A Detailed Illustration of CyClean’s Mining System

Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2018

CyClean’s mining structure is fairly easy to understand, as I like to view it as a three-part network of sending information back and forth. Here’s how it works.

The first layer is the product layer. We have CyClean’s indoor bike, outdoor bike, electric motorbike, wearable band, sunlight panel, and our electric vehicle, which is currently in the research stage. While we have this spectrum of products, each serving a different purpose, they are members of a common mining system. The products are the generators of the data that is transferred to CyClean’s server, which sits at the very top of our system.

The second layer is the wireless network. If our products function as producers of data, the network is the messenger. The data that is created by our products is delivered to our server via the wireless network.

Then we have CyClean’s mighty servers. The servers pay out the rewards according to values entered into the reward emission equation. They determine how much to pay and who to pay by matching user ID to product ID. This eliminates any concerns about double rewards or abuse of the system. You will always receive the amount that is owed to you.

Here’s a visual of our tracking system.

First, we have a CyClean product (it doesn’t have to be a motorbike) that is ready for public use. But the product must be slightly modified.

To make mining possible, we upgrade the product by slipping in a special chip that records activity, including distance travelled and watts produced. Once we have the chip in place, we are ready to go!

Connection with CyClean’s server is established, and now the mining begins.

The best part about CyClean’s mining is that it is easy for the average person to understand. I’m not the smartest guy in the world, so mining other cryptocurrencies was a difficult process to learn. Eventually, I gave up. However, CyClean simplifies the mining process by doing everything for you. Just rent or purchase a product, and then use it. That’s all we ask of you.

I hope our post today gives you an understanding of how mining works with CyClean. Check out our website for more information, and remember, our ICO is currently ongoing!

[ For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at cyclean.io ]

