Announcing teams for Cybersecurity Factory 2018!

Frank Wang
Cybersecurity Factory
4 min readJun 13, 2018

We are excited to announce the teams for the fourth summer of Cybersecurity Factory in collaboration with Highland Capital Partners!

We are partnering with Comerica and Latham & Watkins as our financial and legal sponsors respectively. We are also thankful for support from these leading security companies: Akamai, Rapid7, Cybereason, and Imprivata. Finally, we would also like to thank our mentors, who have provided valuable business and product advice to our teams.

Finally, we would like to congratulate Commonwealth Crypto, part of Cybersecurity Factory 2017, for raising a 1.5M seed round!

Here are the teams:


Jean Yang from Akita

Akita is building a platform for managing compliance and risk for organizations storing and analyzing sensitive data. Because of increasing compliance risk in the face of evolving data privacy standards, organizations must be conservative in how they handle sensitive data. Especially in heavily regulated areas such as healthcare, this conservatism leads to two main problems. First, organizations spend millions on human-enabled policy regulation, from hiring auditors to ensure appropriate access to statisticians to remove liability for dataset sharing. Second, it is difficult for both organizations and auditors to ensure technical compliance with legal policy. With emerging policy such as the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), industries outside of health are encountering similar problems.

Interesting fact! Jean Yang from Akita was one of the co-founders of Cybersecurity Factory.

Bluefyre (Twitter)

Bluefyre is a cloud-native application security solution that gives developers the power to build and operate secure software without the need for security expertise. Bluefyre detects and prevents application level threats at runtime, and helps developers improve their security IQ to avoid problems in the future. Unlike other runtime security products, Bluefyre takes a “developer first” and micro-services native approach. With Bluefyre, development teams who don’t have access to dedicated security teams or expertise can leverage Bluefyre’s cloud orchestration capabilities to protect their application stack. Our primary initial focus is on applications running in Kubernetes, with other container platforms and serverless computing soon to follow.

Tim Buntel and Sabin Thomas from Bluefyre

Convertive (Twitter)

John Murray and Dan Chapman from Convertive

From the Netflix Algorithm for movie recommendations to Facebook’s obsessive A/B testing of website changes, the most successful organizations increasingly rely on data to drive their decisions. Having worked with hundreds of customers from Fortune 50 enterprises to small regional organizations, Convertive realized that almost every company is struggling to quantify the effectiveness and cost of their cybersecurity program. How can you decide where to focus your investments when you can’t measure your current controls? Convertive will take feeds from systems across an enterprise, such as asset management systems, ticketing systems, and SIEM to automate the measurement, reporting, and tracking of their tools and processes. Convertive focuses business metrics based on dollars and time rather than meaningless counting metrics like number of alerts. Our target market is enterprises and organizations large enough to have a multi-person security team.

Sam Scott from is a secret management service helping developers to build and maintain secure infrastructure and applications. From encryption keys to database passwords, secrets are a fundamental ingredient of many applications. Numerous data breaches in recent times, at companies such as Uber, Viacom and OneLogin, have shown how damaging insecure secret management can be. However, an even larger cost for companies is the prohibitive time spent by developers configuring, maintaining, and using existing secret management solutions. addresses this by offering the first secret management solution designed with developer ease-of-use in mind. We provide secret management as a service, using novel cryptographic techniques to offer all the benefits of existing methods, without compromising on security.

We are excited for another great summer!

Cybersecurity Factory is a summer program that empowers early stage security startups to tackle the increasingly complex security problems and threats that many enterprises face. For more information, please visit our website or email us at



Frank Wang
Cybersecurity Factory

Investor at Dell Technologies Capital, MIT Ph.D in computer security and Stanford undergrad, @cybersecfactory founder, former @roughdraftvc