Malware Introduction — What Are Worms

Gorjan Kolev
Cybersecurity Science
4 min readMar 9, 2023

Continuing our malware introduction series, we’re now introducing a common malware — worms. Worms or computer worms are types of malware that infect computer systems to reproduce continuously. This type of malware can spread through email attachments, shared files, documents, and even text messages.

Computer worms are difficult to detect due to the scope of infection and the spreading rate. That’s precisely why an effective method to stop a computer worm infection is through security awareness training.

That said, computer worms are different types of malware than others, such as ransomware or phishing. While they share similar infection methods, computer worms perform different malicious executables. Let’s learn more about what worms are and how to combat them.

What Are Computer Worms?

Computer worms are pieces of malicious code that infect computers and systems to reproduce themselves. Worms are considered types of Trojans since they use social engineering to trick victims into running the software.

Once a worm is executed on infected computers, its first task will be to spread as much as possible. But that’s not the only task of this computer virus. Depending on the worm virus, they can perform several malicious actions, including:

  • Steal data and sensitive information
  • Overload networks and consume network bandwidth
  • Open backdoors for future cyber warfare attacks
  • Deplete hard drives and take up space
  • Install additional malware (spyware, ransomware, adware)
  • Delete files and sensitive data

Given the versatility of computer worms, determining what the malware will do in the future is difficult, to say the least. That’s precisely why dealing with computer worms is crucial before they can spread and execute any number of malicious activities. But how do you detect and deal with computer worms?

How To Detect Computer Worms?

Worms are types of malware. And like any other malware, worms share many similarities that make them easily detectable. The trick is knowing what type of malware you’re dealing with. That doesn’t mean worms share similarities with ransomware, but there are signs and symptoms to look out for to know you’re dealing with a potential computer worm infection.

A common sign your computer is infected with a worm virus is slow speed. If you notice your computer suddenly slowing down or freezing, crashing, and displaying error messages, that’s the most common sign of a worm-infected computer.

How to Deal With Computer Worms?

Once you detect potential file-sharing worms on your computer, how do you deal with them? The best way to deal with computer worms is through antivirus software. These software are capable of detecting and dealing with potential computer worms spread.

Since computer worms work by continuously reproducing on infected computers, your antivirus software will detect the spread and notify you. However, not every antivirus software is effective against a computer worm infection.

That’s precisely why choosing the right antivirus software or third-party advanced threat protection software is crucial to prevent future software vulnerabilities that pave the way for computer worms.

Types of Computer Worms

There are many types of computer worms lurking on the internet. Familiarizing yourself with these types will make ensure you’re well-equipped to deal with this type of malicious software. So, here are some of the most popular types of computer worms:

  • Morris Worm

Morris worm is the first computer worm to spread over the internet. That’s why the Morris worm falls in the category of internet worms.


ILOVEYOU Worm, also known as the Love Bug, is a computer worm that spreads through email messages. The email subject contains the text “ILOVEYOU” and contains a “LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TCT.vbs” attachment. This type of computer worm is an email worm that infects tens of millions of users each year.

  • Mydoom Worm

The Mydoom worm is another type of email worm that spreads through email. Infected systems with the Mydoor worm are spammed with junk files.

  • Bagle Worm

The Bagle Worm, Beagle, or Lodeight, is a mass-mailing worm and one with dozens of variants. What’s unique about the Bagle worm is that it only infects the Windows operating system.

  • Ryuk Worm

Cybersecurity experts say that the Ryuk Worm isn’t necessarily a worm but a hybrid between a worm and ransomware. However, it is super effective as it paves the way for infecting ransomware on an infected system.

  • Choke Worm

The Choke Worm falls in the category of instant messaging worms that spreads through instant messages. Users that download the infected files will install the malware. What’s unique about IM worms is that they send themselves to others, essentially sending the worm to your contact list.


Computer worms are harmful malware that can perform any number of malicious activities. From reproducing themselves to installing other malware, like ransomware, computer worms are one of the oldest forms of malware in existence.

These types of malware were popular back in the early 2000s, but it’s not uncommon to come across worms today. They can be difficult to detect without the right tools and must be dealt with immediately.



Gorjan Kolev
Cybersecurity Science

Content writer, geek and combine them together you will find out I write about IT stuff.