Glamour and Deceit: How Priya and Other Models Were Scammed by a Fake Event Manager — ScamWatch

Ramesh kumar
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2024

In the bustling world of fashion and glamour, opportunities often seem too good to be true. Priya, a young and ambitious model, was no stranger to this world. Her career was just starting to gain momentum, and every chance to work with renowned brands felt like a step closer to her dreams.

One day, Priya (name changed to protect privacy) received a message on WhatsApp from someone named Gowtham. He introduced himself as an event manager for a prestigious gold shop, looking for models for an upcoming photoshoot. The offer sounded promising: a significant payout of ₹50,000 for the shoot. However, there was a catch — each model had to pay an advance of ₹10,000 for the safety and use of the products, including sarees and other accessories.

Gowtham’s message was convincing. He spoke with authority and detailed the luxurious nature of the shoot. Enthusiastic about the opportunity, Priya, like many others, paid the ₹10,000 advance without hesitation. After all, in the competitive world of modeling, a little risk seemed worth the potential reward.

But as days turned into weeks, Priya began to grow anxious. Gowtham was becoming increasingly unresponsive. Messages went unanswered, phone calls were ignored, and eventually, Priya found herself blocked on all communication channels.

It wasn’t just Priya who faced this predicament. A growing number of models and makeup artists had also fallen prey to Gowtham’s scheme over the past two years. Each had paid their advance, only to find themselves abandoned and defrauded. The realization that they had been scammed began to set in, and frustration grew.

The victims, including Priya, decided to take collective action. They reported the fraud to the authorities, providing evidence of their payments and communications. The case was picked up by the Coimbatore City Police, who launched an investigation into Gowtham’s activities.

The investigation revealed a pattern of deceit. Gowtham had been posing as an event manager to exploit aspiring professionals. His elaborate ruse involved promising lucrative jobs and requiring upfront payments for the use of high-value products. Once he collected the advance, he would disappear, leaving the victims high and dry.

After a thorough investigation, the Coimbatore police managed to track down and arrest Gowtham. The arrest was a significant relief for Priya and the others who had been scammed. It marked the end of a painful chapter but also served as a cautionary tale in the fashion industry.

Priya and the other victims were hopeful that justice would prevail and that their story would serve as a warning to others. The ordeal was a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and verifying the authenticity of opportunities in any field, especially one as dynamic and competitive as modeling.

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Ramesh kumar
Writer for

Time is what determines security. With enough time nothing is unhackable :)