Building a Comprehensive Cybersecurity Homelab: Deploying a Honeypot with Microsoft Azure

Denise Banks
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2023
Photo by javier kober on Unsplash

Step 1: Sign Up for Microsoft Azure

  1. Visit the Microsoft Azure website.
  2. Click on “Start free” and follow the on-screen instructions to create a new account.
  3. After signing up, you’ll receive a $200 credit for 30 days.

Step 2: Access the Azure Portal

  1. Log in to the Azure Portal using your newly created account.

Step 3: Create a Resource Group

  • In the Azure Portal, click on “Resource groups” in the left sidebar.
  • Click on the “+ Add” button to create a new resource group.
  • Fill in the required information (e.g., name, region) and click “Review + create.”
  • Review the settings and click “Create” to create the resource group.

Step 4: Deploy a Virtual Machine

  • In the Azure Portal, navigate to the resource group you created.
  • Click on “+ Add” to add a new resource.
  • Search for “Virtual machine” and select it from the list.
  • Click “Create” on the Virtual Machine blade.
  • Fill in the required information, such as VM name, username, authentication type, and password.
  • Click “Review + create” and then click “Create” to deploy the virtual machine.

Step 5: Configure Security Group Rules

  • In the Azure Portal, navigate to the virtual machine you just created.
  • Click on “Networking” in the left sidebar.
  • Configure inbound security rules to allow traffic for your honeypot services (e.g., SSH, HTTP, or other relevant ports).
  • Ensure that unnecessary ports are closed to reduce the attack surface.

Step 6: Install Honeypot Software

  • Connect to your virtual machine using SSH or any other preferred method.
  • Install your chosen honeypot software. Examples include Cowrie, Honeyd, or Dionaea.
  • Follow the installation instructions provided by the chosen honeypot software.

Step 7: Understand the Honeypot Concept

  • A network honeypot involves creating a simulated environment filled with enticing digital assets to attract potential attackers.
  • The goal is to observe their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) to enhance cybersecurity measures.

Step 8: Monitor and Analyze

  • Set up logging and monitoring for your honeypot.
  • Use Azure Monitor or other logging services to collect and analyze data.
  • Regularly review logs to identify and understand any detected malicious activity.

Benefits of Creating a Cybersecurity Homelab:

  1. Skill Development: Operating a honeypot homelab provides hands-on experience in cybersecurity, helping you develop skills in threat detection, analysis, and incident response.
  2. Understanding Attack Tactics: By observing how attackers interact with your honeypot, you gain insights into their tactics, enabling you to better defend against real-world threats.
  3. Testing Security Controls: A cybersecurity homelab allows you to test and validate the effectiveness of security controls and configurations in a controlled environment.
  4. Research and Learning: Honeypots provide an opportunity for continuous learning, allowing you to stay updated on the latest cyber threats and defense strategies.
  5. Proactive Threat Intelligence: The data collected from your honeypot can contribute to proactive threat intelligence, enhancing your organization’s overall cybersecurity posture.

Step 9: Cleanup

  • If you’re done experimenting with the honeypot or if your credits are about to expire, consider stopping or deleting the resources to avoid additional charges.
  • In the Azure Portal, navigate to the resource group and select “Delete resource group” if you want to remove all resources.

Important Notes:

  • Security Considerations: Always follow security best practices. Ensure that your virtual machine and honeypot software are up to date with the latest security patches.
  • Cost Management: Monitor your Azure credit usage to avoid unexpected charges. Utilize Azure Cost Management tools to track and control spending.
  • Documentation: Refer to the documentation of the honeypot software you choose for specific configuration details.

This detailed guide should help you set up a honeypot homelab in Microsoft Azure using the $200 credit, providing a practical and educational experience in cybersecurity. Adjustments may be needed based on the specific honeypot software and your security requirements. Remember, continuous learning is the key to staying ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity.

Happy experimenting and stay cyber-resilient!


Denise B.



Denise Banks

I'm knee-deep in the world of 0s and 1s, mastering the art of defending and securing against the dark forces lurking in the digital shadows.