Securitizing Your Crypto Assets: Explained Using Crypto Kitties

Dan Permyakov
3 min readDec 17, 2017


If you’ve been following recent news, you already know about Crypto Kitties:
the digital pet that’s also a cryptoasset. With some of these Crypto Kitties
being sold for $100,000+, it’s clear these crypto assets can have immense value.

On this page, we’ll explain how you can protect your own crypto assets — whether Bitcoin, Crypto Kitty or something else — through securitization.

Pass Your Crypto Kitty to Other People

When you make or buy a new crypto kitty, it’s attached to a personal Ethereum wallet. The same applies for any other crypto asset; when initially bought or mined, it’s stored in a digital wallet. The problem is, if you lose access to your digital wallet, you can’t get it back! This means that getting hacked, losing a device or forgetting your passcode means losing your kitty forever.

Securitization — the process of turning your crypto kitty into a financial instrument — can’t be done. A cat is not a regular asset, its digital. Just like a house, it’s simply an asset, but it doesn’t have a title, which prevents it from being a security. Since your virtual pet can end up valued at 6 or more figures, it’s worth thinking about how to protect it.

Give your Crypto Kitty a Pet Passport

Securitizing your crypto kitty is like having a pet passport for a real-life cat or dog. It shows where your kitty comes from, and verifies that it has been cleared for purchase, sale, etc. It also shows whom the kitty legally belongs to (which can be different from the person holding it at the moment).

In other words, securitization turns your kitty into more than a fun virtual pet. With titled claims, it becomes a true asset that can’t be faked, hacked or otherwise abused.

Even if someone does manage to take what’s yours, you can always take your titled claim to court and get your stuff back!

Kitty Storage & Care

You wouldn’t leave something valuable — like an exotic pet or a gold bracelet — when you go on vacation. So why do the same for a crypto kitty that can end up being worth hundreds or thousands of dollars? Exactly — no reason at all.

This is why securitization is so great. Once you securitize your kitty, you can put it into a vault; a home safe; really any safe place where nobody else can have access to it. Since we’re talking about a crypto kitty — the kind that other people may want to steal or harm — this is important.

This is a satirical work explaining crypto securitization with CryptoKitties as an example. However, securitization really can do all the above for your crypto money (and other digital assets).

To learn more about how our company, CyberTrust, is producing the most effective crypto securities in the world, visit our information page.

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