ERP Implementation Checklist

Cybrosys Technologies
Published in
2 min readDec 6, 2019


ERP implementation is no less than a nightmare as there is always a tussle between getting the ERP implementation right or wrong. The businesses many counter with many ERP implementation challenges with respect to the selection, data quality, technical, managerial, say even the psychological aspects. Therefore it is greatly advised that you keep your ERP implementation in strict control, never proceed with unwanted undertakings. Also, it is advocated that the business go for certain checklists before starting the ERP implementation.

Remember a well-executed ERP implementation assuredly promises business efficiency and gives you unlimited business reaps. However, a wrong ERP implementation can be a spoiler spot bloating your company with only losses.

Today ERP has become an inevitable part of the business as it helps in streamlining the entire operations and ensuring productivity in large volumes. With automation of ERP, a large number of manual undertakings in the business have significantly gone down and there is increased collaboration and coordination among the business departments. The speedy and quick conduction of business tasks has narrowed down the administrative burdens of the business managers, helping them to focus more on their sales, marketing, and other strategic business developments. Thus, in short, ERP is a blessing to the business organizations to combat rising challenges, adhering to compliances and many like.

Checklists for ERP implementation

1. A strong team to execute an ERP implementation project.

2. Documentation of current business processes, common problems, and missed opportunities.

3. Defining the exact requirements and functionality needed in the application.

4. Specifying clearly the goals and objectives of ERP implementation.

5. Setting a proper timeline and budget.

6. Determining key performance indicators and desired results.

7. Making a blueprint of how a new framework will behave in various business departments.

8. Assurance of networking facilities and other hardware infrastructures.

10. Removing out-of-date information.

11. Placing new databases, mapping database fields among new and old.

12. Testing interfaces, functionality and reports with real-life scenarios and transaction data.

13. Developing a clear training program, thoroughly onboard the trainers and begin training users.

14. Maintaining proper and consistent communication with all throughout the ERP implementation process.

15. Assuring the participation of users and taking their feedback to make changes in the application.

16. Prioritize every business department and key operations.

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Cybrosys Technologies

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