Announcing teams for Cybersecurity Factory 2017!

Frank Wang
Cybersecurity Factory
3 min readJun 13, 2017

I’m excited to announce that we have accepted four teams to the third summer of Cybersecurity Factory in collaboration with Highland Capital Partners!

We are again partnering with Comerica and Latham & Watkins as our financial and legal sponsors respectively, who bring extraordinary startup experience and valuable mentorship to our program, especially in the security discipline. We are also thankful for support from these leading security companies: Imprivata, Carbon Black, Akamai, Rapid7, and MalwareBytes. Finally, we would also like to thank our mentors, who take time from their day jobs to support our teams.

Here are the teams for the summer!

GitLinks (@GitLinks)
Founders: Ian Folau, Nwamaka Imasogie

Gitlinks: Ian Folau, Nwamaka Imasogie (not pictured)

GitLinks monitors the open source code used in application development by enterprises. By plugging into the continuous integration process, GitLinks can detect open source usage every time a developer commits new code. The platform then tracks security vulnerabilities, restrictive licenses, and needed updates for all of the open source components being used. GitLinks provides much needed oversight of open source risk to security, legal/compliance, and quality assurance teams.

Huntress Labs (@HuntressLabs)
Founders: Kyle Hanslovan, John Ferrell, Chris Bisnett

Huntress Labs (left to right): Chris Bisnett, Kyle Hanslovan, John Ferrell

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) partner with Huntress to quickly detect advanced cyber threats. With our endpoint agent and cloud-based analysis engine, our experts help protect their customers when they’re most vulnerable. As a result, we discover breaches before they cause downtime, costly cleanup, and damaged reputations. Our software deploys within seconds through their existing Remote Monitoring and Management software, hunts down infections, which slip past their firewalls/antivirus, and creates remediation tickets (not alerts) directly in their service boards (most often ConnectWise). With automated breach detection, MSPs can quickly prevent hackers from spreading throughout their customers networks which reduces malware related labor costs. Huntress also enables MSPs to proactively resolve infections rather than reactively respond to end user help desk calls. With this capability, our customers report they continually outperform their competition when it comes to cybersecurity —

NeuroMesh (@NeuroMeshIoT)
Founders: Greg Falco, Caleb Li

NeuroMesh is a managed security solution providing cybersecurity for internet-connected devices, works to provide cybersecurity for IoT products, which are often produced with minimal consideration for the vulnerabilities they create in a network.

Neuromesh (left to right): Caleb Li, Greg Falco

Commonwealth Crypto (@CWCrypto)
Founder: Ethan Heilman

Commonwealth Crypto builds infrastructure to enable blockchain and cryptocurrency companies to secure and scale their products. Our white-label services allow businesses to securely deploy and operate blockchain-
backed micropayment hubs, leveraging new layer-two technologies like the Lightning Network and TumbleBit.

Commonwealth Crypto: Ethan Heilman

We are excited for these teams to be part of the program and see the progress they make over the summer!

Cybersecurity Factory is a summer program that empowers early stage security startups to tackle the increasingly complex security problems and threats that many enterprises face. For more information, please visit our website or email us at



Frank Wang
Cybersecurity Factory

Investor at Dell Technologies Capital, MIT Ph.D in computer security and Stanford undergrad, @cybersecfactory founder, former @roughdraftvc