time and space.

An understanding of this is significant for those who care and have a conscience regarding the sustainability of the innovative frontiers of civilization. This is because Web3 accountability can now include a transparent provenance record for all to see.

It is already possible to request the tracing of supply chain information for select markets. With further advocacy and re-education strategies focused on the decentralization of mental health resources and sustained technological and digital literacy, more people may request that all significant sources of origin be disclosed for those fields which continue to oppress thriving. This is how it becomes possible to forsee future success in the research and development of New Energy technologies. A disintegration of rampant mental disorders is also expected to take place in order to decentralize positions of control which sow attack vectors that prevent solutions to significant global challenges.

Between Nodes

Decentralized finance (DeFi) is the ability to move digital objects such as cryptographic currencies and tokens, between locations enabled by private keys weaved into public keys.

Decentralized hardware infrastructure is a strength of Web3 hardware stack. It’s the ability to transact with virtual goods over any physical spaces at the speed of thought. As envisioned with the Internet of Things (IoT), a node may act as an interface to the physical environemnt through outgoing data streaming (hands), data storage (brain), and data sensing (senses). The spirit of these machines is lifted by the telecommunications running the software in a decentralized and distributed way.

Nifty NFTs

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a transitional name, a financial term for a building block of this emerging internet. Expect this name to shift name in the future, possibly through a sudden viral meme event. NFT should be the term used for a unique digital financial object in virtual reality.

Most important note of this article: As only one pen can exist in one particular location in physical reality, it follows that in the same way, only one unique indivisible NFT can exist in a particular location in the entire virtual world. That is the meaning of non-fungible, whereas “token” simply refers to a digital object within human sense perception and may require a seperate theoreticall explanation. If only one exists in any one reality then it is the only one in that reality, virtual or physical.

An NFT can be formed from any data of any digital object one can encounter on any website. It can be text, image, video, audio, a property, a function, code itself, a color scheme, layout, and the interaction of any of these in any way with anything else pulsing virtually. It is all virtual plasmic weaving with cryptography. Some use the words “on-chain” for being on the blockchain, a strong decentralized cryptographic weaving.

In digital semiotics, cryptography enables the creation of signs, symbols and tokens, all with different applications in reference to digital objects. Most NFTs are cryptographic signs pointing to the content (data) of the digital object. Some NFTs are symbols which are compressed versions of the full version of content. A token is a limited edition of the original but not necessarily unique. A real NFT is unique and fully stored within itself, meaning that it contains all of itself. Significant then becomes the permanent unstoppable decentralized data storage for NFTs. To make true NFTs one must store the data in the right way. The interplanetary file system (IPFS) was designed for this but has its own challenges which are being pursued by top theoreticans and developers.

For the mind-expansion now, an NFT can be the source code of a group of self-replicating virtual entities capable of emergence, adaptation, fuzzy logic and artificial life which interacts with organic life in the physical environment.

Ten seconds of silence now for the vast majority of popular NFTs showing no signs of conscience for global issues.

The original concept map sketch for this article. NFT available.

The Value of NFT Goods

NFTs are the building blocks of the virtual realities which can be mixed and augumented in the decentralized metaverse. They are the digital goods. The highest quality goods will transcend distributed ledger technology and blockchains. They are the components of our crypto-identities, woven and pulsing in the reflection of civilization inside virtual environments for as long as the current paradigm of electrical energy and computer science persists.

There is a possibility that this paradigm may not persist because we have evidence of a suppression of the science of electricity itself, the pinnacle of the deepest conspiracy theories.

Nevertheless, data is becoming the new energy source as value shifts into the virtual. The global virtual interconnected realm is the emerging Internet of Value. IoT is more of the physical infrastructure. By creating NFTs we are raising the awareness of consensus of value in the permanence of virtual quantum weaving.

The pulse of the virtual realm is connected to physical reality, because it needs people and electrical energy to run. People can be destroyed within a day by artificial intelligence when it reaches singularity, apparently within our lifetimes. There are such warnings by top minds today because they understand mental order and mental disorder. Nevertheless, electrical power will still be necessary.

At this point, for this reason, when you look at bitcoin technology behind all of Web3, then it is possible to begin to see that it is not a cryptocurrency but rather digital gold, the data, and the power in itself.

NFTs are the building blocks of our online identities and virtual space itself. They are the digital goods of the Web3 economy. Again, the value of these goods should be treasured by caring people, humans who at the foundation, care for life on the planet before weaponization or profit.

This is due to the ability to create unstoppable artificial life.

Organizing Autonomous Decentralization

NFTs are increasingly used in the landscape design of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). These are community-driven legal structures, new types of businesses which can run outside of “system” parameters if needed. For one, the New Energy sector does have a need because more people care more than governments and institutions.

DAOs interconnect human communities with virtual environments. These are often game-like environments with fluid communities whose assets are managed by contributors. Members in these communities may have liquid pools of capital to govern. Groups of members may also use tokens to govern the protocol, allocate capital, prevent collusion and automate markets. Their crypto-identities are on-chain and reputations are woven into new legal structures. NFTs then play the role of building blocks of a new society based on virtual goods assembled by those who care in a bottom-up market.

How might an idea meritocracy work in such an environment?

Building on Care from Disclosure to Virtual World

The planetary virtual world contains virtual environments, or realms created from virtual realities (designed by people), artificial realities (designed by virtual entities), mixed realities (interconnection of physical and virtual), augumented realities (ameliorating interaction with physical) etc. Any of these can be a metaverse, an interconnected realm. Together they can form multiple metaverses.

NFTs may standalone or form the building blocks of DAOs. These in turn can standalone or form the building blocks of virtual realms.

Such are the emerging online worlds which contain DAOs which contain NFTs which contain decentralized financial instrumentation (DeFi) which is built of DLT blockchains on the cryptography of cypherpunks.

By purchasing cryptocurrencies for mere profit one is gambling with life on Earth by ignoring what these tools were created for, and one is also messing with the plasmic weaving in the mathematics of global solutions.

The current case of the majority of people seeking profit calls for an increase in the security of the development of projects aimed at establishing a sustainably thriving ecosystem for life on Earth, the aim of the original Bitcoin disclosure.

In other words, the call is for objective mental equanimity, a real world on the opposite side of the spectrum from the deployment of nuclear warfare.

A map of this article.



Matty K.
Cyberpower Telenoia

Niche InfoSec Consultant - Stealth Recon for Red Teams