The DO’s & DON’Ts of Human Enhancement entrepreneurship

Building the right fundaments is what matters when you start a journey

Liviu Babitz
3 min readMay 25, 2021


CyborgNest picture with a person jumping into a lake with arms spread wide. With CyborgNest logo over the picture

Have you ever thought of being a part of what will soon be the biggest market in the world — Human Enhancement? Here are some of our recommendations for what you should do when creating the technology, and things that you should preferably avoid:

1. Do not possess people’s data — and don’t try to find ways around it, people won’t buy it. In the last decade, the data we produce when using technologies (and merely existing in the world) has become a huge topic for trade, controversy and frustration. However, today, it is clear — the data belongs to the one who generates the data, the end user. There is no way around it and this should be the starting point for designing connected technologies. Yes, companies will still need access to some of this data for many purposes, but when the conversation starts from a place where the people own their own data, and will be the ones who benefit if someone wants to buy it, this is a place where we will already live in a much better world.

2. Be transparent on what the device does. We recently posted a blog on why saying ‘We don’t know’ is so important, because you might not know, but at least you know that you do not know. When we released the NorthSense we released it without many explanations because we didn’t have the knowledge at that time. But now that we have learned through actual experience, we are taking it to the next level.

3. Design with what the present offers, thinking of the future. In our field, everybody is so intrigued to know if our future will come with many implants and how they will look. So are we, but we are not yet there. We tried to push in that direction with the NorthSense which had an invasive component, but quickly understood that it was too early. We learned that we should climb the steps one by one and not skip ahead of what we could safely and effectively do today. What we care about now is how the technology impacts the brain and the experience that is created through having new senses. If the time for implants comes or not, we will be there.

4. Human Enhancement is not Human Replacement. Anyone who tries to sell and presents it as a future where humans will disappear because we are ‘broken’ and need to be replaced by machines, is not only wrong, but building the wrong future. Try to avoid shocking messages to an attract audience, no one likes it when the media does it, so lets not do it as well.

Image looking down at two sets of feet with writing on the floor reading “passion led us here”

5. Lead by Example. Be the first to experience your creation - in your team, in front of your supporters and those against you. Learn your field not only theoretically, but by experiencing it. Be it. The rest will follow.

When? If you are into impact (as your website states) and want to influence the future of Human Enhancement beginning with its most basic, and therfore most important building blocks, now is the time.

Learn more about Human Enhancement in our blog here ->

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