How To Earn Badges in CyberStart

Start your badge collection now!

CyberStart Family
4 min readMar 1, 2018


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Whilst completing challenges in CyberStart Game, you can earn and collect badges. Badges are awarded when you complete tasks within the Game.

So, what badges can you earn and how can you find them?

Some of the badges are awarded when you try something new within CyberStart Game for the first time:

New kid on the block — Awarded when you join the game.

Off the mark — Awarded when you complete your first challenge.

Bookworm — Awarded when you visit the field manual for the first time.

Quiz newbie — Awarded when you attempt your first quiz in the field manual.

High flyer — Awarded when you open a new level for the first time.

Other badges are awarded and celebrate your success in the Headquarters and the Moon base:

Slootmaekers punctured — Awarded when you complete HQ levels one and two.

Slootmaekers Punctured

Choppers felled — Awarded when you complete HQ levels three and four.

Yakoottees crashed — Awarded when you complete HQ levels five and six.

Chiquitoos sunk — Awarded when you complete HQ levels seven and eight.

Spetzners burned — Awarded when you complete HQ levels nine and ten.

Bulldogs muzzled — Awarded when you complete HQ levels eleven and twelve.

Jiaozis fried — Awarded when you complete HQ level thirteen.

Top dog — Awarded when you complete 100% of the HQ base.

Top Dog Badge

Astronaut — Awarded when you complete your first challenge on the Moon base.

Close encounter — Awarded when you complete level four on the Moon base.

Close Encounter Badge

Moon shot — Awarded when you complete 100% of the Moon base.

A collection of badges are awarded when you have shown real skill in the speed you took to complete a challenge, the techniques used and whether you managed to complete it without any help:

Smart cookie — Awarded when you complete a level without using a hint in that level.

Command line hero — Awarded when you complete a challenge which uses a terminal.

Speedster — Awarded if you complete a challenge in under 30 seconds.

Speedster Badge

Quiz master — Awarded when you have attempted all of the quizzes in the field manual.

Shell surfer — Awarded when you complete a challenge which uses SSH.

Crypto kid Awarded when you complete your first cryptography challenge.

Crypto Kid Badge

Some badges are awarded when you pass a certain number of points and challenges in CyberStart Game:

1000 club — Awarded when you pass 1,000 points.

5000 club — Awarded when you pass 5,000 points.

10000 club — Awarded when you pass 10,000 points.

Centurion — Awarded when you complete 100 challenges.

Centurion Badge

The final set of badges can be achieved when you complete a certain percentage of the Game. And of course, if you can complete all of CyberStart Game, you automatically become a Super Agent with a badge to prove it!

25% club — Awarded when you pass 25% complete.

50% club — Awarded when you pass 50% complete.

75% club — Awarded when you pass 75% complete.

Super agent — Awarded when you complete 100% of the Game.

Your badge collection can be found on your profile page.

Which is your favourite badge so far? Let us know in the comments!



CyberStart Family

CyberStart is a collection of tools that will introduce you to the cyber security industry and accelerate your entry into the profession! 💻