Launch of Partnership between SEROCU and The Cyber Security Academy

Sarah Martin
Cyber Security Southampton
2 min readMar 16, 2019

One sunny Thursday, over 200 delegates from Police forces across the country, NPCC, ROCU’s, British Transport Police and The National Crime Agency descended at the AXIS conference centre on the Science Park to attend a ‘Cryptocurrency Masterclass’. I was thrilled to be part of the planning process for this launch a new partnership between the Cyber Security Academy and SEROCU (South east Regional Crime Unit).

It was an honour and privilege to have Professor Mark Spearing, President and Vice-Chancellor here at the University of Southampton opening the event. He spoke of the importance of industry and academia coming together to look at research and innovation and the importance of hosting events to make that possible. Next to take to the stage was DSI Jess Wadsworth, Head of SEROCU, who spoke of the importance of working with academia to focus on problems the police face in day to day criminal investigations. She went on to say how exciting it will be to work with us and strengthen our relationship even more.

DCS Jess Wadsworth, Prof Mark Spearing and Sarah Martin

The theme for the day was Cryptocurrency, the morning was spent looking at challenges the police face on a daily basis, with the increasing number of cyber-crime offences being related to crypto-currencies and the length criminals are going to commit such crimes. It was raised issues, which can be viewed from a technical aspect. I am pleased to say, our very own Dr Federico Lombardi, Lecturer in Cyber Security at University of Southampton, gave a presentation on a Cyber Range for Blockchain Platforms, building on a Group Design Project (GDP) recently carried out by ECS students under his supervision. Judging by the discussions within the audience, it was a brilliant and very informative GDP.

Audience in full flow

After lunch, we heard presentations from officers who have been involved with some pretty meaty cryptocurrency investigations. I have to say I was astonished at the level these criminals go to and impressed with the work that goes on behind the scenes for the Police to bring these perpetrators to justice. They are steady, methodical and show commitment to the job, we are lucky to have these people protecting us.

At 16:15 I was able to breathe a sigh of relief as all had gone very well, and feedback had been very positive. Watch this space for more events in the future.

