C-IoT: Cyber Security Event on IoT at the University of Southampton

Shorouq Alansari
Cyber Security Southampton
2 min readJul 17, 2018

Two weeks ago, the Centre for IoT and Pervasive Systems at Southampton University ran an event on IoT security, which was sponsored by the Cyber Security Academy and University of Southampton Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research.

The main goal of this event was to bring together IoT researchers from different research groups, encourage interdisciplinary research collaborations within ECS, and share IoT research activities with internal and external communities.

Photo by Center for IoT and Pervasive Systems https://www.c-iot.ecs.soton.ac.uk/event-03july18

The event included two sessions of talks given by IoT researchers and experts from both academia and industry to present different perspectives of IoT security, and an additional posters and demos exhibit by Southampton’s IoT researchers.

First Session:

I had the opportunity to attend the first session only, which covered the fundamentals of IoT security. Talks are briefly reported below:

  1. Hardware Intrusion Early Detection: the use of hardware (specifically, hardware performance counters) for early intrusion detection by applying machine learning techniques.
  2. An introduction to IoT Security Foundation: introducing the aim and efforts of IoT Security foundation, stressing on the foundation’s mission, which is enable IoT markets by driving both quality and ubiquity of security solutions through best practice.
  3. Why Truly Secure IoT is so Hard? The difficulties in deployment of IoT security based on real world scenarios.
  4. How Secure is Secure Enough? Following some steps to reach an acceptable level of security in IoT. Could be summarized as: understanding the device, making services hard to compromise and reducing the impact if the service was compromised.

Overall, I thought most of the talks were really interesting and they could go for more than 10 minutes.

Second Session

This session started with Professor Vladimiro Sassone, who presented some of the current IoT-related projects within the Cyber Security group i.e., Block-IT (part of PETRAS) investigating the use of Blockchain to provide resilient infrastructure to IoT.

Photo by Center for IoT and Pervasive Systems https://www.c-iot.ecs.soton.ac.uk/event-03july18

The diversity of topics later on was also very interesting, as it focused on the many application aspects of IoT security, including but not limited to, formal modeling, machine learning and risk management.

You can find more details about this event and the future ones on the IoT center webpage https://www.c-iot.ecs.soton.ac.uk/events

