How To Find Hidden Codes in Images

CyberStart Family
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2017

CyberStart Assess Challenge 2 Spoiler

Fancy yourself a cyber security expert in the making?

At CyberStart, we’ve created a range of real-life cyber security challenges online to test your skills. In this blog, we’ll be talking you through one challenge in particular and showing you how to solve it.

By the end of the blog, you’ll know how to find hidden codes within images. This is a really useful technique to know if you want to get into cyber security!

Ready to get learning?

Here’s the problem… can you solve it?

As a cyber security expert, you’re asked to investigate a hacker who really loves drag racing. She’s been running a drag racing fan site where she hides secret messages using images of drag racing cars.

Can you unravel the technique she uses to hide her secret code?

Check out the video below to see the scenario and how to solve it!

⚠️ Warning: This video is a spoiler of challenge 2 in CyberStart Assess. If you’re currently playing Assess and want to solve this challenge by yourself, we recommend you don’t watch this just yet!

How to find hidden messages in images

Tips to remember:

  • Have a look at the code behind certain pages to reveal hidden messages
  • Look for hints and clues in the challenges titles, text and images
  • Consider how technologies change as we start to interact with them

If you’re currently playing CyberStart Assess, good luck with the rest of the challenges!

Want more cyber security tips? Make sure to follow our publication! Check out this blog: ‘How To Think Like A Cyber Security Expert (and succeed in CyberStart Assess)’.

Interested in our programmes? Check out where you can build your cyber security knowledge for free!

UK 13–18-year-old student programme: Cyber Discovery

USA 13–18 year-old girls student programme: Girls Go CyberStart

USA 18–year-old and above college student programme: Cyber FastTrack



CyberStart Family

CyberStart is a collection of tools that will introduce you to the cyber security industry and accelerate your entry into the profession! 💻