CyberVein Weekly Report

Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2020


Technical Progress Summary

  1. Discovered and fixed a functional bug in Cybervein Database Middleware. User’s votes for validator nodes cannot be accumulated in the consensus progress so that validators set cannot be updated after the progress.
  2. Cybervein Database Middleware passed the tests in docker environment. Now multiple Cybervein Database Middleware instances can be deployed through docker in a single server for test purpose.
  3. API documentations and user manual for Cybervein Database Middleware are still in completion progress.

Community Performance Summary


We have two new Telegram Communities set up!

You are welcomed to join our CyberVein Japan Community and CyberVein Thailand Community!

Our Co-founder, Jerry Ning, will be joining the Russia Digital Summit 2020 on 6th July, come and join us in this event!

Stay tuned! As there will be more events coming up!




CyberVein reinvents decentralized databases and the way we secure and monetize information.