2000 participants. A few quests. Limited Loot Boxes with unique Void Chase. Sounds like…

Published in
4 min readDec 9, 2021


CyberVoid NFT Pre-Sale Announcement

While all the world is striving to achieve mass adoption, CyberVoid team is setting strict limits.

Only 2000 NFT freaks will get a chance to get whitelisted and take part in CyberVoid NFT Pre-Sale

No more, no less. Two thousand and that’s it.

“Why in the world should I participate in NFT Pre-Sale?”

CyberVoid NFT Pre-Sale won’t open you the whole world, but you will get the chance to :

  • Get a limited collection of legendary Void heroes
  • Get 50% disc for Limited Void Collection
  • Chance to become a Beta Tester and receive a special achievement in the CyberVoid game — “Void Lord”, that will give you higher rewards from P2E activities, like gamified yield farming
  • Receive Free Body Parts Loot Boxes during the second NFT Sale
  • AND! 10 first users who will solve the quest will get Void Loot Box for free!

Sounds good? And just take a look at our NFTs! Do you want to own one and enter the game with the Legendary Hero?

”How can I become one of the 2000 and take part in NFT Pre-Sale?”

The way to the CyberVoidNFT Pre-Sale runs through the…quests.

Yep, the quests. Sounds like making a cup of tea? Not sure about that… The whole CyberVoid team was involved in the creation of these quests. Just imagine that. The entire team of marketers, developers, designers, and storytellers came together to come up with two quests.

We don’t pretend to create “The 140-Year-Old riddle that’s never been solved”, but we are putting a lot of resources in order to let you feel the taste of the CyberVoid game even before the beta version is released.

Let’s make it more clear.

Your Quest Guide:

  1. All the quests you are trying to solve the real difficulties our protagonist Serathen faces on his way to meeting the Void
  2. You can find all the quests by visiting “CyberVoid Heroes diary” the content of which is broadcast on a Heroes Twitter page
  3. All the hints can be found at the Discord channel only*
  4. When the first CyberVoider will solve the quests, the countdown will begin. You will have 48 hours to solve the quest and receive a special NFT — Void Crystal — that allows you to enter the NFT Pre-Sale.

~10 first users who will mint it and send the evidence to @cybervoid_seratthen in Telegram will get Void Loot Box for free! ~

5. It will be a bit hard to understand what the hell is going on without diving into the CyberVoid LORE. Get acquainted with Serathen more closely by reading stories in Medium and Heroes Twitter

The Quest №0 is ongoing. During the first iteration, the community had to retweet the tweet 100 times in order to help Serathen pass the recording to the Fokannon.

@Axel_bitblaze69 was the first who figured out what to do

And surprisingly, we gathered 1,100 retweets instead of 100. Just imagine what will happen during the NFT Pre-Sale? :)

How to solve the quests faster than others and receive legendary Void NFT Hero for Free?

Easier than you might think…

1. Join our Discord ->

2. Invite 5 friends ->

3. Win @TribalVoid role and access the limited chat with quests hints

4. Get Whitelisted and get a chance to Win Legendary Void Hero! 🔥

What is @TribalVoid? You will enter the room with a constant LootBoxes Giveaways (every 3 days), hints to the quests and cozy conversations with real gamers. Not sure that you are ready to miss all this and stay out of the CyberVoid world.

And not to forget! Only those who will solve the quest can get Whitelisted and enter NFT Pre-Sale with limited Void Heroes. Only 2000 places❗️

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“Come on, guys, why so? You are killing your own profit by putting such limitations”

Minute of philosophy. It is difficult to deny the fact that the NFT market is oversaturated with NFT projects. $12 486 882 814,71 was already spent on NFT sales just during one month

And when the oversaturation happens, the only way to “stay afloat” is to build “separate empires” that will be united by certain characteristics. Cause who knows what would have happened with the world if countries had not appeared there.

Announcements and giveaways: https://twitter.com/CyberVoid_NFT

CyberVoid story and Quests: https://twitter.com/CyberVoidHeroes

Medium: https://medium.com/cybervoidnft

Telegram: https://t.me/CyberVoid_NFT

Telegram Chat: https://t.me/CyberVoidNFTChat

