Cyber Security For Beginners: Part 1

Arjun Suresh
CyberSec 101
Published in
3 min readSep 5, 2020

Hey guys, this is the beginning of a brand new blog series which introduces you to the world of CYBER SECURITY and its various concepts . Hope you find it useful.

A small disclaimer: This blog is intended for complete beginners who have an unquenchable thirst to learn more about cyber security. So, if you are someone who is already in this field and do not consider yourself as a beginner, then this blog is probably not for you.

Starting off by addressing the elephant in the room: What is Cyber Security?

Thinking image!
Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

We all know that every aspect of our life is now transitioning to the digital/cyber space. With more and more of us depending on this cyber space for our day to day activities, the security prospect becomes more important. In the 21-st Century, the most valuable resource is not gold, diamonds, oil or any of those things. It is DATA. Data, a.k.a, information is much more valuable. We have also started selling and buying information as if it were a physical entity.
Hence, the need for information security.

Photo by Arget on Unsplash

Coming back to our topic, Cyber Security refers to the protection of computer systems and other technologies to prevent malicious/dangerous use of these systems. This can be considered as a formal definition.However, in reality, cyber security involves the different techniques, processes and methods we use to secure the cyber space.

The Cyber space can refer to anything that involves technology. There is a common misconception that cyber security, or information security in general deals with devices/services connected to the internet. This is not technically true. It involves securing systems that are online as well as offline. It involves securing data. Data can be used in many software or services which may function online or offline.

I hope by now you have understood what is cyber security and why its
important. This is a very vast field and all the information is simply overwhelming. But remember, it is totally worth it. Once you get going, and you understand that you are passionate about security, you are gonna enjoy learning more and more. After reading through all this, if you decide to learn and research more on this topic, please feel free to do so. Your best companions for learning would be YouTube, blogs and other Info Sec resources. There are also lots of good books out there for learning more about cyber security.

Even though this article hasn’t even scratched the surface of cyber security, it is an introduction to the upcoming blogs on cyber security where we dig deeper into learning some more amazing stuff. Make sure to read all the upcoming blogs in this series as we divulge into the technical details .

Some additional resources to get you started:

Ebooks :-


Introduction to Cybersecurity

Cyber Security 101

An introduction to cyber security careers



Arjun Suresh
CyberSec 101

Cyber Security Researcher And Blogger | Bug Bounty Hunter | CTF Player