CyberVein Weekly Report

Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2020

13/07/2020 — 19/07/2020

Technical Progress Summary

  1. The product demo of Cybervein Database Middleware in medical ecosystem has been completed partially. IOS app is accomplished and tested; Android app and backend console are still in progress.
  2. The smart contract for storage of database status in Cybervein main chain is promoted to test phase.
  3. Integration plan of Cybervein main chain and Cybervein cloud GPU is under discussion.

Community Performance Summary


The Twitter event for CyberVein Bangladesh and CyberVein Pakistan has concluded on 15/07/2020, with a total reward of 13125 CVTs distributed.

Our AMA in Korea has concluded successfully on 17/07/2020.

More events are on the way, stay tuned!




CyberVein reinvents decentralized databases and the way we secure and monetize information.