Announcing Comerica and Latham & Watkins as Cybersecurity Factory 2016 sponsors

Frank Wang
Cybersecurity Factory
1 min readJun 8, 2016

I’m excited to announce our sponsors for Cybersecurity Factory summer 2016! In addition to collaborating with Highland Capital Partners to provide space, capital, and mentorship to our teams, we are excited to be working with a banking and legal firm.

As our banking sponsor, we are working with Comerica, who provides advice to many startups on their banking needs. We are excited to work with Garth Gorrall and Chris Lloyd from their Boston Technology and Life Sciences Practice.

As our legal sponsor, we are working with Latham & Watkins, a top law firm that does a lot of work in the startup sphere. Specifically, we are working with John Chory, who represents many security companies and helped Akamai incorporate and go through the startup legal process, and his associate, Stephan Ranere. He brings many years of startup legal experience to Cybersecurity Factory.

As our other industry sponsors, we have a partnership with ARPR for PR, and we will be offering free Amazon AWS credits.

We’re excited to be working with these awesome firms to help our startups toward success! Thanks for all the support!



Frank Wang
Cybersecurity Factory

Investor at Dell Technologies Capital, MIT Ph.D in computer security and Stanford undergrad, @cybersecfactory founder, former @roughdraftvc